《Inevitable》5 - A L E X A N D E R


Inside the white Range Rover sat an anxious Nathaniel. Don't be mistaken, he's definitely attended balls like these in the past, but has never enjoyed it. It's always full of superficial people who only care about their appearance, they probably don't donate any of their money to charity, and if they do, it's most likely a small amount.

Count Vladimir is one of the many counts living in Europe. He's a good friend of Alexander, they go way back, but haven't seen each other in years. He's got a huge abundance of land and soldiers, which will benefit the kingdom of Highlands greatly. Not to mention, there will be a war happening soon, so Highland will take any allies that they can get.

"We've arrived, Sir Spade", the driver announces and Nathaniel mutters a small 'thank you'. Existing the car, he fixes his suit jacket and straightening it out. His bodyguards surround him, dressed in all black, as they make their way inside.

They're greeted with the loud sound of music, as well as men and women all making conversation with one another. Some are seated, some are standing. The food and drinks table is surrounded by children, who look to be drinking soda and scoffing down cookies. Nathaniel frowns at the sight, his little Noelle instantly coming to mind. He remembered how she'd always be the last to pick up a tray of food, wanting everyone else to have their desired amount first. She would stand at the back of the line, patiently, with a cute smile stuck of her face. His heart lurches at the memory, feeling tears prickling in the corner of his eyes, but he pushes them away when Vladimir enters his sight. His almost white hair and beard are easy to recognise.

"Ah, Nathaniel Spade, a pleasure as always", he introduces, holding an arm out for Nathaniel to shake, in which he hesitantly takes it.

"Vladimir, the pleasure is all mine", he responds with a slight smile.

"May I ask where Count Alexander, or the King are?", he asks while searching for them, his eyes wandering around the castle.

"They had some urgent matters to attend to, maybe next time", Nathaniel answers, already wanting to go home.

"That's a shame. Anyways, follow me, I believe we have important things to discuss", he says and Nathaniel nods, following Vladimir with his guards following close behind.

They enter a room, much quieter than the main hall, with only a few men inside. A red velvet couch takes up most of the room, and the black walls are covered in pieces of art work. There's a small bar in the corner of the room, and a bartender standing behind it.

"Would you like a drink?",

"No thank you."

He nods, ordering the bartender to make one whiskey for Vladimir. They both take a seat on the couch and the Count's drink is shortly served afterwards.

"So, our alliance", Vladimir begins, and Nathaniel braces himself for the hefty amount of information he's going to need to absorb. "Personally, I believe that with our abundance of land, and the Highland's unbeatable army, we'll be a force to be reckoned with. Our Kingdom of Argon have been experiencing shortages of food, with the winter approaching, we need to make sure our people are fed properly, which is why we'd think that your Kingdom would be great help. We could assist you during wars, with our high amount of soldiers you are bound to win each one. So, what do you suggest?", he finishes, and Nathaniel takes a deep breathe in.


"I agree with everything you've just said. We'll be happy to provide food for your kingdom as long as you are willing to help during an upcoming war", Nathaniel says and Vladimir gives him a strange look.

"An upcoming war?", he repeats.

"Robinson's causing problems again, he keeps entering our territory without permission, as if he's asking for a fight. One wrong move from him and Easton declares a war", Nathaniel answers, the Count giving him a shocked expression.

"Never liked that man, he's snake, not one to be trusted", Vladimir says, taking a sip from his drink. Nathaniel gives him a single nod. "So, are you agreeing to this alliance?", he asks.

"I'll have to go over this information with the king before we make any final decisions. I hope to work with you in the future", Nathaniel answers and Vladimir nods.

"Nice meeting with you", he says and Nathaniel leaves the room, giving the Count one final look.

Nathaniel tenses up once again when he is greeted with the huge mass of people. he makes his way, alongside his guards, out of the castle. But just as he was about to leave, a woman walks up to him.

"Sir Spade! Such a pleasure to meet you", she says in a high pitched voice. Nathaniel internally rolls his eyes. She wore very different attire compared to the other woman here. She was completely covered, head to toe, in black, indicating that she was a member of the paparazzi, always out to get pictures of the most high-classed Vampires. With Nathaniel being the closest companion to Count Alexander, he's always being questioned.

"It's is rumoured that the King is forming an alliance with Count Vladimir, is this true?", she asks, pulling out her notepad. Great, she's also a journalist, which means anything Nathaniel says will go in the news. You have to be careful with what you say, because one wrong word and you'll have people after you left, right and centre.

Nathaniel does the easiest thing he could possibly do.

Walk away.

He pushes past the crowd, ignoring her swarm of questions, but knowing the paparazzi, they never stop.

"Has your daughter, Noelle, been found yet?", that was the only question he paid attention to.

When Noelle was kidnapped, it became the most talked about thing in the media, and it still is to this day. Not a single newspaper was complete unless her name was mentioned, and that pissed Nathaniel off more than anything. Anyone who mentions his daughter will face his wrath.

Nathaniel pauses in his track, his guards also stopping and forming a circle around him. Knowing that if they don't, he'll do something he will regret.

"What did you just say?", he asks with gritted teeth, the woman's face immediately paling.

