《Inevitable》8 - R E U N I O N


She ran.

Ran more than her little, glass-like legs could carry. Despite the fact that her body was painted in bruises and scars, and that her body felt as though it would shatter and collapse at any second, she refused to give up. Noelle was a fighter, and she would continue to fight until her last breathe. She was never going to allow her life to be taken away against her will, and now that she's found a way out, she will never go back. She may look small and defenceless, innocent and weak, but she is fearless. She had never felt more free, yet so trapped, in all her life. She could see the escape, but she could also see her death. She could hear the sound of growls from behind her, numerous wolves all running after her helpless self.

Hide behind that tree, I'll take over, Crimson ordered, and Noelle obliged.

She hid behind the large oak tree, and immediately shifted into her fox form. She hadn't shifted since the age of 16, so this was all new to her, but she wasn't going to stop. She found running on 4 legs a little strange and difficult.

The growls and grunts intensified, indicating that there were even more wolves following her.

There's too many, Crimson! Noelle cried.

I don't know if I can go for longer, Crimson grunted breathlessly, attempting to run even faster.

Use our powers! Noelle ordered.

Crimson tried.

She tried and tried again.

But she was too weak, too exhausted, too broken to use any of her gifted powers.

She felt her vision turn blurry, black dots appearing every few seconds.

Don't give up! We can't go back!

I, I can't-

That was the last thing Noelle heard, before she felt her fox collapse onto the floor, and she too blacked out with her.

Meanwhile, back at the 'alpha's' pack:

From the distance, the alpha and his closest men noticed a large black car approaching, meaning that the King has arrived. His palms grew sweaty and clammy, and his men also started feeling uneasy, but put on a brave front, not wanting to give anything away.


"I'll do all the talking, boys", the alpha stated, and the rest sighed in relief. "Go find that b*tch and keep her as far away from the pack house without going into someone else's territory", he ordered, his face paling as the car arrived near the front door.

They saw Count Alexander exit first, fixing his blazer. After him, Victor and his son Theodore. Then finally, King Easton. Alpha coughed nervously as the came face-to-face.

"King Easton, a pleasure to meet you", he choked out anxiously, to which a response wasn't given. Instead, Easton gave him a look of pure disgust and hatred. If looks could kill, the alpha would be 6 feet under the ground, beneath Easton's feet.

"", he finally acknowledged, walking past him and entering the house, followed by his father, Victor and Theodore. He saw the maids all scrambling to get their work down, but all had the decency and respect to bow to the King of all vampires. Alpha Robinson gulped as he walked a few steps behind him.

"Take me to every room in the house", he ordered.

Easton never asked, he told. He isn't one to boss around, or control, he always get's what he wants, and right now, he wanted to find his beloved, and like everything else, he was going to get it.

"I, uh, of course", Robinson mumbles, following the King's orders. Deep down, he felt embarrassed. Ashamed that a vampire was telling him what to do, but at this moment, his cover can be blown, and the last he wants, is for Easton to find out that Noelle has been kept here.

After about 30 minutes of searching the entire house, and not finding anything, Easton's blood began to boil. They had already searched every other pack house. He grew impatient, frustrated, dejected. He felt the urge to just sit at home and cry himself to death.

"We didn't see the basement", Victor grunted, causing Robinson's heart to drop.


"Oh, yes, uh, f-follow me", he slowly made his way to the basement, and by slowly, I mean really slowly.

He unlocked the door to the basement, the keys all rattling against each other and echoing the vacant and dark room.

It happened so fast.

One second, Robinson was opening the door.

And the next, he was pressed up against the wall by his collar.

By the hands of Easton Xander Mitchell.

His eyes red and bloody.

His fangs, pearly white, out and ready to kill

Black, inky veins appearing on his forearms and neck.

His muscles tensed, almost ripping the shirt he was wearing.

His breathing unsteady.

His face held an emotionless yet enraged expression.

"Tell me where she is!", he yelled into Robinson's face, practically spitting at him.

"I, w-who?"

"Don't f*cking act stupid with me! Tell me where my Noelle is?!",

The other three vampires surrounded Robinson, towering over him, all their eyes bloodshot

"S-she's not here! Why would she be here?", he played dumb.

Axel clawed his fingers into his neck, choking and suffocating him.

"Are you trying to fool me, dog?! I'm not another stupid wolf you can manipulate! I won't say it again!"

"Axel stop! You're going to kill him!", he heard his father's voice order, but at this point, he didn't two f*cks.

All he saw was a tiny animal-like cell, ripped pieces of clothing, blood, so much blood, and dirt covering the floor, and the faint scent of his Noelle lingering around the room. That was enough for him to know that she was once here.

"Axel, we'll never find her if you kill him", Victor stated, trying to calm down the beast.

Robinson's face was purple, his eyes rolling to the back of his head, saliva running down his chin.

Axel let him go, running out of the house, following Noelle's scent. It was so faint that he almost missed it, but he was determined to find her.

He followed the path which led him to a forest. It resembled the forest he found her in.

"Noelle! Noelle, where are you?! It's me, Easton!", he yelled distressingly as he ran around the forest in a desperate need to find his beloved.

"Come to me, my love! Please!"

He fell down to his knees, bringing his hands up to his dark, black locks, pulling it in frustration and agony.

He failed her.

He failed to find her yet again.

He failed to save her.

He failed, and now she's dead.

He was so close, yet so f*cking far.

A stray tear fell down his face as his heart clenched at the thought of the pain she must've gone through.

No, she can't be dead! Axel refused to believe it. Why can't I smell her anymore? She couldn't have just disappeared!

A low whimper brought him out of his flooding thoughts. His head whipped around to the source of sound. He rose to his feet once again.

"Hello?", he said, waiting to here the sound yet again.

God, why the f*ck do I care? It's probably a rouge or something, he said to himself, but his heart ached at the sound.

Another whimper was heard, he couldn't see where or who it came from. The grass in this forest reached just below his knees.

A pile of orangish, red fur in the midst of the wet, green grass. He squinted his eyes to make out what it was, and when he inched closer, his heart stopped.

A fox covered in blood and scars, with fur that looked as though it hadn't been cut in years.

She whimpered yet again, and he felt as though his life had been restored.

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