《Inevitable》6 - T H E O D O R E


As Easton's best friend, Theodore was beyond worried for him at this moment. He knows better than anyone how Easton feels. He's been there for him since day one, they're practically brothers, so he understands the way he feels.

Seeing Easton so distressed and vulnerable, yet so violent and frightening was a sickening sight. A sight he didn't want to see again. He was running around like a maniac, eyes blood shot and the black veins on his neck pulsing rapidly.

If any human were to see this, they'd pass out in fear.

Theodore used his speed to catch up to Easton, stopping him from running around aimlessly.

"Listen to me! You need to calm down-", he was interrupted by a growl emitting from Axel.

"Don't tell me to calm down! My beloved is hurt!", he argued, pulling Theodore by his collar and yelling in his face.

Alexander had to pull Axel away from Theo before he would do something he would later regret.

"I'm not letting you go anywhere until Easton takes control once again", he threatened, Axel immediately closing his eyes to calm himself down. He wasn't one to be told what to do, but when it comes to Noelle's safety, he's willing to listen. He takes a few deep breathes.

In and out

In and out

He opened his eyes once again, but now they are it's usual grey colour.

Easton is back.

He's greeted by the concerned looks of all the people he was previously having lunch with. His father has sadness and confusion in his eyes, scared for his son and daughter-in-law.

"Good. Now, tell me what you feel", Alexander calmly orders, not wanting to anger his son again. On the verge of transformation, Easton tries his best to keep Axel at bay.

"My heart hurts, it's this pain that I can't describe. Axel keeps growling in my mind, and telling me to go to her. Help me, dad, I don't know what to do", his voice cracked at the end, and at this point, he doesn't care if everyone is seeing him crying. He only cares about Noelle. He leaned his head on his fathers shoulders, as Alexander's arms instantly curl around his son's body, giving him that slight bit of comfort.

"Xavier, I want every pack surrounding your territory thoroughly checked, If Axel can sense Noelle here, he isn't wrong. I'm taking Easton inside", Alexander states, Easton's head popping up.

"What?! No! I'm going with him, I'm not going to rest if my Noelle is in pain, I can't do it!", he disobeys, pushing himself away from his father. Alexander sighs as the rest of the group step inside.


"Not now, Easton, you have to listen to me. We'll all go tomorrow, we can't go without a plan", Alexander explains and Easton growls lowly, hesitantly listening to his father's orders.

Although he is King, and can easily go against what his dad is saying, he knows that Alexander is always right.

The group all weekly reenter the house, all going into separate rooms.

A while later:

A knock on the door brought Easton out of his flooded thoughts, and he grunted a 'come in'. A worried Theodore entered the room.

"Talk to me", he ordered as he took a seat on the bed that Easton was lying on.

He wasn't going to ask 'are you okay?'. He knew Easton wasn't fine at all, asking if he was would just be pointless.

"I keep thinking of the worst scenarios. What if she's dead, Theodore? What will I do now? I can't live if she isn't alive. I can't eat if she isn't eating. I can't sleep if she isn't sleeping. I can't smile if she's not smiling. I can't do it", Easton explains in a low voice, loud enough for Theo to hear. He sighs deeply, emotions running through his mind.

Noelle was like a little sister to him, the person he could protect, comfort and love unconditionally in a sibling type of way. He is an only child, so she was the closest thing to a little sister. As she grew up, they became an inseparable group. Easton would always get jealous if Trevor or Theo spent time with her alone, and demand the he joined in. So when she got kidnapped, he was just as dejected as everybody else. However their journey together wasn't smooth-sailing, Theodore actually despised Noelle at first. He felt as though she was getting too much attention from everyone, and like every other child, he was envious.

Flashback: Noelle is 6 and the boys are 9, they had just finished celebrating Theo's birthday.

"20, 19, 18..", they all heard Trevor chant out loud, indirectly telling them to go hide. Easton ran to the attic. He knew Trevor was terrified of the attic, since he thought there was a creepy old man living in there, so he used it to his advantage. Theodore went and hid in the castle's vast pantry, it wasn't very creative, but he didn't have much time.

