《Kidnapped by Vampires》Chapter 27


Chapter 27

As we entered the massive ball room, I couldn't help but look up in awe at the chandelier glistening above. The whole room had been decorated the best it could be and I literally felt like I had fallen into a fairy tale.

Only this wasn't a fairy tale. It was as far from a fairy tale possible. This was it. Is reality what they call it?

Escaping from my thoughts, I clung onto Aarons arm for dear life as we walked through the crowds of people, I didn't dare take a glance at Michael, although I could feel his stare burning right through me.

As we made our way through the room, it was impossible not to noticed all the guests watching me. Some females were curtsying. Even some men bowing.

Only problem is, I am not royalty. Am I?

I smiled as I made my way through the crowd, slithering through the different gatherings, Aaron glued to my side. To be honest, I don't know why I have so much trust in Aaron. In some ways I feel like I have no choice, but then again I also feel as though even if I did have a choice I would still be standing by his side.

Although I hardly knew him, he was protective. Something I was missing and craving.

Dan was protective. But he wasn't here.

Aaron suddenly whipped me over to the side of the ballroom, where we could hardly be seen. Yet were able to see everywhere around us.

"The King would like to speak to you, he isn't here yet, so let us just stay put." He ushered into my ear placing a fragile glass of champagne into my right hand, running his fingers up my arm gently. I shivered, not noticeable, I hope.

"So, what is it he wants to speak to me about?" I asked trying to start a casual conversation. Socialness wasn't my strong suit, never had been. Awkwardness was.

He didn't reply yet, instead he let out a laugh and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Babe, if I could tell you, trust me, you would already know." He then mischievously winked at me before returning his attention to the party taking place around us.

"I think I already knew that," I giggled. I couldn't see how this night could get much worse so I may as well make the most of it and enjoy myself.

"I know you did, but you just can't help yourself. You ask to many questions." He smirked, his white beautiful teeth glistening.

"True, so, if you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here?"

"Do you have a bad memory?" He asked, expression still and unchanged.

"Why change the subject?" I asked fuming at his ignorance.

I hate it when people don't answer questions, but I hate it even more when they change the subject.


"Well, you already know why I'm here. I am the Prince after all. I don't have a choice about attendance to these events" He replied arrogantly, not even looking at me once. His attention seemed to be focused else-where.

"Oh sorry, I just forgot. No need to get your knickers in a knot." I laughed trying desperately to lighten the mood. No luck. He continued staring at the door as if he it was his mission to stare down the door.

I was getting bored and above all, agitated. If you are going to escort a girl to a dance, you could at least be tolerable.

I think it was about time I found someone else to interest me whilst I wait for the king to arrive. I slipped away from Aaron and began walking over to another group of people but I really didn't get too far.

Before I had even taken three steps, Aaron had grasped me around the waste and pulled me into him, back in the corner.

"Don't you dare to that." He growled into my ear. I think he was trying to scare me but that would be terribly difficult if he continued to be as handsome as he is and hold me this close. His hand was resting on the small of my bank as his breath tickled my neck.

"Katie, I know this is hard, but if you leave me at any moment, I won't be able to protect you. Not everyone in this hall is as nice as me. Trust me." He pulled me back an inch and glared into my eyes, all I could see was a pool of anger swimming around in his ocean blue eyes. They were still beautiful.

I was scared now. He was gripping my shoulder so tightly, I thought it was never going to stock. But soon enough he let me go and just kept a solid eye on me.

We stood in silence for a while, staring at each other, although it wasn't necessarily awkward. I think we passed that stage a while ago. Now I was just being held plain hostage. Not fun at all.

I just stood watching Aaron. Why not? I didn't have anything better to do.

He suddenly looked behind me and his expression turned from being blank so something different. I wasn't sure what it was. Fear maybe? Or what is anger?

I turned around so that I could see what had caught his attention and crashed into a mans body. I closed my eyes. I knew who it was, how could I not? Could I keep my eyes shut forever?

"Brother." I sighed and opened my eyes being faced with the one person I had really hoped I would never have to face again.

