《Inevitable》15 - B E G I N N I N G S


Getting used to her new lifestyle was hard for Noelle. She felt so happy, relaxed and safe, but strange at the same time. She's been living like an animal for the past 10 years, and now that she's being treated with love and care, it feels so new to her.

Eating normal food felt new. The only food she was ever given was bread, her teeth weren't even strong enough to fully bite into a piece of chicken, so it took her ages to finish one bite. Her small portions in the past made it harder for her to complete a meal. She couldn't stomach the sheer volume of food that Easton prepared for her, though she was immensely grateful for it. So she had only completed a quarter of her chicken, leaving the rest untouched.

With every bite she took, Easton watched. He noticed how difficult it was for her to eat, as well as how little she ate, and to say it broke his heart would be an understatement. The hate he held for Robinson grew, and he felt the urge to go and murder him in cold blood right that second, but he waited. Easton wanted Robinson to feel the pain the Noelle felt, even more than that.

The scumbag deserved it.

"Don't you want more, my love?", he asked tenderly once she laid her head on the kitchen counter tiredly. She shook her head, causing Easton to sigh, but he wasn't going to force her to eat more than she can. She will definitely be receiving the right nutrients to help her body grow, but for now, she needs a wash.

"Let's go give you a bath", he said, standing up to his full height and carefully picking Noelle up, knowing she still can't walk on her own yet, plus, he loved holding her in his arms, that way, he knew she was safe. She didn't mind it either, snuggling further into his chest, closing her eyes at the satisfaction.


Once they reached the bathroom, Easton placed her on the bathroom tiles, making sure his sweatshirt was underneath her, so she wouldn't feel cold. She tiredly nuzzled her head into the hood of the sweatshirt, hiding her face. She couldn't help it, it was so warm and she was exhausted. He turned on the bath tap, warm water running down and filled it up with bubbles.

"Don't sleep now, doll, just a few more minutes", he spoke softly, not wanting to scare her, and he cautiously placed her in the water. Her body relaxed as it came into contact with the water.

There's so many bubbles! Noelle squealed excitedly.

She hasn't had a bubble bath in years, since she was only ever allowed to shower in cold water. Robinson didn't want to waste water on what he called 'an abomination'. She missed the childlike feeling of playing with the bubbles, popping them and making funny hats on your head with it. Easton chuckled at how mesmerised she looked by the huge amount of bubbles as he carefully poured water on her body, scrubbing the dirt off, slowly, not wanting to hurt her.

"I remember how much you loved bubble baths", he broke the comfortable silence. She nodded frantically as he covered her fur in bubbles, so it looked like a coat. She smiled widely at Easton, using her weak paws to splash water in his face. He laughed at her playful behaviour. He didn't care if he was covered in water, she was beyond happy, and that's all that mattered to him.

They continued to play with the bubbles until 10 p.m.

"Come on, let's get you out my love", he announced her departure from the bath tub, causing her to whimper in sadness, not wanting to leave. He sighed at her action.

"It's bedtime though, I need you to rest, you were so tired a while ago, what happened?"


I'm not tired anymore, she answered cheekily.

Receiving no answer, he picked her up and placed her on the towel he prepared, drying her off. He kissing her face repeatedly, earning a laugh from her. Once she was dry, he brushed her fur and she became sleepy again, all this pampering was wearing her out. She yawned adorable, causing Easton to 'aw' at her cute state, picking her up and quickly walking back to his room.

It looked a lot different. It wasn't it's usual dark blue colour, and there weren't any toy cars and game consoles anymore. His room was painted black, his bed was black, his nightstands were black, everything was black, Easton thought it mirrored his emotions.

When Noelle was gone, he felt like a colourless rainbow.

It was still beautiful, but it wasn't the same.

"Our new room is under construction, for now, we'll sleep here", he said and she nodded tiredly, grateful for his thoughtfulness.

He put her under the soft covers, and he slipped under them after. She quickly cuddled close to Easton, her tiny body hiding in his chest. He laughed at how eager she was to cuddle, and he returned the sentiment, holding her as close as possible, kissing her fur softly.

"I love you so much, Noelle."

"I love you more", she spoke in her mind before drifting off to sleep.

That was the most comfortable night the both have had in a very long time, in each others arms.


"We've got no other choice, Michael", Iris breathed out in exhaustion.

"I know, but it's still extremely risky", he spoke warily.

"This is the last resort, if there was any other way I would take it in a heartbeat."

You may be wondering what they are talking about, let's take a walk.

After Iris was disowned by the members of Araceli, the queen chose to strip her away from her powers, leaving her with nothing to defend herself with. At the time, Iris couldn't care less. She loved Michael more than anything, and taking her powers away from her wouldn't affect Iris in the slightest.

However, her powers would be the most useful thing at the very moment.

Iris has the ability to find lost people, as well as many other things, but finding people was her speciality. Not only people, but objects too, which came in handy as a child.

Flashback: (Iris was a child)

"Mother, what is my power?", she asked after her mother finished explaining their species.

"You can detect where lost things are", her mother said, earning a confused look by Iris.

"That's not very powerful", she spoke sadly.

"Oh, you have many other abilities, my child, but this is a special power you possess that no one else has."

"So if I lost my dollies, would I be able to find them?"

"Of course, your mind will tell you where it is", her mother explained, exciting Iris.

Back to present:

Whenever someone lost something, be it a diamond ring, or a necklace, they would go to Iris.

But ever since her powers were stripped away from her, she was never able to detect a thing again. And at this moment, that's all they needed. They would've been able to find Noelle years ago if Iris still had her abilities.

So what are they doing now?

They're going back to where it all started.

They are willing to risk their lives for the sake of their long-lost daughter.

This could lead to death, especially for Iris. She was disowned, banished, humiliated for marrying a human, but she'd do it all over again.

They will fall to their knees, begging for her powers back, if they have to.

But one thing is for sure.

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