

wow its been a while.

Firstly, I'd like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has supported this story. I've reached over a million reads, which is still mindblowing to me, and it couldn't have been possible without each and every one of you showing me endless amounts of love and support

I can't thank you all enough!!

I made this chapter because I see every single comment that y'all leave, and I don't have the time to answer them all separetly, so I finally decided to write a chapter addressing all the questions.


The process of writing Inevitable was very, very long, so when I was writing chaper 30 (for example) I didn't remember anything I wrote in chapter 20. So if the things I wrote didn't add up, it's because of this.

I've seen a lot of people saying that Easton and his friends all said he's had sex with multiple women and regretted it etc. I do not remember writting that. So when I wrote in the later chapters that this wasn't the case, it has obviously caused people to be confused, which I take full responsibility for.

I don't have the time, nor the energy, to unpublish this and fix all the mistakes and republish it.

Maybe some time in the future.

2) I didn't change the story line because of the hate.

A lot of people assumed that I changed it up because of the amount of hate Easton's character was getting, which is false. I had always intended for Easton to be a victim of r*pe, because I feel very strongely about this topic and I wanted to make it known to all my readers that anyone can be a victim, a male, female, even a fucking king of a Kingdom.


Like I said in my previous point, I didn't remember all the details, which probably lead to people making this assumption, but it isn't true.

3) Easton didn't know he was r*ped.

When under the influence, he was r*ped. He didn't even know that he was drugged, and he barely remembered the moments leading up to what had happened, so he and his inner beast, Axel, didn't know that they were sexually assaulted.

I hope that makes sense.

4) Easton was only 'with' one woman, Quin.

AGAIN, I don't remember writting that he had slept with multiple woman, but I intend for him to have only been with one person.

Okay? thanks.

5) If you have any further questions, PRIVATE MESSAGE ME.

If you comment a question, 99.9% I will not respond, so send me a message privately and I'll be sure to answer the message.


I love you all very much

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