《Inevitable》21 - F O R C E


As Easton made his way towards the room where Noelle's supposed 'parents' were. With each step he took, he got angrier and more relentless, hating the fact that somehow these strangers found out that Noelle is back.

Once he reached the small but clean and organised room, he saw Victor and Theo both standing by the door awkwardly while the strangers sat on the the large sofa with hopeful expressions on their faces.

Sh*t, they do look like Noelle, Axel said to Easton, and Easton agreed reluctantly.

The man had the same brownish, auburn hair as Noelle, and the woman had the same golden-brown eyes. But looks don't mean anything.

"Nice to meet you, King Easton", the man spoke once Easton came into sight.

"Names please", he said bluntly after taking a seat. He wasn't hear for a nice conversation.

"Oh, uh, Michael and this is my wife Iris", he continued shakily, seeing Easton's tensed muscles and scowl scared the couple.

"And start from the top, how you know Noelle is here, and how are you her 'parents'", he ordered and Michael nodded at Iris.

"I'm a witch from Araceli, there weren't many witches back in the day so I was seen as rare and special. My power was the ability to detect where lost things are, including people. After I married Michael, who is a human, and had Noelle, Araceli disowned me, since I was an embarrassment to the Kingdom. We fled, as they threatened to kill our baby, who they saw as an abomination, so we ran as fast as we could. We left her in the woods, since we knew she wouldn't be safe in our protection. My powers were stripped away from me and we've been searching for her ever since. After 20 years of searching, we were lost, so we took the risk in going back to Araceli. Long story short, I got my powers back and found out she was here", Iris explained the whole, lengthy situation, leaving out the part about the contract out, not wanting to anger the men in front of them.

Easton was shocked. Her story lined up exactly to how they found Noelle, but he was still wary.

"I want a DNA test taken. Now", was the only few words he spoke.


"Of course, my king", Theodore said as he lead the couple to the hospital rooms.

After everyone left the room, Easton was left behind, with only his flooding thoughts to accompany him. He rubbed his clean-shaven jaw in anxiousness. He wasn't threatened, nor scared of the two, but he was worried for his beloved. Worried that the word will somehow spread and cause her to be in danger. He sighed at the thought of her being unsafe, but he'll do anything in his power to keep her safe.

He stood up suddenly, knocking the chair he was previously sat on down.

He had someone else to visit.

He jogged down to the basement, on his way he smelt Noelle's intoxicating scent but since he didn't want her to see him in this state, he continued his track, and assumed she was just in the room nearby. The guards instantly allowed him in. He was met with the usual, dead bodies, blood and dirt. Robinson was on the ground sleeping, one of his arms shackled to the grimy wall.

"Wake up princess", Easton yelled sarcastically, causing Robinson to gasp in horror.

"Sorry did I startle you? Oh well", he started, Robinson glaring up at him. "I needed a punching bag, I had a stressful morning", he explained with a sinister smirk on his face, as he proceeded to beat Robinson to a pulp.

Every punch.

Every Kick.

Every push.

Every pull.

Was out of anger and frustration that had been building up. Easton was a man who lost his temper quickly, and hearing the sh*t that came out of that woman's mouth pissed him off.

He didn't want to believe it, but something in his mind was pushing him to believe it. He was confused, all he wanted was to have a peaceful, happy life with Noelle without anyone trying to ruin it, and the world couldn't let that happen.

Once he stopped, he breathed in and out several times, trying to calm himself down before having to meet back with Noelle. He didn't want her to see him in this state, it'll scare the living daylight out of her.

He looked down at Robinson, and to his blood-covered shirt. He rolled his eyes, before walking back out with a satisfied grin on his face. He walked back to his and Noelle's room, throwing his dirty clothes in the hamper, that Noelle couldn't even reach so she wouldn't see the blood and stepping into the shower once again.



After spending the last few hours with her parents, she found herself waiting until Easton would be back. She felt bad, since her parents wanted as much time with her as possible, but when anyone isn't with their mate, they feel restless, anxious and worried, and her parents knew the feeling all too well.

"He'll be back soon, Elle, don't be scared", Lilah soothed her nerves as she scratched the back of her ears.

What is he doing? Noelle asked Crimson.

I've been trying to ask Axel but he won't tell me, she answers, leaving Noelle is an even more confused state.

It got to the point where she got a little worried for him. She looked around the kitchen frantically, and despite her injuries, jumped off the wooden stool, landing painfully on the cold, marble floor. Nathaniel and Lilah stood up as soon as they heard the thud, sensing something was wrong, only to see their little pup running out of the kitchen.

They didn't want to force her to stay in one position, she would feel so trapped, but they also knew that Easton was working, and if he ordered for Noelle to be kept with them, it must've been something serious. So they walked out of the room quickly, and looked around for the fox on the loose.

Noelle followed Easton's scent, until it got very strong. It lead her to a certain room in the house. She saw Victor and Theodore standing near the door and two strangers sitting down. Weirdly, she felt a connection with them, but Easton's voice broke her out of her thoughts.

She knew eavesdropping was bad, but she heard her name a few times, so it had to have something to do with her.

Noelle could feel her heart racing rapidly, to the point where she felt like everyone could hear it. She was breathing unsteadily at the thought of these two being her parents. It scared her to the bone. What if they try to take me away? What if they hurt me? What if they hurt my family? She questioned in her mind.

She felt the want, no, the need to run into Easton's lap and stay there forever, since it was one of the very few places she felt safe, but she ran behind a fake plant once she saw Theo and Vic escorting the two out of the room.

She stayed hidden until she saw Easton walking out shortly after. She knew that he could smell her, but he just walked past, and that...

It made her feel unwanted.

After spending 10 years, living and being treated like she meant absolutely nothing, the things that seemed small to others, affected her greatly.

She followed him, trying to catch up with his pace, but of course, her legs were too weak and tiny to catch up. She saw him enter the basement, which confused her, but nevertheless, she followed him.

What shocked and confused her more was the sight of huge guards standing by the doorway of the basement, why would there be guards? The guards, who were looking upwards, didn't notice that Noelle had run after Easton just before the door could close. Noelle knew how to remain as silent as possible, it was one of the many things she learnt from being kidnapped.

But what she saw after that horrified her.

Dead bodies.

Shredded pieces of clothing.





It reminded her of the prison she was trapped inside.

Easton traps people in here, just like they trapped us? Noelle stuttered in disbelief, she never imagined Easton could resemble anything like her captures, but this, this was inhumane.

I don't know what to tell you, Elle. Maybe there's another side to the story, Crimson spoke to soften Noelle's nerves.

She didn't want to judge him, or anyone in the castle, based on this, but it was really hard.

All the trauma from those 10 awful years came rushing back, and all she could see was the small, dog like cell that she was forced to call home.

Just as she was getting her life back together, two strangers claim to be her parents, and she finds out that Easton holds people in a basement, just like the Alpha did to her. She felt tears fall down her cheeks, wetting her soft, auburn fur.

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