《Kidnapped by Vampires》Chapter 23


Chapter 23


I breathed heavily and sighed looking into the heavily dense forest. A brown car suddenly shooting past. My gaze followed the car that was travelling at enormous speed and I quickly diverted my gaze to who was seated in the back seat. My girl. Katie.

It stung like a dozen bees, knowing that my girl was being taken away from me in front of my very own eyes.

I quickly gathered up the maids letting them know the situation and letting them know I will be leaving for a little bit and then without any more explanation I was off on my way to find my girl and bring her back here where she belongs.

God knows what they’re going to do to her. I have to hurry,

I drove deep into the forest road that led to nowhere in particular, I tried to follow any scent I could gain, however it was extremely difficult. I couldn’t even smell Katie. I took in a sharp breath as I kept my eyes glued to the road. I couldn’t lose her, not now. Not ever. As thoughts of all the memories Katie and I held together came rushing through my stiff body, I could feel the tears coming. I sped up down the windy road.

Katie’s POV

It was beginning to bore me more than anything, this blank room. Zane had left hours ago after getting no response from m, he just stormed off somewhere. I had been left in the torturous room.

I sighed deeply as I wished I was back with Dan, cuddling up to him, not worrying about anything else in the world. Then I felt sorry for him. He would be freaking out, not knowing where I am. Nor where to look for me.

I held my head in my hands as I frustratingly tried to figure out how to get out of here.

“Katie?” I looked up at the male standing in the door, he was short but about in his twenties and brown swayed hair. I gazed right into his eyes and then quickly diverted my gaze back towards the wall.

He sighed and took a seat opposite me. Every time I glanced up to him, his eyes were staring deathly into mine. I diverted my gaze almost immediately every time. The silence was growing on me. It wasn’t exactly as awkward as it was earlier but I wasn’t enjoying the silence either way.

Suddenly he coughed to get my attention and I shyly looked up back into his golden brown eyes.

“Uhh...” he started, “You do know why you’re here, right?” I crossed my head, and looked down.

“I don’t know why I’m here, and I sure as hell don’t want to be here.” I stated flatly, looking back into his eyes and letting my frustration out into my stare.


He sighed, “Look, I’m not your enemy, but the others are. I'm the only full human here and you need to be able to trust me.”

I scoffed, “As if I would trust you!” I shouted and I could see hurt in his eyes, I looked away kind of feeling bad, but kept a straight face.

“You need to trust me or there is no way you will ever get out of here.” He was looking sincerely into my eyes. The innocence in his voice was getting to me.

I sighed, “Well you can start by telling me why I'm, here then.” I looked up to him hopefully, and he smiled and stood up. I watched him walk over to the other side of the room and pick up a small pamphlet.

As he walked over to me he silently made a gesture for me to follow him out of the room. So stood up and followed him through the long hallway. We walked for about a minute until we reached the kitchen. He gestured for me to take a seat which I did happily. Then he handed me a bottle of blood. After that whole time of worrying I had completely forgotten about the thirst of blood I was having. I smiled gratefully and gulped down the bottle in one go.

“Thank you.” He nodded in return and sat down next to me. I placed the bottle onto the table and sat waiting for him to start talking. He sighed then looked at me placing his hand out to me.

“My name is Chase.” I smiled and shook his hand politely, he then continued. “I am not the only human here, my wife and I are. We were kidnapped a long time ago but have slowly became immune to them and slowly become there friends. Well that is what they think. We have only stayed to help anyone else who gets kidnapped. Donna is about your age, you will meet her a little bit later.” I nodded, waiting for him to continue, “I here you have been here before and luckily escaped unharmed?” I sighed, I hadn’t been unharmed. This place had basically changed my life, changed me into a killer.

“I wasn’t unharmed, quite the opposite.” He looked at me, and then realisation swept over him.

“What happened?” He asked, sounded simply interested, I sighed.

“Well I'm not too sure, they really hurt me. I was dying.” He looked sad. I just tried to fake a smile, informing him it was okay.

“Is that why you’re a… you know... a vampire?” I shuddered at the thought but nodded silently.

