《Inevitable》16 - N E W S


Dragging their tired legs across the never-ending hills, Michael and Iris were determined not to give up. Sure, they've been walking for hours, but with their daughter in mind, they continued. They could see the gates of the Kingdom's castle, and the civilians going about their day, oblivious to what is about to happen. All were way too busy to even notice that there was a human roaming around them.

Finally they reached the guarded castle. The guards standing at the front, all dressed from head to toe in black, with their arms crossed and faces tensed. Iris took a deep breathe in.

"What are you doing back here?", one asked with an angered tone. They were able to recognise the two from anywhere.

"We need to talk to Queen Cecelia", Iris spoke with confidence, not allowing them to tear her down.

"What gives you that right, peasant?", another asked sarcastically.

"May you ask her, tell her it's extremely important", Iris asked in a pleading tone. One guard sighed in frustration, and brought this device that was wrapped around his ear near his mouth, whispering a couple words.

After a few minutes of awkwardly waiting, his eyes finally met theirs.

"You're lucky she's feeling very generous today, go in", he muttered irritably, unlocking the gates for them. They both sighed in relief, and followed the marble trail which led them inside the vast, beautiful castle. Inside, a butler awaited them, leading them to the throne room, where the queen and her family were seated.

Iris was shocked at how different she looked. Her hair, white and short. Frail, pale and wrinkly skin. But that scowl never faded, it's like she always carried it with her. She sees three young adults, who Michael and Iris assumed were her children. One boy and two girls, good looking young men and women.

"I would say it's a pleasure, but I'm not happy about this at all", The queen spoke with such authority, it would scare a regular person, but the couple have known this woman for years, she doesn't scare them.


"We aren't here for a fun time, Cecelia-",

"It's Queen Cecelia to you", she interrupted Michael as he spoke, earning glares from the two of them.

"I need my powers back", Iris revealed their reason for coming.

"Why should I give it back to you? You betrayed us by wedding this human, you betrayed the witches, you betrayed Araceli, you betrayed your own family! How dare you ask for your powers back after everything you've done?", the queen spat out in anger.

"It's not my fault your conceited self refused to give him a chance! If the residents in this Kingdom actually got to know Michael, things would be very different now", Iris argued, causing Cecelia to scoff.

"A chance? Pathetic. Humans are the arch enemy, how could you forget that?"

"If they're the enemy why am I still here today? Surely he would've murdered me if they were the enemy. You say I betrayed you all, when it was this Kingdom who betrayed me first! I'm here to take back what is rightfully mine", Iris spoke with her head held high, like a true queen.

The children of the queen sat in silence, witnessing the commotion in confusion and surprise.

"Why do you want them back? After all this time, why now?", she quarrelled.

"Our daughter, she went missing 20 years ago. We've been searching for years but luck has never been on our side. We need Iris's powers to find her, she has the ability to find lost people", Michael explained.

"The abomination. How do you know she isn't dead?"

"Don't call her that! I may not have my powers but I won't hesitate to kill you in front of your own children", Iris threatened loudly. Cecelia raised an eyebrow at her words, wondering why she's so fearless, even though she has nothing to protect herself with.

"What's her name?" she asked quietly.

"Noelle Brie Winters", Michael answered.

Shock consumed her body entirely. Her eyes remained trained of the marble floor, and the wine glass in her hand fell to the ground dramatically. A maid instantly rushed to the queen's side to clean it up.


Even her young ones were beyond shocked, it was evident on their faces, but Michael and Iris couldn't understand why.

"Your daughter's the infamous fox", Cecelia spoke in disbelief. Michael and Iris gave each other a confused glance.

"Huh? Our daughter is a what?"

"You don't know?", the eldest daughter, Silvia, spoke.

"No I-, what's going on?", Iris demanded an answer. Suddenly, a wicked laugh erupted from the Queen.

"Oh this just get's even better! I'm assuming you didn't keep up with the news since you were too busy trying to find your daughter", the Queen smirked.

"No, we haven't. Why?", Michael asked worryingly.

"Your daughter is the most powerful being to ever exist! Let me give you a little history lesson. She was found in the forest by King Alexander of Highland. They raised her as their own, and found out that she was a fox. News spread quickly, and soon, all other Kingdom's found out. Because of this, she was kidnapped by God knows who, and they haven't found her since", the queen finished, leaving Iris in tears and Michael in utter shock.

"No, this can't be!", he argued.

"Oh but it can. You've been hiding all these years, with no access to the news, no wonder you had no clue of this."

"I demand my powers back!", Iris spoke through her tears.

"I'll give them to you-"

"Thank you so much!", Iris interrupted.

"-On one condition."

"What is it?", Michael asked desperately, willing to do anything to find his daughter.

"", she revealed, gaining a confused, yet satisfied expression from her 21 year old son, and looks of shock horror from the couple.

She knew exactly what she was doing.

Every Kingdom wanted Noelle for her powers, and what better way than for her to be married to Nicholas. It was the perfect plan.

Nicholas himself had no obligations. He's always heard that she was one of the most beautiful women you could ever lay your eyes upon, and her powers were a bonus.

"Please Cecelia, anything else", Iris tried to change her mind.

"It's that, or you don't get your powers back", the queen threatened.

The couple, desperate to see their daughter again had no other choice

Meanwhile, back at the Highland's, Easton and Noelle had just awoken from the most relaxing slumber they've both had in years. Easton woke up by Noelle licking his face. He chuckled when he saw how excited she was to start a new day.

"Morning, babydoll", he whispered in a voice deeper than usual.

Isn't that just the sexiest thing to hear in the morning? Crimson asked Noelle, causing her to blush.

No comment, she answered, completely flustered.

She let out a little bark as a response, earning a coo from Easton.

"Let's go get you some breakfast", he said but she shook her head. "-or we could just stay in bed a little longer", that made her smile.

Easton pulled body closer to his, her head resting on his chest as they basked in each other's embrace. His heart beat was making Noelle sleepy again.

"No no, don't sleep. We've got people to visit", he spoke softly. Her head shot up at his words. "Your parents, Theo, Vic, my parents, there's so many people that can't wait to see you", he told her rubbing her fur and she let out an excited bark. She stood up on her four legs, feeling a lot stronger than she did yesterday, but she definitely can't walk on her own yet.

"Now you wanna get up, huh? Come here", he gently lifted her up to his chest once again, taking her to the bathroom.

"Wait here my love, I need to shower", he said, placing her on a towel on the counter top. She nodded and rested her head on the soft towel, which wasn't as comfortable as Easton, but it will work for now.

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