《Inevitable》1 - P R O L O G U E


Name - Easton Xander Mitchell

Age - 23

Height - 6'5

Appearance - Black hair, grey eyes, muscular.

Vampire counterpart's name - Axel

Status - King

Beloved - Noelle Brie Winters

Kingdom - Kingdom of Highland


Name - Noelle Brie Winters

Age - 20

Height - 5'4

Appearance - Auburn hair, brown eyes, underweight.

Fox counterpart's name - Crimson

Status - Omega

Mate - Easton Xander Mitchell

Kingdom - Kingdom of Highland


It's been 10 years

10 years since he had last seen her.

10 long years since he had last held her.

10 dreadful years since he last kissed her goodnight.

10 empty years since he last seen her smile.

10 heartless years since he last heard her giggle.

10 years since she was cruelly taken,

His grip on the glass of whiskey tightens as the memories of her pure soul and beautiful face invade his mind. Easton feels the urge to smash it on the ground beneath him, just like how his heart was smashed to pieces the day she was taken. He wants the glass to feel the same pain he had felt, and still feels to this day.

"Want another glass, King?", the bartender behind the counter asks, fearing the King's response. Easton stares at him blankly.

"Scotch", he orders in a cold tone, and the bartender nods, obediently making his requested drink. From the corner of his eyes, he notices his second in command, Theodore, making his way towards him. He sighs when he sees Easton's state.

"Bro, how much have you had to drink?", he asks in a bored tone, he's gotten used to seeing Easton like this on the weekends. Easton gives him a cold glare.

"You are in no position to question me", he mutters while taking a sip of his drink, causing Theo to roll his eyes.

"You may be my King, but I'm your best friend, and I worry about you. What would think if she saw you like this?",

"Do not mention her", Easton says while clenching his fists tightly, to the point where his nails are puncturing his skin, drawing blood, but he doesn't give any attention to the pain. Nothing hurts him anymore. Theodore sighs.

"Let's get you home".

Let's go back a bit, shall we?

19 years ago:

"We can't leave her here!", the mother yells while holding onto her baby tightly. The couple hear the sound of growls increase, meaning they are getting closer. They run faster, hoping they'll lose the wolves.


"We have to! They'll kill her if we don't", the father argues, urging the mother to leave their precious daughter. They hide behind a tree, hoping the wolves won't see them.

"I'm so sorry, Elle, you deserve so much better", the mother cries while placing the basket which held her daughter on the wet grass. The sleeping baby, completely oblivious to what is happening snuggles into the soft pink blankets, earning a coo from her father. They both kneel down, stroking the baby's soft cheeks.

"We love you, Noelle, and we will come back for you.", her father says as she subconsciously clutches onto his index finger with her small hands, just like she always does.

With tears falling out of their eyes, they resist the urge to stay with her, standing up to their full height. Noelle whimpers when he father's finger is no longer within her loose hold, reaching to replace the comforting feeling. Her father's cries intensify when they notice this, but the sound of growls breaks them out of their trance. With one last glance, the run out of the woods.

Meanwhile, the castle guards have picked up the scent of a wolf pack roaming around in their woods. They instantly alert the second in command, Nathaniel, so that he could go report this to the King.

"King Alexander!", he bows in respect once he enters the office.

"What can I do for you, Nathaniel?", Alexander asked his companion. Before Nathaniel could mutter another word, Easton, the king's son enters the office.

"Dad! Something is wrong, I can tell", he warns. Although he is only 4, Easton has the brain of a mature adult. Maybe it's the royalty blood in him.

"Not now, buddy, there seems to be another problem", his father says, causing him to huff.

"There are wolves in the woods, they broke territory rules", Nathaniel says, causing Alexander's blood to boil.

"Let's go", the King orders, standing up instantly.

"Wait! Take me with you", Easton pleads.

"No, it's not safe, go find your mama and Theo", Alexander says in a calm voice, kneeling down to Easton's height.

"No! I'm going with you, whether you like it or not", the stubborn child says, causing Alexander to sigh in defeat.

"Come on then", he lifts up his son, holding onto him tightly, and secretly transforming to his vampire side. The child was too young to understand the difference between someone's human side and their vampire counterpart. Heck he didn't even know what vampire's were. But he did know that he was going to be king one day.