He didn't say anything. His face turned on its side and he just looked deep into my eyes, almost as if he was trying to understand me, or read my mind. I like to think I am a closed book to others.


It was creepy, none the less, I kept in mind that I was a vampire and that meant stronger than him. If he tried anything, this time I would be ready.

He still just stood there. Not saying a word. His eyes were talking though. They were saying all types of cruel and rude things.

I didn't like it. I didn't like the way he was looking at me. He was looking at me like I was food. I hated him. I really did, and I wouldn't let him ruin any more than he already has.

"Leave." I growled silently but sternly pointing towards the door. "Don't ever come near me again." I added just to make sure it was clear.

"If you really think I would do as you say then you really are stupid." He glowered over me, scowling under his breath.

Suddenly out of nowhere a familiar voice interrupted our bickering.

"Michael, if you knew what was good for you, you would back off and leave." Aaron's voice was like a symphony. It was smooth but stern, and the hint of a British accent just made him that little bit more exciting.

Ha. Good joke. News Flash, Michael doesn't listen to requests. He does what pleases him, not necessarily what is good for him. There is a big difference.

I was going to laugh at Aarons failed attempt to calm down the mood of the room, but unfortunately my brother bet me to it.

"No. This bitch is going to get what she deserves." He yelled at me throwing painful daggers right into my eyes.

I closed my eyes trying to take away the sorrow that was building up inside me. He looked too much like my father. To the point that I couldn't even look at him anymore.

Even so, I wouldn't let anyone speak to me or about me, like he had done so.

I didn't speak I just shoved him, thinking he would go flying as I am a vampire. Instead he stayed still and all of a sudden I was flying across the room and landing in a pile. I was hurting all over.

Clearly I wasn't the only vampire in the family.

"You are a vampire?" I whispered, knowing very well that he would be able to hear me.

He was over by me in vampire speed and didn't need to reply, I already knew the answer.

I looked over at Aaron pleading for help but he stood in the background held back by one of Michaels' friends I presume.

Michael's foot landed painfully in my gut and I screamed out in utter pain and terror. He didn't stop there.

I was being terrorised, victimised and hurt. I couldn't even move to protect myself. The blows were landing left right and centre. I thought I was going to be sick. By now I could feel the looks and whispers all around me.

I could smell my own blood leaking out of my body and running across the floor. Hell, I could even see it. My sight had been immersed in red

Although my vision was quite blurred at this point, I could still just see Michaels outraged face as he blatantly abused the hell out of me. In the end I just lay there copping it. Whimpering every now and then.

Out of every person in the room, you'd think someone would come to my rescue. But not one person even raised a finger to protect me.

Although Aaron did look quite agitated as he tried to escape the grasp of a young but strong man.

My eyes started drifting shut and I could no longer feel the pain, although I was well aware that the beating hadn't stopped.

"Michael. Get out of here before you make a fool of yourself." Growled someone from the door. From the amount of gasps around the room, I could have guessed it was the King.

"Too late!" Someone yelled in the crowd, and a few odd people laughed.

Suddenly I was being lifted bridal style by Aaron and I couldn't help but smile and lean into his chest.

"Just close your eyes,

The sun is going down,

You'll be alright,

No one can hurt you now,

Come morning light,

You and I'll be safe and sound."

Aarons soft voice sung me to sleep.

That's all I remember.

We had literally been driving for days. This was ridiculous. I knew where we were going, but it just seemed that even though we were driving, we didn't seem to be getting any closer. I sighed closing my eyes a little.

Xavier had been driving a while and was yapping away about his recent adventures around the world. Of course I care, but right now I have more important things on my mind.

I just occasionally nodded and smiled. But my mind was solely on Katie.

I couldn't escape the thought that something had happened to her. I just had this weird feeling in my gut that she had been hurt.

I couldn't free myself from it. It hurt. It hurt to know that my girl could be in pain.

I just had to keep in mind that we would be there soon.

It just upset me. We may be arriving soon, but there is no way I will be able to talk to her. Not until we have back up and of course a damn good plan. Something I seemed to lack.

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