《Kidnapped by Vampires》Chapter 20



We walk in silence into the kitchen where Jacinta was standing admiring the room. I wasn't in a really good mood to be yelling at Dan and he was in too much of a rush to find Jacinta.

"Jacinta?" Jacinta whirls around and stares at Dan expressionless. Then a smile creeps onto her face. She leaps onto him embracing him in a hug. He glares at me and I get that was the queue for me to leave. But I didn't. I should've but didn't.

"I've missed you so much..." She stares into his eyes. Then turns her gaze to me and glares at me.

"Let's go... Dan..." She drags him out of the room and I just stare. I continue to stare until they are way out of sight and then I slump down in a chair. When did my life get so complicated?

I can't even explain how hurt I'm feeling. It's like I'm so surprised that I can't even show it. I feel like screaming.

I walk down the hallway and into my room holding back my grief and anger. When I open the door I see to maids doing my bed and cleaning. The anger is rising in my throat but I hold back and stare.

"Sorry miss, we thought while you were gone we would clean up..." She murmurs, "We didn't think you would be back so soon." I felt pity for her, she looked really scared.

"Don't worry about it." I weakly smile, this could be a good time to get a few answers. I look at the other lady who looked in her 50's obviously not a vampire. None of the workers here were.

"Umm, how long have you worked here for?" I asked the lady who was now cleaning the windows.

She glanced up and looked around the room to see who I was talking to but soon realised it was herself. She looked embarrassed.

"Um, well 35 years, miss." She continued cleaning the windows.

"Do you remember Dan getting married to someone called Jacinta?" I ask pretending to not sound too interested, but I was and it showed. I was also angry. She giggled.

"Yes, how could I forget? Why?" She sounded confused.

"No reason." I step over to my bedside table and start rearranging the books. "Why did they get married?" I blurted unwillingly. I quickly covered my mouth.

She laughed once again, "Don't worry, Jacinta had a crush on Dan but Dan never felt the same way, and then Jacinta was in a car accident with her family, and she was the only one who survived but she was dying fast and Dan had to change her to make her survive. And as you know once someone changes someone they have to marry." She stopped taking a deep breath, and I nodded understanding.

"But why did she leave?" I asked as the question hit my mind.

"Oh, she just wanted to find her other family, because her parents died in the accident. So she went to find her uncle. And she never came back. It was a good thing, Dan really didn't like her." She looked up at me confused, "Why all the sudden interest, Miss Katie?" She asks and I completely feel guilty for spilling my questions on her.


"Well, she's here." I here two gasps and look from the two maids and they quickly look down.

I pass it and grab my coat leaving but before I left I looked towards the maid and mouth a thank you, she smiled and continued doing her job.

I walked down the hallway. Knowing I was angry. I speed walked all the way until I reached Dan door. I knocked and waited. I waited a minute and then I heard scattering as the door opened.

I looked at Jacinta as she held the door slightly open.

"Um, may I please speak to Dan?" I ask politely smiling. She turns around and tells Dan to come over. I look at him and he is glaring at me.

"Go ahead." Jacinta says looking at me. Gosh, she had an attitude.

"Um, private... Will be one sec." I say this grabbing hold of Dan and dragging him out of the room.

We walked into the guest room down the hall and I stood there staring at him.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me?" I quietly screeched at him making sure Jacinta wouldn't hear.

"Katie, I'm sorry, didn't even love her when we married it was f-"I cut him off. I didn't want to hear the story again; I'd already heard it and I didn't care.

"Shut-up! I don't care why you married, I've already been told. I am angry because you didn't tell me. I thought I could trust you. But I guess I was wrong!" Immediately I felt sorry, I was over reacting. I felt a pain in my heart and I felt the anger rising. I had to get out of here. Before I could control myself I had shoved Dan and he was now on the ground. And that's when it started. The tears. I started crying and I couldn't stop. I ran out of the room and down to mine as soon as I entered I noticed the younger maid was stilling in here. She noticed me and came up UN afraid and gave me a hug. I happily took it. I sat on the bed once I had calmed down and the maid sat down next to me.

"Um, by the way... My name is Gracie..." I laughed at her sudden change of subject.

"I think you know who I am." I state smiling.

She laughed, and so did for a slight second before returning to the grief I felt inside myself. The hurt in my chest.

I held my chest in pain as I cried, "I don't know why, but it hurts so much." I whimpered in-between tears.

"It's called heartbreak, common with vampires. Well ones that are in love." I smiled knowing that I was actually in love with Dan. But then reality hit and I remembered why I was here. Dan was married. There was no way I would be able to be with him. Not now.

I sighed taking in all the information as I hear a little knock on the door.

