《Kidnapped by Vampires》Chapter 24



I waited and waited as the phone rang and rang, beginning to lose hope when finally someone picked up. I could hear shallow breathing, but no one had said any words yet. I gulped and began.

"Hello?" I questioned to the person on the other end patiently waiting for a response.

"Dan?" I heard a faint but audible voice ask, "Is that you?"

I smiled in recognition, "Yes, Xavier." I laughed and smiled to myself, it was great to finally hear my best friends' voice again after all these years.

"It has been ages!" He laughed, "How you been mate?"

"Yeah, not too bad." I lied.

I really hated feeling helpless, I know there is no point in going out alone in the dark looking for Katie, but sitting here pretending to be happy is making me feel even more miserable.

"Xavier, I need your help, how do you feel about coming and staying here for a while?" I asked crossing my fingers, with dear hope that he would in-fact agree.

"Yeah no problem... so what exactly is it that you need my help with?" He questioned raising suspicion in his voice.

"I will inform you when you arrive here. How soon do you think you can get here?"

"Tomorrow morning hopefully, it will be good to see you and Felix again. It has just been way too long!" I signed internally, breaking the news of my brothers suicide doesn't get any easier as time goes by.

"Yeah well I will see you in the morning then." I replied. We ushered our goodbyes, I dropped the phone back onto the dining table and walked back into the living room.

Falling asleep wasn't easy as a vampire. It also wasn't necessary. Mentally I felt drained and decided a few hours asleep would do me some good. I scrambled through Katie's drawers in search of a few sleeping pills and swallowed them before slowly drifting into a peaceful sleep in her bed, soaking myself in whatever remained of her scent.


The next morning I am awoken by the sting of sunlight bearing into my eyes, I quickly snap my gaze over to the source of the sunlight and saw Xavier standing at the blinds smirking at me.

"Cut it out!" I grumbled covering my face with the pillow; he laughed and closed the blinds. I must have overslept.

When realising I was no longer in danger, I ran over to him in vampire speed, engulfing him in a big bear hug.

We both made our way into the living area and he walked straight over to the alcohol cabinet and made himself a scotch. That's the Xavier I remember!

"So where does Felix get to at this time in the morning?" He asked laughing.

I diverted my gaze out the window into the green hills in the distance, trying to regain myself.

After taking a deep breath I told him everything. When I was finished, I waited desperately for him to say something but he just had a completely blank expression plastered on his face.

"You should have called me." He utters and I can't help but feel sorry. He was a very good friend of Felix as well as me and I couldn't even bring myself to tell him the truth when it happened. What was wrong with me?

He deserved so much better than that.

"I'm sorry, I really am." I say this with as much meaning as possible. He looks up at me and smiles sadly.

"It's alright man, I just wish you had of told me so I could have come and comforted you." I smile at his efforts to comfort me but now was not the time to be playing happy family. My girl is still out there and I'm not going to stop looking until I set my eyes on her beautiful face again.



It had only been a few days at the most of which I had been cooped up in this small, dismal room all alone, and already I was becoming weak from the lack of blood and I could feel myself becoming mentally weaker from the lack of company. I tried to remind myself that the situation could be worse, yet it didn't seem to make me feel any better.

I knew by what Chase had told me that I shouldn't be in this place for too much longer, but it didn't stop me from worrying. I still had over a million questions roaming through my head. Why am I here? Why did they choose me? What are the god forsaken creatures? And why hold me captive on the border of my own property? Why not take me where no one can find me? Nothing is making any sense.

This was a horrible situation, knowing it could very well go on forever. Proving how scary a 'never ending' life could be if you are not happy. I began wishing it could all be over.

"Stop" I begged myself to stop the negativity.

I am now a vampire and as hard as it is to believe, it's who I am and I just have to accept that. It hasn't been too long and I am still adjusting to the change, but no way am I giving up. Dan told me it will take a while until I fully adjust and now I'm finally becoming happy with the new lifestyle and nothing is going to change that.

Suddenly a loud bang escaped me from my thoughts, and my burning eyes snapped to the open door. There seemed to be a lot of commotion going on outside.

I slowly made my way over to the door and peeked my small fragile head out of it. The first thing my eyes caught sight of were Chase and Donna. They were being scurried off towards a dark van parked just outside.

I noticed him mouthing the word sorry to me before being roughly thrown into the van alongside a horrified Donna.

I couldn't escape the feeling that they were both in this mess because they were trying to help me escape. I hate being the reason for others troubles. I scurried to get my shoes on and headed back to the door. I wasn't just going to let them get in trouble because of me. Just as I made my way through the door an invisible force pushed me back onto the floor.

I landed flat on my back and winced in pain. The pain had disappeared before I even had the chance to blink.

I sat upright and slowly walked towards the door once again. I place my cold hands onto where the force came from but this time fell straight through and into some strong arms.

I heard the deep scary laugh of a man, and felt myself being hurled into the darkness of the van before I had a chance to react.

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