Noelle, on the other hand, couldn't think of a place to hide, so she followed Theodore into the kitchen. Just as he was about the close the pantry door, her small foot stopped him.


"Hey! Go hide somewhere else!", he whisper-yelled, not wanting the little girl next to him. Her face immediately dropped to a frown.

"B-but, I have nowhere else to go", she explained in a hushed voice, her eyes watering at his harsh tone. Noelle was always a little sensitive, but she's only 6, can you blame her?

"5, 4, 3..", they both heard, so Theodore quickly pulled her inside, closing the door behind them.

"Just this once, brat", he muttered in an irritated voice. However, oblivious to the word he just called her, she squealed quietly and clapped her little hands.

"Thanks Dory!", she celebrated while giving him a tight squeeze. He looked down at the small girl, a look of confusion and shock evident on his face. He wasn't a hugger. Not to mention he just called her a brat, why is she so happy about that? And what did she call me? He thought to himself.

She nicknamed him Dory, since everyone called him Theo, she thought she would use the last letters of his name instead. She liked being different.

"Okay, you can get off me now", he mumbles while pushing her away from him, not to hard. She gave him a toothy grin. "Never hug me again", he ordered, looking away from her.

"Why not? Easty likes it when I hug him, and so does Trev!", she stated in a louder voice, which was still very quiet since her voice is extremely soft. He rolled his eyes at her words.

"Well I'm not Easton or Trevor, am I?", he answered sarcastically.

"I mean, you kinda look like them. You have grey eyes like Easty, and brown hair like-",

"Gosh, do you ever shut up?!", he yelled loudly, pushing Noelle harshly, causing her bottom hit the ground and her back to collide with the shelves behind her. She let out a low whimper and brought her small hand to rub the side of her hips, and the other to wipe away her tears. Theodore's eyes widened once he saw tears and instantly regretted what he had done.

"Ha! Found you-", Trevor exclaims but stops once he sees Noelle crying on the floor. "Brie?", he called out worryingly, pushing Theo out of his way and kneeling to her height. He gently moved her hand out of her face to see her tear-filled eyes and red cheeks.

"What's wrong? What happened?", he questioned anxiously, but when he didn't receive an answer, he turned to Theodore angrily. "What did you do?", he asked crossly, as if he could tell it was because of Theo.

"I-, nothing, uh", he mumbled, not having an answer.

"He didn't do anything. I-I just tripped over my own feet, you know how clumsy I am", she let out a fake giggle at the end, hoping to rid the tension in the dimly lit room. Trevor looked at her, hesitant to believe her, but he shook his head and pulled her up to her feet. Her cries turned into sniffles as he took her hand and led her out of the room. From the corner of her eyes, she could see a regretful looking Theodore. He had never put his hands on her aggressively before, and she couldn't believe that he did. She thought they were friends, but she still didn't want him to get into trouble.

A while after the incident, Noelle was busy making Theo his birthday card, since she forgot to make it earlier. Although he hurt her, she still wanted to make him happy. As she was applying stickers onto the front, she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in", she chirped. She looked up to see a sad Theodore, so she instantly gasped and hid the card under her pillow, not wanting to ruin the surprise.

"Hi", she whispered shyly, playing with the bow on her pink dress.

"I'm sorry, Noelle, I didn't mean to hurt you", he started, walking closer towards the girl. "I just- I don't know. I'm sort of jealous of you, but I know that isn't an excuse. If I make you brownies will you forgive me?", he asked, knowing she adores brownies more than life. Her eyes lit up and she squealed.

"You don't have to, I already forgive you, but thank you Dory!", she was about to give him a big hug, but then remembered that he strictly told her to never hug him again, so she refrained. Upon noticing this, Theo frowned. He pulled her into a hug and she returned the embrace eagerly.

"I'm glad you forgive me, Easton threatened to never let me play on his Nintendo if you didn't forgive me", he mumbled into her shoulder, causing her to giggle.

Back to present:

He never would've guessed that she would be taken 4 years from then. His eyes started to water at the memory.

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