《Kidnapped by Vampires》Chapter 21



Maybe everything would turn out eventually. Maybe my life wouldn’t be in ruins for too much longer.

I hear some commotion coming from downstairs so I get up and head down. I reach the stairs and I hear a few unfamiliar voices.

“We need to take her.” One unfamiliar voice murmurs.

“Ok, if you have to… I'm sorry Cinna.” That was defiantly Dan's voice.

I walked in and all eyes turned to mine. There were more people than I had expected.

“Hello, is there a problem?” I asked as I walked into the room filled with vampires.

“Well I am afraid we have to take away Jacinta here, she has broken the only and most powerful rule we have. Therefore she has to be prosecuted. Were very sorry.” He said holding Jacinta tightly.

“Wait a minute… You’re going to kill her?” I said calmly, she may be a bitch but I am not going to let her die.

They stared at me for a minute including Dan who was confused. “Yes, she told her family our secret. It is our job to prosecute her and kill her family.” What! They killed her family??

“Ok, look I don’t think that is fair.” I started, “You have killed the only family she had left. Don’t you think that is enough punishment?” I ask looking at all the scary vampire guests.

“Well, we need at least two royal vampires to agree, we only have one.” He stated firmly looking towards Dan. I looked to and he was staring at me.

“Alright I agree too.” He said looking back down to the ground.

“Ok, Mister Dan, you need to break the marriage. We are very sorry, but she isn’t allowed to live here anymore. She has to live with us.” He looked sorry but still stern at the same time.

“Yes, I understand.” He sighed walking towards Jacinta who was now crying.

“I'm sorry.” He bent down and did something. Some movement, then he stood and bowed to her walking away.

“Done.” He said to the men, they all bowed to me and then Dan. And then they began walking towards the door.

Me and Dan both shouted, “Bye Jacinta!” in unison.

Once they had all left I was still staring at the door in shock. Wait does that mean Dan's not married? I quickly looked over to where Dan was standing but he was gone. Suddenly I felt a really cool breath on my neck and I quickly whirled around to see Dan. He smirked, and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled; at least I got one thing out of this. Dan.

He cuddled me up in his arms and we walked up into the kitchen.


Everything was turning out. I might actually have a good life now. I have a mansion, I’m part of a royal family and I have the love of my life wrapped around me. The only thing I can think of at the moment is that Felix gave his life up for me. That I will never forget. I will never forget him. Never!

The last few months have been great. I am actually enjoying my life as a vampire. Dan is all I wanted and his what I've got. Felix’s life was taken. And mine was restarted. This I will never forget.

Today was my birthday. The best birthday ever. Not that I was doing anything just that I was finally with the people I love. No one knew it was my birthday luckily. And it was going to stay that way! I couldn’t have a better present than be with Dan.

I hop out of bed being extremely careful not to wake Dan up, and I tip toe out of the room. I walk to the kitchen and grab a drink and sit staring out into the pelting rain, splashing against the window.

Just as I decide to walk out of the room I notice two new maids I haven’t met before standing in the doorway.

“Hello,” I greet to the deathly still bodies glaring at me.

“Hi-iii-I,” Says the short one nudging the taller one to speak up. I glance from one to the other. They looked extremely scared and shy.

“Well, welcome then… Are you having an ok first day?” I asked hoping they would actually answer, I wasn’t enjoying the silence. They gazed up at me and then turned around and walked out.

Ok, that was officially weird. What was there problem? I mean I know they may be scared of me, but they must know I would never hurt them… Neither would Dan and where the only vampires in this house.

Ever since Dan's dad had passed away, one by one each of Dans family had slowly left. I guess living in this house got too much for them. I wouldn't know. I was never close enough to them to find out, I never even saw them half the time.

I walk down and back into the room to find Dan sitting up on the bed reading. I love it when he reads. He looks super smart. He quickly looks up at me and smiles.

“I have a surprise for you today.” He states smirking at my expression.

