《Kidnapped by Vampires》Chapter 28


Chapter 28

I wake sprawled across my king size bed. A little blanket hanging over my feet, while the rest of my body lay exposed to any visitors. Luckily I had none.

I looked up at the square ceiling to only see circles. My world was spinning, around and around. Darn you Michael. Darn you, and your aggressive nature.

What had happened was quite rusty in my memory, but one thing I can't forget is the fact that my own brother, my own blood, had betrayed me.

It was the saddest thing. Almost as sad as losing my parents. I was losing my brother too.

No, I correct myself. I have already lost my brother.

The man who stands in the body of my brother, is no one I have ever met before. It is a sad thing, that not many good things in life last a life time. All people change.

Suddenly the door swings open and in Aaron waltzes with a wide smile spread across his face. I quickly gathered up the blanket and wrapped it around me, whining in a great deal of pain.

"Ever heard of privacy?" I snap.

"Good Morning to you too." He chirped still smiling greater than ever, his dimples on show.

"What's gotten you in such a great mood?"

"Oh nothing much, it's a new day, new beginning. Why shouldn't I be happy?" He asked almost singing the words perfectly.

Then he passed me quite a large bottle of blood and I gulped it down in a rush, savouring the feeling of it running down my dry throat.

"Thanks, so what are the plans for today?"

"Well, I'm afraid you won't be going anywhere." He laughed looking at me, "Not in that state any way. When you are completely healed you can meet the king." I sighed. Crossing my fingers that I never heal.

"My brother?" I ask, hoping that he has left and I will never have to exchange eye contact with him again.

"He has been taken care of, by yours truly." He smiled showing all his teeth as they twinkled.

I sighed, hopefully nothing too drastic. I still had a heart.

I looked over at Aaron who was sitting by my window staring at me intently. He seemed curious.

"Katie, don't you ever wonder why you don't heal fast like normal vampires? Why you're not as strong as other vampires? Why you don't really crave blood as much as we all do? Why you still enjoy human food?" He stopped for a moment and glanced towards the window. "Don't you ever wonder?"


Aaron's interrogation had left me utterly speechless. Most of those things I had never thought of. Only in the occasional passing thought.

"No? Why? Is there something wrong with me?" I asked confused and suspicious. Is this why I am here?

He just laughed. "There is something wrong with all of us."

Then he stood up and made his way to the door. I went to speak but before I could even get one word out, he had disappeared through the door and closed it quickly behind him.

Why do people seem to always do that? They always get me all excited and then just leave as if I don't need answer. I feel like I'm reading a book and there is a cliff hanger but it's reality. Reality. Such a cruel thing sometimes.

A few days passed, nothing out of the ordinary really happened. I was just left in my room watching the occasional movie, courtesy of Aaron.

I always had enough blood and some company if it was needed.

If I was to be completely honest, Aaron and I had become quite good friends. It's surprising even for me. I guess I was lonely; I needed to make friends here even if I didn't want to. I guess that would be the difference between life or death. Well I thought that anyway. Whether it was true or not, I couldn't say.

He had taught me a great deal about this kingdom, a lot about his family, and also heaps about himself. Sadly, no hints as to why I may be here.

Let's just say that I have grown uncustomed to the long boring days and the continuous sorrow I carried with me. I was no longer worried. I knew very well, that Dan wasn't too far away.

Don't ask me how I knew, because I wouldn't be able to answer. We kind of had a bit of a connection, I just was able to sense him. Weird, I know.

"Good afternoon princess." I was brought out of my daze by Aaron who lazily plumped down next to me on the bed. He was busying himself in some paper work which he happily spread across my bed, leaving almost no room for me.

"Afternoon," I replied, my attention solely on his face. He was so beautiful.

I glanced down at all the paper work scatter everywhere. Nothing caught my attention, all boring stuff. I saw a book in the corner and I picked it up opening it to the first page. It was his diary.

