《Kidnapped by Vampires》Chapter 19



I shuddered at the thought, and quickly changed the subject.

"So, will you be at the wedding?" It felt like a really bad question knowing there really aren't that many people here anyway to attend.

"Are you kidding? I'm the best man. I couldn't miss this day if my life depended on it. Don't get me wrong but. It will be heartbreaking." He giggled girlishly and then quickly turning around realising how he sounded.

"Uhh, I got to go get changed, wouldn't want to be late." He quickly stumbled out of the room, leaving me and now a confused nurse walking into the room.

"Uhh, miss? Where have you been?" She stammered looking at my dress, "Never mind, I must say you look beautiful. Ha, I guess you didn't really need me in the first place."

I looked down at myself and then looked back in the mirror and sighed. The servant obviously noticed and quickly hushed me.

"Don't worry, you look wonderful. Trust me. Oh... And by the way. What was Dan doing in here?" Crap. Her questioning look was searching my expression for answers that I wasn't giving. I didnt answer her immediatly. I jus stared at herr beautiful human self. She was so lucky. I think.

"Oh, he was just checking to make sure I was almost ready." I wasn't entirely lying, and she didn't think much of it.

"Ok, if you say so. Are you ready to go now?" She was picking up the end of my dress, assuming my answer was yes. So I just began walking out and into the hallway. We walked down the hallway and I followed her strict directions that led us to two large doors. I was actually shaking with nerves. A wedding is supposed to be nerve wracking. So you can imagine this being a hel of a lot worse than that.

This is it. Behind these doors will be my new life. Was I ready? Too late. The door was swung open by the servant that was hiding behind the door looking at me.

Everyone had turned and was now staring at me. I hated attention! I stood deathly still until I was nudged forward by a very impatient servant. I quickly took a hold of myself and began walking down the aisle. I kept my gaze on the floor all the way, not daring to look up. When I reached the stand and was standing looking at Felix I could tell he was having the best day of his life and I wasn't about to ruin it for him. I stood there looking into his eyes a fake smile spread across my face.

I will try to make him happy even if I hate doing it. As much as hated him I wouldn't ruin the day his been waiting for, for his whole life.

We went through it pretty fast, it was a bit different to a normal wedding, but it was pretty much the same. The vowels were sweet, well mine wasn't I had to think of it on the spot because I completely forgot. It wasn't very romantic, but Felix seemed happy. Occasionally I would spot Dan standing up the front looking quite happy at Felix but every time he glanced at me his face would change from being happy to looking sad. I knew it would be hard for me but I never really thought about him.


By the time we reached the part where we kissed I had completely zoned out and was in a daze looking around the room. I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder and I snapped my attention back to Felix who had his arm on my shoulder.

"I will repeat, you may kiss the bride." The priest announces as Felix leans down and kisses me forcefully. And I know it's silly but I think I almost blushed. We pulled apart and looked back at the priest.

The rest of the service past quickly and soon enough it was coming to an end. People began leaving, until it was only me and Felix left. Great, now I can show how angry I am for not telling.

"Why didn't you tell me, you can't exactly marry someone who doesnt even know." I started off calm yet the anger grew on my insides. "I mean, what ever happened to getting down on one knee and proposing?" Ok, now it was starting to reveal it's self. I spoke with as much attitude as I could grasp onto.

"I'm sorry, I thought you might be happy. It doesn't matter anyway. You had to marry me no matter what. Because I changed you. That means I had to marry you. And I knew that you may be unhappy but I thought that after time you would get used to." He sighed, "I just want to be happy, but I also want you to be happy. You know what, there's something you need to know about vampires." He looked down studying his shoes.

"What, what don't I already know? What could make this situation any worse?" I was now on the verge of shouting, but I was holding it back for now.

"Well you see, when a vampire falls in love they become obsessed, like really obsessed and no matter what you think of me, I love you. And no matter what happens now on I always will. It's like a spell. Obviously you haven't found that true love yet, that's why I'm trying to make it work with us, so maybe one day we can be a happy couple." His eyes glistened with wet tears forming, he looked really sad, and even a bit uncomfortable. I didn't realise and now I feel like an idiot treating him so rudely.

"Felix, I can't say that what you have just told me changes my mind with how I feel towards you. But I now know why and I can now respect it. But I have to say now, that I don't think I will ever be happy with you." I sighed deeply, "I'm really sorry." And with that I picked up the ends of my dress and slowly leave the room.

I felt tears stinging my eyes as I left the room and headed for mine. I walk in locking the door just in time to explode into tears. My heart is thumping and I lie down on the bed crying. I can't believe I was so rude and ignorant when really it isn't completely his fault. How can something as powerful as love has such terrible consequences.