"Come in..." I said loud enough to hear. But no one entered, that's when I realised I must have locked the door earlier. So I get up and unlock the door. As I do in comes a chirpy boy about my age. Human boy. He walks up to Gracie and takes a seat next to her kissing her on the cheek.


She's lucky. I sighed, "Umm, what do you want?" I know it was quite harsh but I wasn't in a good mood as you could tell.

"Sorry, um Dan and Jacinta are having dinner together tonight to celebrate the arrival of Jacinta and Dan asked if it was ok if you could go. Jacinta was a bit angry but she agreed in the end. So you will to get ready soon." I sighed, now he was using me. No way am I going. Although, it's probably a good Idea to see what Jacinta herself is like.

"Be at the dining room at 8." He smiled at Gracie and then slightly bowed towards me and swiftly left the room. I didn't really want to go. I couldn't face Dan. Not because of Jacinta. Well partly because of her but mainly because I couldn't stand being blamed for the death of Felix.

I feel so guilty, seeing Dan just makes things so much worse. I guess if I was going to go I better make a good impression.

I looked down at Gracie who was somewhat daydreaming.

"Umm, Gracie." She looks quickly up at me and smiles.


"Do you mind helping me look really good tonight, I...? Ummm... I..." She giggled as she jumped up and headed for the bathroom.

"No need to explain, I understand." She smirked, and came back out with a beautiful purple dress that was knee length but was frilled out in every direction. It was strapless but didn't reveal too much cleavage. I loved it.

"Where did you get this?" I questioned her studying the dress.

"Well actually I saw it in the shop and it reminded me of you so I put it in your bathroom earlier for you. I didn't realise we would actually kind of be friends." She laughed and soon enough I joined in. "Well thank you very much, I love it."

We walked into the bathroom and I changed while she fiddled with my hair curling it. Once that was done we applied a little make up and some jewellery. I looked at myself up and down and smiled. So did Gracie.

"You ready?" This was like a repeat of my wedding day. I smiled and walked out and down the hallway. I went into the dining room and took a seat. No one was here so I waited patiently

When I heard footsteps approaching, I stood to greet them. Dan walked in by himself. And I quickly looked away and took my seat.

"You look beautiful today." He complimented, I ignored him and kept looking away. I wasn't ready to talk to him. We sat in silence until Jacinta walked in. She had a pink dress on that was extra short and not very pretty. We nodded to each other and she took a seat on the other seat next to Dan.

"So, Katie, how long ago was it you were changed?" Jacinta was glaring at me.

"Uhh, well a few weeks ago the day before i got married." I said without expression looking down at the table.

"Wait, so you got married straight away?" I nodded and continued my gaze, "And you didn't really want to marry Felix did you?" God did she want my life story. I crossed my head not looking up.

A gasp brought my attention up and I looked up at Jacinta who was staring at me in horror. I looked to Dan who was just as confused as me.

"You killed him didn't you?" She shouted across the room. What!

"Excuse me?" I questioned annoyed at her sudden outburst.

"You heard me!! You killed Felix! It was a setup; you wanted him dead so you could be free." A sudden tear fell down my cheek. I didn't want to marry him, but I didn't hate him. And I did not kill him!

"I didn't kill him." I stared flatly before getting up and leaving.

"Katie!" I heard Dan call, but I wasn't going back there.

I closed the door to my room and grabbed my iPod. I jumped on the bed, and slowly fell to sleep.

I open my eyes to the bright sun and a figure. Dan.

"Dan what are you doing?" He was lying next to me his arms around me. He opened his eyes as I spoke and smiled.

"It's okay Jacinta's gone shopping." I closed my eyes again. I was miserable. Dan just was making me feel worse. How dare she ever blame me for what happened. She doesn;t know what she is talking about.

Dan sat next to me and held my free hand in his, I looked up into his eyes confused.

He just sat in silence.

"I'm sorry Dan, I didn't think Felix would go that far. Hell, I didn't even know I had done anything wrong."

He didn't say anything. He just huffed and kept his eyes looking away.

I let a tear slip down my face. He will never forgive me.

"I don't blame you. Jacinta shouldn't have said anything." He held me closer, "and you shouldn't blame yourself either."

He glance down finally and smiled. Then he planted a short but sweet kiss on my forhead.

"But what about Jacinta?" I ask.

"Well I don't think there is anything we can do." He looked down at me frowning. Now I knew he loved me. Now I was happy. It's just Jacinta getting in our way, but I guess there's nothing we can do about that anyway. I'm happy being like this anyway.

"We snuggled in closer and layed there for hours. I didn't want to move. I was too warm in the grip of Dan.

Suddenly Dan's chest tightens and he sits up. I look at him questioning his moves.

"Jacinta's back, I have to go." He stood up and headed for the door but before he left I yelled, "Dan!" He turned around and looked at me in the eyes. "I love you too!" He smiled and left.

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