I was hoping I could trust Chase he seemed trustworthy but I didn’t want to tell him anything that could ruin anything.


“Well, I will try my best to keep you safe this time until we can get you out of this place. I am sorry I couldn’t help you last time. I wasn’t here.” I smiled.

“It is okay,” I smiled, “You’re here now, that’s all that matters.” His face lit up, just then the door to the kitchen creeks open and a young girl about my age walks in a wide smile spreads over her face. She rushes over to my side and sits down.

“Hi. I'm Donna.” She immediately makes me smile; I look up into her bright golden eyes. She has such a warm feeling surrounding her. One of those girls that immediately makes you happy.

She looks towards Chace, “Hey babe.” She smiles and walks over to him and plants a kiss on his cheek.

If only I was with Dan, I wish I could have someone to keep me warm, and to be with all the time. But I had to be strong. If I were to be truthful, I was feeling a lot better now that I had people I could call friends.

Chase looked towards me and smiled, he could see the worried distant look I had planted on my face.” Don’t worry; we will get you out of here.” He smiled a reassuring smile and I smiled gladly in return.

“So I really don’t understand why they have kidnapped me. It doesn’t make sense.” I screwed my face up in confusion. Why on earth would they choose me, a secondly why would they choose me twice?

Chace looked towards Donna, looking unsure but then looked back to me. “Well, they wanted revenge and you were the only way they could get it.” I looked at him confused, what would they want revenge with me for? What did I do wrong? I frowned to myself.

Chace looked sad but continued, “They want revenge from Dan and they knew he loved you, so you seemed to be the best way to get revenge.”

Wait, so they are getting back at Dan by kidnapping me. But why would they need to get back at Dan in the first place? I shuddered at the thought of Dan doing anything to hurt anybody.

Donna seemed to read my mind “Darling, Dan didn’t do anything to bad, but he sacrificed the chief’s daughter’s life to save Felix’s. It is a long story but that is basically what happened and now the chief believes that if Dan was able to basically kill his daughter, the girl he loved the most, then he can kill the person Dan loves the most, in other words, you.” I looked at her in complete astonishment I felt a tear running down my dry cheeks. I shuddered at the thought if Dan basically killing a girl.

Donna quickly in the matter of two seconds was by my side comforting me with her hand around me. I continued to cry more freely and couldn’t help but notice the sad look on her face.

“Don’t worry, you will be fine.” She said this then stood up and retreated out of the room.

When she left, Chase moved over and sat next to me.

“Katie, we're going to help you get out of here and take you home, but we need to ask a favour.” He looked so innocent and as if he was pleading with all my heart. I smiled.

“What is it?” I asked politely, hoping it wasn’t anything to big.

“Well we really don’t like this place at all, and we want to leave. But we don’t have anywhere to go.” He said this shyly looking away from me. But I knew immediately what he was asking and I smiled.

“You want a place to stay?” I smiled and his eyes looked up into mine hopefully and he nodded.

“Sure. Well until you find somewhere else.” I said this grinning like an idiot, the house would be so much better, with more people. After all, there was a great deal of room in our house.

“Thank you so much!” I could see how happy he was by hearing his voice. I smiled, and he smiled in return.

“You have had a big day today, you should get some rest. I’ll come see you in the morning. Oh and if anyone talks to you ignore them and do not reply.” I smiled and nodded to his strict instructions.

We got up and I walked back into my room and slowly fell asleep on the really uncomfortable bed.


I had been driving for hours, in circles and circles. There no sign of Katie anywhere, no scent, nothing. After driving for another 2 hours I decided to call it a night. This did not mean I was giving up. Not at all! I was never going to give up until I find her!

I walked up the stairs into the house and rushed to the kitchen. As I entered I looked around only to find no one here, this did not surprise me, and it was late. All the servants would have been asleep long ago.

I picked up the phone and dialled a number I knew quite well and waited.

So sorry i havent written in a while!!! I wont ramble on :) VOTE COMMENT LIKE AND BECOME A FAN PLLEEEAAASE :) its all that is keeping me going :) thanks guys. love u :)

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