《Inevitable》20 - Y O U N G


The clock had just truck 10 in the morning as Michael and Iris made their way towards the gated region of the Kingdom. Guards surrounded the vast, modern building that towered over the couple. It was nothing like the castle back at Araceli. This one was beautiful. They found themselves wondering how their daughter, a fox, ended up living in the castle of the largest and most powerful Kingdom in all of Europe.

They reached the front gates, the guards staring at the two up and down suspiciously.

"We need to speak with Noelle Brie Winters", Iris spoke after a minute of silence.

The two guards looked at each other in shock. No one but the residents of the castle, also including maids, butlers and guards, knew about Noelle's reappearance. No body else is aware of this, so how did these strangers know?

"Who are you?", one asked gruffly, a scowl evident on his face.

"We're her biological parents, we'll even get a DNA test done so we can prove it", Michael revealed, trying to make the guards believe him.

Again, the guards shared a long look, as if they were silently having a conversation with their eyes. Iris played with her fingers as she anxiously looked up at them.

The other guards turned around, pulling out his phone from his pocket to call the king.

Meanwhile, Easton and Noelle were peacefully laying in bed together when the ring of a phone disturbed their slumber. Noelle jumped in shock at the loud sound, as too much noise always made her anxious. Easton groaned in annoyance, pulling the fox closer to him and answering the phone.

"This better be important", he spoke in a voice deeper than usual. It wasn't soft and gentle, the voice she was used to hearing. It kind of shocker her at first, but also made her heart flutter. She peeked her head out of his neck to see him, but he pushed her head back in it's original place gently, wanting her to go back to sleep since her sleep had already been ruined once by her nightmare.

"There's a couple here claiming to be Noelle's biological parents, what do we do?", the guard spoke quietly, causing Easton to sit up quickly, earning a squeal from Noelle who held onto his neck even tighter with her little paws. He whispered a low 'sorry' and held her even closer as he rested against the head board.


"Bring them inside, I'm feeling nice today. I want a DNA test done as soon as possible. Do not mention this to anyone. Once I get the results, I'll deal with them", he explained the plan and the guard answered with a 'yes king', and hung up the phone.

As soon as Easton put the phone down again, Noelle looked at him in the eye with a puzzled expression. He got her silent message and sighed.

"No need to worry your pretty little head", he spoke in his usual soft voice. She let out a whimper, not pleased with his answer.

"I'll tell you soon, okay doll? We need to visit the doctor today to get you checked", he spoke calmly, and she nodded her head obediently.

At the doctor's room:

Noelle has to get regular check ups at the doctor's to make sure her health is on track. For the last few days, I've been making sure my little fox eats, rests and I've been giving her the medication that the doctor gave to us. I've been following every rule to make sure she heals as quick as possible.

I'm dying to meet her in her human form. I don't know how much longer I can wait. I want to mark her so bad, knowing that if I marked her, healing would have been so much easier.

Don't get me wrong, I love her fox form, that's Axels' other half at the end of the day, but I want my other half. Until then, I will protect, love and care for this little creature that I have to pleasure of calling my beloved.

We arrived at the doctor's room, and Noelle immediately tensed up. I remember her telling me she had a fear of doctor's and hospitals when we were younger.


Easton was busy doing his homework in his room one evening, until he heard the sounds of sniffles coming from outside his room.

Noelle was standing behind his door, crying. She didn't want to interrupt him, but she really wanted her Easty.

"Elle?", he called out, as if he could sense it was her. Her head whipped up, and she opened the door, and walked towards Easton with tears in her eyes. He hugged her tightly as soon as she was close to him, cheering her up almost instantly.

"What's the matter?", he asked softly.

"P-papa said I n-need to go to t-the hospital t-to get my injections", she whispered quietly, distressed at the thought. Easton chuckled slightly at her words.


"Are you scared?", he asked, looking at her in the eyes and wiping her tears away.

"Y-yes, and I-I tried talking papa out o-of it, but he says it's for m-my well-being.... whatever that means", she explained and he chuckled even more at her confused state.

"You don't need to be scared, Elle. Remember what I told you?".

"That I-I'm a warrior", she answered.

"Exactly. You're the strongest girl I know, and you have superpowers. Nothing can hurt you. You're a big girl, aren't you?", he encouraged her.

"C-can you come with me, Easty? I'll feel better with you there", she asked while staring into his grey orbs. He smiled at her.

"Of course", he reassured her and she smiled widely, her mood instantly brightened.

Back to present:

I guess she still hasn't gotten over her fear, but like she said, 'I'll feel better with you there'.

I'll never leave her side again, not after I made that mistake once. You can call me overprotective, or controlling, but she needs to be with me 24/7. No one can keep her safe like I can,

It happened once, it's not happening again.

"Nice to see you again, my queen. I'm just going to a full body examination to see how you're doing", the doctor said once I placed her on the bed. She whimpered once I let go of her, and my heart broke at each distressed sound she made, but I also couldn't help but feel happy that she relies on me to feel safe.

It makes me feel loved, wanted, needed.

And I never want that feeling to go away.

"Don't worry, love. I'm right here", I reassured her, holding onto her small paws as the doctor checked over her. She would flinch each time he touched her body, especially in the scarred areas, and I couldn't help but get angry at this man.

"You're hurting her", I spoke calmly, hiding my frustration, not wanting Noelle to see my bad side.

"I apologise, my king, it'll be over soon", he stuttered out nervously. I don't blame him, everyone but my family and Noelle should be afraid of me.

My mind went to her 'biological parents'. Ha, you want me to believe that?

It's probably a couple from another Kingdom who heard about her powers and somehow found out that she's back, and are now claiming to be her parents to take advantage of her rarity.

She's mine.

And she's not going anywhere, not without me.

Wherever I go, Noelle comes with me.

"Her health has improved a lot. You're doing a great job at keeping her in good health. Her scars aren't fully gone yet, but she could shift back in a matter of days", the doctor explains and Noelle's eyes light up in happiness, as if she forgot all about her fear and pain.

I was ecstatic, knowing that I'm the reason she's not healthy and happy sends me over the moon. I smiled down at her and picked her, holding her close to my chest as she nuzzled her nose into my neck. She let out little barks of happiness as I chuckled at her. The doctor looked at us, confused and shock, he clearly isn't used to me being this happy. I gave him a look which said 'leave now please', and he obeyed.

"Did you hear that Easton? I can finally see you soon", Noelle spoke in her mind, cheering.

"I'll finally be able to see you, my love", he said coincidentally.

I'm glad you'll be able to take control again, being a fox is tiring you know. There's only so much rubs and scratches I can take, Crimson said, referring to the constant awing and head scratches that she gets.

Noelle giggled at her words.

"Now, I'm going to leave you with your parents, because I have some things to take care of, but I'll be back quick, okay doll?", he told her and she nodded, excited to see her mama and papa again.

He hated that he had to leave her, but she'll be back in his arms soon.

He sighed and carried her to her parents room, to find Nate and Lilah still sleeping. The both laughed quietly. Noelle barked, causing the two to wake up. Nathaniel groaned in annoyance, but once he saw Noelle, his attitude flew out of the window.

She jumped out of Easton's arms and into their bed, Nate instantly sandwiching her in between himself and Lilah.

"I miss you, pup", he spoke quietly while Lilah scratched her head.

"I have some sh*t to do, I'll be back. Make sure to give her food!", he ordered, but the couple were to invested with their daughter to listen to him. He rolled his eyes and walked out, not before giving Noelle one last glance to make sure she was fine. He chose not to tell the couple what was happening, as Nate and Lilah would definitely freak out.

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