Aaron was diligently occupied in his other work so I stood up and walked over to the window without grasping his attention. I read out loud.


"Dear Diary,

What a day! Father had not stopped ordering me around for the past few days.

He just didn't know when enough was enough. There are many other men in this castle that would be more than happy to help the man out.

On the other hand there was one job that I couldn't complain about. Watching Katie. Her beau..." Suddenly I was thrown to the ground before I had a chance to continue reading. Aaron had his arms wrapped around me as he roughly tickled me all in my most ticklish spots. He wouldn't stop.

"Stop," I giggled, gasping for air as he continued tickling as he reached for the diary that I was holding as far away as possible.

His brown soft wavy hair was falling in front of his eyes and onto my face and I was trying to blow it away as I was trying to control my laughter.

Obviously someone had figured out my weakness. I started punching him in the stomach, but he just laughed and looked down at me. What started as a tickle turned into a tackle/fight on the ground, as we rolled around on top of each other, playfully throwing small punches at each other.

I think he must have grasped onto the velvet red book that was rested in one of my hands because before I knew it, the book was being thrown over my head and I bowed my head in disappointment.

Aaron rolled off me and rested next to me on the ground. Both of us were breathing quite heavily trying to recover from our playfulness.

We laughed and giggled here and there, but mostly lied still buried in silence.

A little while later, Aaron looked over at me with a cheeky smirk plastered on his face and sternly announced, "Never read my diary again." Before whipping up and racing out the door with his book in record time.

I just laughed.

I returned to my plush bed and collected all the paperwork Aaron had smartly left scattered everywhere, and placed it in a neat pile on my desk. Don't worry, I read every piece in search of any clues, but nothing. Just water and electricity bills among other things. I guess royalty do live just like everyone else in some ways.

Without any warning, my door swung open and in walked a young man with a pile of books. He placed them on my bed and declared that, "these books are a gift from Prince Aaron," before leaving my room in a flash. I heard my door lock behind him.

I smiled at the books, thank you, 'Prince Aaron'.

Dan P.O.V

We had arrived at the white castle, much like I remembered it to be. We couldn't enter though. There was quite a strong force field surrounding the house. Xavier and I had been camped out just a while away from the entrance. We were hidden in the bush, it gave us a good insight into everyone who goes in and comes out.

I knew she was alive. Katie. My one and only. She really was perfect. The way her incredible blue eyes shimmered all day long, along with the way her auburn hair shined in the sun. She was my definition of perfect. I didn't want to be without her.

I could smell her. I could even sometimes hear her. Nothing that I could make out, it was very faint, but she sounded happy, so I was no longer worried.

Xavier had been sitting across from me against a tree on his phone for the past few hours. We were building an army. I on the other hand, had been sitting here keeping guard as well as planning out what would happen.

Abruptly, the two large castle doors, screeched open, and out walked Prince Aaron. Everyone knew Prince Aaron. He was arrogant, cruel and malicious. Someone I had never gotten along with.

He ruled the vampires, beside his father, the king. Everyone seemed to love him. Every women that's for sure.

As soon as he walked out of the building, I could smell Katie. Correction; I could smell Aaron, who was covered in Katies scent. I growled as my face screwed up in anger. I didn't know what to think, there were too many thoughts and feelings rushing through my head.

Had he taken advantage of her?

Had he hurt her?

But the worst thought of all was lodged at the back of his mind. Did she enjoy it?

I scrunched up my face as I realised what I was thinking. Katie loved me. She couldn't love anyone else? Could she?

Hatred was embedded in myself as I stared in pure disgust as the man who had been with Katie.

He was busying himself on the phone, pacing. I wanted to listen, yet the force field made that incredibly difficult. Not long after, he placed the phone smoothly into his back pocket and effortlessly strolled back into the palaces doors, no longer in sight.

I slumped down onto the ground feeling a pang of jealousy in the back of my heart. Yea, I was jealous and I wasn't afraid of admitting it.

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