I hear a creak under my bed and I sit upright looking around. I lean down to look under my bed but no-one was there. I sit upright again and nearly scream when I sedan sitting next to me a wide smirk on his face.


He looked me in the eyes and immediately knew what was wrong.

"He told you didn't he?" I shuddered as I remember what he had told me. I nod in agreement and start crying again. I felt a hand on my back and suddenly I felt extremely warm. I sunk into Dan's arms and fall asleep.

The light through the cracks in the window hits my skin and burns, a little bit. Dan's still there, he laughs. "You will get used to it." I nod and cuddle up with him again.

I closed my eyes trying to ignore the sting in which the light was making with my skin. Kind of like a hundred ants biting all at the same time.

"Is there anything else I should know about vampires?"

I only asked in order to rid my self from the continuous surprises that keep uprising.

"Why is that?" He asked smirking. "Wheres the fun in that?" He laughed. I just rolled my eyes.

"Katie, what did you say to Felix once he had told you everything?" He looked curiously into my eyes.

"Katie, what did you say to Felix once he had told you everything?" He looked curiously into my eyes.

"Not much, just that I don't think I will ever be happy with him, and that I was sorry. That's all I think, he looked quite sad, so I just left." His expression didn't change he just sat staring into my eyes.

So I stayed quiet and we just sat on the bed cuddled up, we sat there forever like a whole 5 hours, plus overnight so I wouldn't even want to guess how long all up but finally I realised how sore my throat was.

"Dan, I'm thirsty." I stand up and start walking to the kitchen, Dan right behind me. We reach the kitchen and Dan grabs me a bottle while I take a seat on the bench. There's a note on the bench and I grab it interested in what it says. Its addressed to me. I tear it open and look at the contents. It was written in a neat script but there were only about nine words. And it read like this:

Like I said, I want the best for you.

Felix xxx

I couldnt register. I just stared at the note.

"Dan?" I look up and I can see his worried, he shoots around to my side and I give him the note.

"Crap! Shit! Crap!" He read it about 5 times. "Come with me Katie." We run down to the basement. Somewhere I had never been before. And as soon as we open the door a gut wrenching smell hits us.

"Shit, shit, shit!!" Dan was down the stairs in seconds and I hurried along behind him.

We reach the bottom of the stairs and the smell is almost unbearable. Dan reaches over and switches on the light, and then that's when I see it. The body of my husband. The dead body.

I burst into tears on the spot and fall to the ground. Dan runs to his side and sits there. I can see that he is crying. And I can't help but think this is all my fault.

I cry and cry and cry. I go to my room and cry. All my fault. It kept repeating in my head.

All my fault!

I felt like a murderer.

The crying eventually stopped but I never left my room I stayed in my room for weeks not agreeing to leave. Only for the bathroom and to drink I would but I would be the quickest possible. I never ran to Dan and it was beginning to hurt not seeing him. It hurt me knowing I'm the one who has put people through all this pain. I would never forgive myself. Never.

After another week being locked away in my room I decided I needed some fresh air.

I walked downstairs to the wide doors and walked outside. It was beautiful outside. The chirping birds and slight breeze. I walked and kept walking nonstop. I walked until I couldn't walk any more. So I sat on a damp log and fell asleep. I woke up and it was beginning to lighten up. I start walking back home thinking over the events in the last few weeks. Knowing there weren't many. The funeral wasn't good. I had only gone for 10 minutes and then gone back to my room when I realised Dan wasn't there.

I walked around the back of the mansion and up to the front door. When I reached the front steps I realised there was and aqua coloured hummer parked in the drive way. How unusual. We never have visitors.

I walk up the stairs and see a tall girl about the same age as me standing there about to knock on the door.

"Can I help you?" I ask as she whirls around her face quite scared and then it turns to brightness. She looked quite happy and chirpy but unusual too. She walks up to me and grasps me in a hug.

"You must be Katie. I am very sorry about the loss of your husband." She releases me from her grip but I just stare expressionless.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Jacinta." I stared at her for a while, "Umm," she continued, "I used to live here, I am Dan's wife." Just when I thought I knew everything.

"Oh, uh, come in I guess." I led her into the house and up to the kitchen.

"I will go find Dan, you may wait here." I gave her a fake warmly smile before leaving to search for Dan. It wasn't hard he was cuddled up on the floor in his room staring at the roof.

"Dan?" He looks at me and then returns his gaze back at the roof. I guess I wasnt expecting anything too welcoming. I don't really know if he will ever forgive me. I sighed holding back any tears. If I felt alone before all this, I don't know how I felt now.

"Uh, you have a visitor." He looks up at me confused so I continue.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He looks extra confused now, "That you have a wife." He face turns to horror. And he quickly scatters to his feet.

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