The king, his son and companion, alongside a couple other vampires are set to investigate what the castle guards had discovered. They all smelt the faint trace of wolves, but they can tell they are no longer in the woods.

"My King! Over here, look!", he hears his companion yell from another side of the woods, causing the King the walk towards him.

"Dad, take me to her, please!", Easton begs and Alexander looks at him strangely.

"Who? Are you imagining things again, Easton?", his father asks while walking but Easton sighs deeply, choosing not to respond. Instead, he looks around rapidly, as if he's searching for something. Alexander chooses to ignore what just happened.

After a couple more steps, the two hears wails and whimpers, causing Alexander to quicken his stride. When he reaches the source of sound, the sight before him shocks him.

His second in command standing beside a basket, and inside, a baby girl, wrapped up in a pink blanket. He's paralysed, mouth agape and feet stuck. Easton struggles against his father's hold, indicating that he wants to be put down, to which Alexander obliges, still in a trance. He transforms back into his human side.

Easton runs up to the basket, kneeling down, coming face-to-face with the small girl. He coos at how adorable she is. Pale milky, soft skin, chocolate brown eyes and the tiniest hands and nose he'd ever seen. She instantly stops crying when she notices the small boy in front of her, causing him to smile triumphantly.

"What are we going to do, Alexander?", Nathaniel asks, clearly emotional at the fact that there is an abandoned baby girl beside him. The king is pulled out of his trance, and he faces his best friend. For once, he doesn't know what to do.

"I-I, maybe her parents forgot her here by accident, they'll be back", Alexander says, hoping that his words are true.

"No, look at this", Nathaniel hands him the tag that was places inside the basket.

Noelle Brie Winters: 1 years old.

Please, whoever finds this, take care of our baby girl. She isn't safe with us anymore, and she will be killed under our protection. We're begging you! Keep our baby safe!

The note read. Alexander feels saddened by what he had just read. He looks down at the basket. His son looks so taken with her already, playing with her and cooing at each and every action she does. A small smile breaks out on his face. Nathaniel looks to be on the verge of tears. A few months ago, him and his beloved, Lilah, were expecting a baby girl of their own. They had been prepared for so long, buying baby toys, clothes and they even created a nursery for her. Unfortunately, the baby had died in the womb, leaving them heart broken. Looking at the baby in the basket, Nathaniel sees his dead daughter. Could this have been a gift from the higher powers above? He thought.

"Who will keep her?", Alexander asks.

"Lilah and I will. We have everything we need, I would be more than happy to raise her as my own", Nathaniel beams and the King smiles.

"You have a baby girl now, brother."

"Can we keep her?!", they hear Easton ask expectantly, causing them to smile widely at him.

Back at the castle:

Nathaniel had carried the basket all the way back to the castle, and now he's gone to go break the news to his wife. Alexander is busy planning a ceremony for the new addition to the Kingdom. Easton is now holding little Noelle in his arms as she sleeps peacefully.

"Dad?", he says while stroking Noelle's cheeks.

"Yeah, son?",

"Why can't we have her?", he asks sadly, wondering why Nathaniel has the pleasure to keep such a treasure. Alexander sighs.

"Remember how your aunt Lilah was pregnant", he starts, Easton nods. "And how the baby died", he nods again. "This is their new baby, their first one passed away, so they get a new one", Alexander explains, hoping his son will understand his simpler way of explaining. Easton looks down at her sadly, but is understanding of the situation.

"Can we at least visit her everyday?", he asks hopefully and Alexander nods with a smile on his face.

"Son, remember when I told you about Beloveds?",


"Well, Noelle is your beloved", Alexander says and Easton smiles brightly, as if he's seen a mythical creature, the ones you only see in movies.

"Really?! But how, I thought you find your beloved when you are 16?", Easton wonders.

"You found yours a bit earlier, son".

"So I get to keep Noelle forever?!", he says excitedly, but quietly, so he doesn't wake her up.

Back to present:

That was the biggest lie Easton had ever been told. When his father told him he would get to keep Noelle forever. He didn't. She was cruelly taken away from him, at just the age of 13.

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