《Inevitable》9 - R E A C T I O N S


"Nate, we need you here as soon as possible, Easton's ran off into the forest and we can't find him", Alexander frantically spoke on the phone to his best friend.

"Already on my way, brother", he stated, hanging up the phone.

Alexander chose not to tell Nathaniel about what they had just found out, knowing that he's go absolutely ballistic.

It still hadn't sunk in yet.

She was right under their noses, yet they didn't manage to find her.

He had to remain strong for everyone else. He couldn't afford to break down like Easton did, not when she's still out there somewhere, vulnerable and alone.

The group had also alerted Xavier, and he is also on his way to Robinson's territory. Speaking of Robinson, he is currently unconscious in the basement due to Easton's assault on him, and they are planning on taking him somewhere.

"Get him in the car, we'll deal with him back at home. For now, go find Easton", Alexander ordered.

Theodore was at a loss for words. He couldn't believe that Noelle was kept as a captive in Robinson's pack. They should've known. He's been causing them trouble for over a decade, who else could it have been? Theo felt stupid, he let Noelle down. The girl, who he saw a little sister, and promised to always take care of, he let her down. He was on the verge of tears. Seeing the conditions of the cold, daunting basement, and knowing that was where she was hidden all these years, it made his heart ache in pain. He could only imagine what Easton must be feeling.

Victor felt the same. She saw him as an uncle, she'd nicknamed him Vicky, and although he hated that name, he would kill to hear it once again. He remembered how she'd always run up to him when Nathaniel put her in time out if she did something wrong, and wouldn't let her play with the others unless she learned her lesson. She would cry non-stop until she earned her parents forgiveness.



Victor was currently sat in living room by himself, scrolling through the channels until he found something that had interested him. His beloved, Willow, was currently patrolling territory borders, ensuring that no intruders enter their land, and his son was hanging out with Easton and Trevor.

He was pulled out of his trance when he heard the cries of a little girl. He head spun around, so fast it could have given him whiplash, and the sight made him frown.

Noelle, stood in the corner of the room, her kneed pressed up against her chest as she rocked back and forth, crying her eyes out. He stood up instantly, walking towards the small girl and kneeling down to her height.

"Brie? Why are you crying?", he asked worryingly, causing her to look up, her glassy, brown eyes meeting his dark blue ones.

"P-papa put me in timeout", she whispered, sniffling a little and wiping her tears away with the back of her hand. He sighed.

"What did you do?"

"I, you're gonna be mad at me", she mumbled and he chuckled to ease her nerves.

"No I won't, I promise", he reassured.

"I slapped Theo 'cuz he called me a bad word", she stated so quickly he almost missed it. Her words broke him out into a fit of laughter.

"Good job, Brie! I'm so proud of you", he awarded her, causing her to give him a look of confusion.


"If anyone says something bad about you, you hit them. Papa just doesn't like it when you're violent, but it's okay, no need to cry. Do you want to go hang out with the boys?", he asked, and she shook her head solemnly.

"Papa said I'm not allowed to", she explained.

"You can watch a movie with me, fu- forget about what your dad said", he stopped himself from cursing, knowing that she was too little and naive to understand what it meant, and because Lilah would have his head if she found out.


A huge smile appeared on her face, and she stood up immediately, hugging Victor's legs.

"Thank you Vicky!"

Back to present time:

"Dad! Hurry up, we need to go", his son's pained voice pulled him out of the memory. His eyes held tears in them, but he pushed it away, putting his mind back to work.


"", Easton whispered breathlessly, shock running through his veins.

Never in a million years would he have thought that this was what he'd see once they reunite.

Her body, broken and battered, blood and scars painting her beautiful auburn fur, and her soul fading away.

He instantly pulled her into his lap, holding the fox closely to his chest. Sparks tainted his body all around, as if he got struck by lightning. The feeling of his beloved in his arms was a feeling he thought he'd never experience again. If only she looking up at him with her gorgeous brown eyes and that sweet smile that brought him to his knees. She whimpered continuously, her eyes shut and nose twitching due to the cold air. Easton ripped his jacket off, wrapping it around her small, frail form carefully, embedding her in his warmth and scent.

"Please be okay, I just found you, you can't leave me", he whispered through his cracked voice, resting his head on her stomach, trying to get a whiff of her scent that brought him so much peace, but it was fading away, and her life was going with it.

"Easton!", he heard his best friends voice in the distance, but he only cared about the small fox lying on his lap lifelessly.

"Easton, we've been looking-", his words were cut short when he noticed what Easton was holding. Theo too fell on his knees, the sheer volume of blood surrounding him and bruises that were covering her skin was enough to break his heart.

Easton wanted to hear her voice in his head, telling him that she was okay, but their souls have yet to be connected, they need to mark each other.

"Go get the car, we need to take her to the hospital", he attempted to say in a stern voice, but the pain was evident.

Victor noticed everything that had just happened, and instantly ran back to get the car.

"Sorellina", Theo whispered, tears running down his face.

He had never seen Easton look so damaged in all his life. He had never felt more damaged in all his life.

"We failed her. I failed you, Elle, I'm so sorry! I'm so f*cking sorry", Easton cried into her fur, holding her as close as humanly possible. "Why did this have to happen to you? You don't deserve it one bit. If I could take your place I'd do it in a heart beat. My love, you are so strong, the strongest woman I've ever met, I'm not letting you die on me! You have to fight! Keep breathing for me, I'm going to help you."

Noelle could hear everything, yet her sight was overcome with darkness. She wanted to scream, she wanted to cry, she wanted to smile, she wanted to laugh, but her body wasn't in her control anymore. It was in the hands of somebody else.

Just his scent alone brought Noelle back to life. The smell of mahogany wood and mint, that was so distinct she could smell it a mile off. Crimson had never felt more at peace than she does now, it the hands of her beloved. She was aching to meet his beast, Axel, wanting nothing more than to connect their souls fully.

And Theodore, his broken voice made her cry in silent tears. She longed for his comfort, and his laugh that brought her so much joy.

"Get in!", the pair heard Victor yell and Easton wasted no time in carrying her limp body in his arms to the car, re-wrapping the jacket around her frame, not wanting the winter air to hit her body.

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