"I, uh, I'm sorry, Sir Spade, this is my job and-",

"I don't give a f*ck about you job! If my daughter's name comes out of yours, or anyone else's mouth, I will make their life a living hell", he warns, his fangs coming out to play and he can feel his vampire counterpart, Nixon, threatening to come out. He can't help it, it's not the easiest topic to talk about. The woman, shaking uncontrollable at the sight of his blood red eyes, walks away immediately. Nathaniel looks down to the ground, hoping not to attract more attention, but it was already too late. The hall had gone silent, everyone had seen the altercation and their were cameras everywhere. He groaned at the sight, and turned around the leave the castle, ignoring the looks of confusion on all of their faces. He instantly ordered the driver to take him back to his castle, and without another word, he was on his way.


Meanwhile, on the other side of town:

Easton, Alexander and a handful of their men and guards were all on their way to meet with the Knights. As mentioned before, the Silver Moon pack is the only wolf pack which the Highlands tolerate, and have an alliance with. They do come is handy at times of need.

Easton was at the front of the car, his father driving in a comfortable silence.

"You're all so boring", Theodore complains while seated in between Victor and Trevor, another one of Easton's close companions.

"What do you want us to do, gossip and paint each others nails?", Trevor asks sarcastically, causing the other three to chuckle. Theodore scowls at him.

"And this point, that would be more fun than sitting in silence", he argues and Easton rolls his eyes.

"You're 23, Theo, stop acting like a 10 year old", he says in a quiet voice.

"Alexander, drive quicker please, these 2 are bullying me. The knights are way nicer than you lot, you know what I might just do? I should join their pack-",

"We're here", Alexander interrupts and Theo celebrates, instantly pushing Victor out of the car and running towards the entrance of their vast home. Victor yells out a curse word at Theodore, but he's used to his common threats. Easton chuckles at his best friends behaviour and follows him close behind.

Alexander knocks a few times and within seconds, they're greeted with Olivia.

"Men, it's great to see you again", she greets softly and the group all smile down at her.

"You too, Olivia", Alexander says and she moves out of the way so they could enter.

"Theo! Easton! Trevor!", they all hear a loud excited voice yell and they instantly know who it is.


She jumps into Easton's arms, and he catches her with ease, chuckling at her high amounts of energy.

"Hi Mimi", he greets and she gives him a wide smile. "God, you've gotten so much bigger now", he adds.

"I know! I'm 9 years old, I'm a big girl", she exclaims and they all smile at her. She jumps down and hugs Trevor and Theodore's legs.

"Mila, get away from the boys", they hear a loud voice order and they all turn to see Xavier, playfully scowling at his daughter. She huffs and walks away from them all, and Xavier pats her head.

"Lovely to see you all again, it's been ages. The boys are in the dining room, follow us", he says and the men all follow him and Olivia.

In the dining room sat Dean, who's now 19, but still hasn't found his mate. Opposite him is Noah, who's 22, alongside his mate, Cyprus, who's 21. The couple now live on their own, but often visit the Knight's. They all know that she is a human, which confused them at first, but they've gotten used to it. They all great each other, all the guys shaking each others hands before they take their seats.

"So, tell us the problem", Xavier says, before taking a bite out of his food.

"Robinson. He's broken all territory rules, and we need to prepare in case of a war. We will not hesitate to start something if he crosses the line", Easton says, anger laced in his voice, but he tries his best to hide it. Mila is too busy eating her chicken nuggets and fries to even care about what the adults are talking about. Cyprus is shocked at the news, she had never met Vampires before, so she's feeling a little overwhelmed, but Noah takes her hand and reassures her that she's safe. Olivia is completely aware of what is happening, and plans on helping as much as she can. Dean, who is now old enough to held out during war times, is also planning on helping.

"F*ck-", Xavier tries to start but is interrupted with Olivia.

"Don't even think about it", she warns, not wanting her daughter to hear vulgar language, and he sighs, the other's chuckling.

"Sorry. We've had issues with him in the past, but he's kept a low profile for a while. Do you plan on visiting him?", Xavier asks.

"That's why we're here. I don't care if we're going unannounced, we're all going to his pack house, to have a little chat", Alexander states and Xavier nods.

"Isn't that too risky though?", Noah asks in concern.

"It will cause problems, but he needs to know that we aren't to be messed with", Victor answers, and the rest agree.

"Easton, why are your eyes red?", Mila asks and the whole table turn to see Easton's bloody eyes. Alexander's eyes widen and he tries to shake Easton out of his trance.

"I d-don't know", he mutters under his breathe, shaking his head vigorously. Cyprus gasps at the sight, not understand what is happening.

"Something bad is happening, I can feel it", Easton says, Axel completely taking over.

"What is it, son? Speak to me", Alexander tries to help his son.

"Noelle is close by", Trevor breaks the silence, and the whole table turn to face him, including Axel, who is ready to pounce at the man who just mentioned his beloved, but Alexander holds him down.

"When your beloved is getting hurt, your Vampire tries to take over. This hasn't happened before since Noelle was never close to us, but it looks like she is now", he explains, earning confused and shocked looks from the rest of the group. Easton stands up, his chair falling as he makes his way out of the room. He can hear the others calling his name but he ignores it.

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