《Inevitable》7 - D I S T A N C E


They say distance grows the heart fonder. In Noelle's and Easton's situation, it is no different.

They've been separated for over 10 years, and the love they share has grown each and every day. When someone you love is far from you, it makes you appreciate the little things in life.

Easton now knows to never take anything for granted, because like Noelle, it could be taken away from him in seconds.

It was morning in the Knight's residence, and the group of vampires and wolves were discussing plans for the day. They are planning on visiting every single pack surrounding the Silver Moon territory. A restless and anxious Easton was sat beside his father on the large office desk, his fists clenched and teeth grinding against each other. He's barely spoken a word since dawn.

"We'll split up, Xavier, Noah, Dean and Trevor go to the packs towards the west, Easton, Victor, Theodore and I will take the east", Alexander explains, the rest agreeing.

"Shall we bring weapons?", Noah asked.

"For precaution, yes. I want every single room in every pack checked. The attic, the basement, the garden, everywhere", Alexander adds.

"I want her back by the end of today", Easton orders under his breathe, his nails drawing blood against his cold palms. The rest nod, not wanting to poke the bear.

"Go", Alexander speaks, the wolves and Trevor get to work, leaving the office to grab weapons. The vampires use their speed to enter the car. Vampires all have their own type of power, so weapons would be unnecessary for them.

Alexander has the power of healing.

Victor has the ability to create ice.

Theodore has the ability to create wind storms, tornadoes if you will.

Trevor has the power of invisibility.

Easton has the elemental powers, fire, water, earth and air.

As for Noelle, you'll have to wait and see.

Although their powers seem unstoppable, not every vampire is well trained. They could misunderstand their powers, using it for the wrong reasons, and that could result is death.


Alexander sat in the drivers seat, Xavier had already given him directions to every pack on the east, as well as announcing his visit to every pack, so every alpha would be alerted.

On the other side of town:

"Alpha! King Easton of Highlands could be visiting our pack today", the right hand man spat out in worry, catching the attention of his alpha.

"What do you mean?", he asked in shock.

"Alpha Xavier announced a visit to each pack bordering Silver Moon, saying the King of Highland demanded an inspection", he explained, causing the alpha to stand up from his chair angrily, and push everything off his desk. The right hand man flinched.

"Hide the girl! She can not be anywhere in sight", he ordered with a pointed finger.


"Go figure something out you f*cking idiot! Must I do everything for you?", he growled in frustration, bringing his hands up to his grey hair. Terrified, the right hand man quickly put on his mask and made his way to the basement, where Noelle was kept.

She was awoken from her slumber by the sound of keys rattling against each other and heavy footsteps. Her eyes fluttered open as she saw the masked man approach her cell and frantically open it.

I already got my beating today, what do they want from me? She asked herself.

"Get out, mutt", the man ordered and she obeyed, knowing she'll get punished if she didn't. She crawled out weakly, her bones betraying her with each move she made. They felt as though they would snap at any second.

"We're moving you, get on your feet", he stated and her eyes grew wide.

Where are they taking me?

She silently stood up to her feet, her shaky legs wobbling like jelly since she hasn't stood in a while. Her clumsy self ended up tripping and falling on her bottom. The man frustratingly growled and pulled her arm up harshly, ignoring her low whimpers of pain. He pulled her out of the basement, up the stairs and out of the pack house, without being seen by any pack member.


She gasped once she saw light.

She hasn't seen the sun in 10 years.

The only peak she got was from the tiny window in the basement, that brought in the smallest amount of sunshine.

She had almost forgotten what it looked like.

She suddenly forgot about the agony she was feeling in her body, and she took a deep breathe in, inhaling the sweet scent of nature that brought her peace within. The trees, leaves, flowers, everything felt so new and foreign to Noelle.


"What are you doing, Elle?", Lilah asked once she saw her young daughter carefully inspecting the flowers in the garden. Noelle jumped at the sound, but calmed down once she saw her mother. She hid the bunch of flowers behind her back, not wanting her to see.

"Nothing mama", she answered, a bit too quickly. Lilah laughed to herself.

"What are you hiding?" she saw Noelle blush and look down in embarrassment. "You can tell me, I'll keep it a secret", Lilah reassured her, kneeling down to Noelle's height.

She brought her little hands in front of her, showcasing the roses, daisies and peonies she had picked out.

"Aww, they are beautiful! Who are they for?", Lilah asked while staring at the flowers and her daughter in awe.

"They're for Easty", she whispered shyly, causing her mother to giggle.

"He's going to love them, Elle. How about we put them in a small vase and surprise him", Lilah suggested and Noelle's eyes lit up in excitement and nodded frantically.

They both ran inside the house, hand-in-hand, Noelle's brownish-auburn hair dancing with the wind.

They quickly found an empty vase in the living area, which looked like it needed a little spark, something to make it look beautiful. Lilah placed it under the sink, filling a quarter of it with water and then carefully placed the flowers inside.

"Can I give it to him, mama?", Noelle asked excitedly, to which Lilah nodded with a smile on her face. She carefully placed the vase in Noelle's small hands. Once it was safely in her possession she walked to Easton's room. The door was slightly open, so she pushed it and saw Easton sitting at his desk, completing his homework. There was a bored and tired expression on his face, but it instantly faded when he saw his beloved standing in the room, and it was replaced by a happy grin.

"Easton! I have something for you", she squealed while holding the small vase behind her back. She walked up to Easton and placed the vase on his desk. He looked at her adoringly.

"Thank you Elle, they're beautiful!", he pulled her into a tight embrace. He wasn't the biggest fan of flowers, but anything from Noelle was special, and he was more the grateful. Although he never wanted anything from her, he loved her little surprises every now and then.

"I know you don't really like flowers, but one day, they'll disappear, I read it in a book", she explained, pulling her head out of his neck.

"I love them now, especially when they're from you."

Back to present time.

A small smile broke out on her face as the distant memory, but her thoughts were interrupted once she was shoved into a car.

From the outside, she could see two men talking to one another, both wearing masks. One was pacing back and forth in anticipation. She couldn't recognise who they were.

They looked busy.

Too busy.

This could be my chance, she spoke to herself.

Go, Noelle, we'll shift once we enter the forest!, she heard Crimson order, and whenever Crimson speaks, Noelle knows that she must listen.

Taking a deep breathe in, she opened the car door.

And she did not look back.

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