“What do you mean? Why?” I asked hoping he didn’t know it was my birthday, I mean surely it’s not that big deal. I mean it’s not like I’m actually changing age.

“It’s ok were just going out. We haven’t been out much lately.” He states as relief fills within me.


“Ok, I will go get dressed.” I smile and walk into the cold bathroom.

I shut the door and unchanged then slip on a comfortable stylish dress. I turn to open the door but as I do I hear a quiet scream. Quiet, but defiantly a scream. I quickly open the door and walk into the bedroom to find Dan peacefully reading his book. I grab his hand and led him out of the room.

“I heard a scream! We have to find where it came from.” He looked at me confused then smiled.

“I think you’re over reacting, it could be anything. The maids are probably just mucking around.” He states heading towards the kitchen.

“I know it could be nothing, but I have a weird feeling. Can you look up there and I will look down in the attic.” I say pointing towards the kitchen as I make my way down the stairs. I can't hear anything but the scattering of some mice under the house, but I see a faint light coming from under the door of the attic. It was really quiet when I reach the door. Too quiet. I hold my hand on the door and open it to find the short maid lying on the ground breathing heavily.

I run to her side and scream, “DAAAAANN!!” I hold her head in my hand and she slowly looks up to me, trying to form a smile.

“It will be ok, I promise.” I whisper into her ear hoping she could hear. Just then the door swings open and Dan comes storming in. He looks around the room, and then gazes his attention to us and leans down at our side. He picks up the maid and takes her back up the stairs and to her room.

When we arrive several maids swarm towards us with worried expressions across all their faces.

We walked all the way to the other maid “Please fix her up and then we will meet down in the kitchen in 2 hours, for a meeting.” Dan says sternly as he walks out of the room. I follow until we reach the kitchen then I slump down in chair.

Now I am really confused!

“What is going on?” I ask Dan who is staring out into the storm.

“I don’t know. This is really weird, I mean, the only solution is that there must be someone else in the house. A vampire that could plant attacks on our workers.” Oh god, someone else is here. Another vampire! What do we do now?

“We are going to have to find him or her. Now!” He says walking out of the room. I swiftly follow. What a great birthday this is turning out to be. Now where having a search party for a vampire that could potentially kill my husband and me.

We walked through the large house for ages but didn’t find anyone, couldn’t smell them either. This is unusual. All vampires have a strong scent, and always leave it behind, easily traceable. But there was no scent what so ever, other than mine or Dan’s.

Once it had been 2 hours we headed back to the kitchen where there were about 7 maids gathered around the kitchen table.

As we walked in they all looked up from what they were doing and stared at us. We took our seats at the far end of room and began discussing what we were to do. We had to keep the workers safe but ourselves as well.

“What if you just let us go back to our families and forget any of this ever happened!” a small maid commented quickly putting her head down. I felt sad and guilty that she didn’t want to be here but that not my fault. If it was my decision they wouldn’t be here now, which would mean they would be happy.

“I'm sorry if that’s how you feel, but you know very well that is not our decision to make. However we will do everything in our power to keep you safe.” Dan sternly says, leaning down to the small girls face. She kind of smiled and straightened up, looking much braver.

I hear a sudden sound coming from the door and swiftly move my head in that direction. There was nothing there.


I stood up leaving Dan with the workers and headed for the door. He glanced up at me but then continued talking. I left the room and started walking down the hallway. There was nothing here.

I gaze around the house and try and smell anything that could make any sense. This was going to ruin my life for eternity; if I didn’t find this person my birthday would be ruined. My first birthday in the life as a vampire, and it was going to be ruined.

I wandered around for a good twenty minutes until I finally decided I should go back to Dan. As I turned around in the corner of my eye I saw something. I heard a screeching sound, and then the sound of tires burning the driveway out the front.

I rushed over to the window and gazed out only to find nothing but the left over smoke dust and exhaust fumes. Just then Dan was at my side. We stared out into the world, not knowing what to do.


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