《Kidnapped by Vampires》Chapter 18



"Ummm... Why are you not pulling away?" He questioned. "I thought you hated me?" He smirked as he turned away.

"How would you know that?" I asked walking over towards him.

"Well for starters it isn't that hard to guess, and plus it's not like we can ever be together anyway. So let's just leave it at that... Oh and by the way... What happened just then never leaves the room." He stated firmly. How could it not leave the room? He just kissed me and it made me realise just how much I liked him. Maybe that's all it needs sometimes. I smiled at the thought of what had just happened. And then I remembered what he had just said.

"Wait... What do you mean we can never be together? I am a vampire... Just like you so it shouldn't matter?" I looked up and I could see hurt forming in his eyes.

"Katie... Trust me you don't want to know." By now I was standing in front of him. I shoved him, not enough to make him fall but enough to make him stumble.

"What, was that for?" He shouted, anger rising in his throat, and I could tell. His eyes turned red and I stepped back.

"No mo-ore sec-secrets!" I stuttered, as I continued to step back. His eyes turned black and the anger was gone from his eyes, but he looked sad.

"You can never be with me, ever. Because you already destined to be with someone else." What? How?

"Since when?" I yelled becoming angry myself. No-one can tell me whom I am destined to be with. It's my choice.

"When you were changed, you were changed by Felix." So? What does that have to do with anything? It's not like I wanted to get changed by Felix, I hate him, the hates just growing day by day. But I had to be changed and if Felix was the one to change me then so he was. I don't care, as long as it's done and now I don't have to worry about it or think about it and I won't. Well not yet.

"Look I'm really tired here so... I am going to bed. But you are still going to tell me everything you were about to. No matter what!" Before he could answer I pushed him out of the room and locked the door.

I can't believe this. Why couldn't they just leave me to die? I know one thing for sure is I would rather die than turn vampire. That's for sure. But Felix had to change me, just because he is obsessed with me he doesn't have to make my life turn to misery. I hate my life, and I know I will come to terms of accepting that I am a vampire. No matter what.


I lay on my bed unable to sleep; I guess I won't be doing a lot of it anymore anyway. But I still keep my privacy. It's the closest I will get to real sleep.

I hear a small knock on my door and I walk up to the door to inspect.

"Who's there?" I asked politely not yet opening the door.

"Felix, I need to talk to you." He spoke softly and tenderly but I could still feel the obsession of me that lurked within him.

I sighed heavily, loud enough for him to hear. "Felix, Not now." I stomped off back to my bed and plunked myself down with a book. Maybe this will take my mind off reality for a moment. Once I had finally gotten into the book and read a few pages I heard a noise coming from my door. I look up wondering if I should check it out. But the thought passes as I continue reading. Once again I hear the noise but it's louder. Then as I turn my eyes to the door, I realise to my astonishment that the door was wide open, and standing there completely oblivious was Felix.

Felix! Crap! Not now!!!

"Get up, you have to get ready." He said sternly pulling me up from my comfortable position on the bed.

"Excuse me! Get your filthy hands off me!" I screeched loud enough for the world to hear. He glared at me with a disbelieving look across his face.

"Shut up! You have to go get ready! I have a servant coming over to assist you in a moment. Oh yeh... and I would've explained earlier what was happening but you lost your chance." What the hell was he going on about?

Just as I was about to refuse, I realised he was gone. I looked around just to be sure but there was no sign of him anywhere. Then I whirl around as I hear a slight knock on the door.

"Excuse me Miss Katie, I was sent." The sweet voice of a human was welcoming and I happily agreed to let her in. I open the door only to find the servant that I was expecting but she was carrying a massive dress in her hands. But it was not just any dress it was a wedding dress.

I was getting married.

A slight whimper left my mouth and then before I knew it I was cuddled up on the floor, tears leaving my eyes like a running tap. I screamed into my hands and shut my eyes. The servant was down and my side patting me on the back. But she was silent, which I was quite grateful for. I stood up covering my red face with my face and hands.

"I need the bathroom, I'll be back soon." I wasn't expecting an answer but received a polite nod anyway.


I left the room in a hurry and sprinted down the long dark hallway until I reached the brightly lit bathroom. I locked the door and sunk down onto the ground tears once again forming in my eyes.

I have never wanted my life to end so badly. This was worse that torture, way worse and I couldn't stand it any longer. I wanted to die.

I wanted to die!?! But really my life had already ended. I was now a vampire. This was a new life. Some where I could start over again. Nooooooo! Never! I hate this new life and I will never come to terms with it. Ever. It had to end. I reach up and quietly open the door in order to sneak out. Luckily the kitchen is close by. I creep into the kitchen that was abandoned, luckily. I sneak up to the knifes and grabbed the sharpest I could find before making my way back to the bathroom. I sneak back in and lock the door again while sinking back down to the floor.

I started at the glistening knife in my hands for a long while. Ok, I know you may be thinking I'm being a bit overly drastic, but the point is you have no idea how bad it is knowing that you have to kill people to survive and now even worse! I am marrying the person I hate most!

Never did I think my life would become this complicated, but it has. And never did I think I would ever kill, but here I am with a knife in my hand ready to do so.

I held the knife against my skin on my chest not exactly knowing where to stab. The knife pieced into my skin and I couldn't really feel much pain and just as I was about to push further the knife was taken out of my hand. A small scream left my mouth but it was soon covered with a cold firm hand. I looked up and saw Dan standing there with a disapproving look across his face. He was staring at the knife that had a dash of red on the tip. I shuddered as I looked down at the wound on my chest.

"Why can't you just marry him?" He asked as if it was an easy question, but it wasn't.

"Why can't we be together, and forget the wedding?" I tried to outsmart him but it came out entirely wrong. Obsessive almost. I glared at him waiting for an answer. But he never gave it to me. I waited beginning to feel impatient. I was about to say something to break the silence when I realised he was walking towards me. I changed my mind and stayed put while he came closer and closer to me until he was standing directly in front of me.

He smiled at me and leant down planting a kiss on my cheek, he made his way down to my lips and the kiss became a bit more forceful. He then pulled away still holding my chin and looking right into my eyes.

"I don't want you to marry Felix, but it's for the best." How could it be for the best?

He stepped aside towards the door and began walking out but stopped suddenly, he turned back to me smiling. "We can't just forget the wedding, but I never said that we couldn't be together." He winked and then left the room. Does that mean cheating on Felix? I couldn't do that. Wouldnt that be wrong. Whatever, I don't care anymore. It's not like it's going to make my life any more difficult. I left the bathroom and headed for my bedroom. I could feel myself smiling as I entered. I looked around the room expecting to find the servant patiently waiting but instead I found nothing but the wedding dress in a heap across the floor. Ever heard of keeping the wedding dress safe.

I might as well get ready. I doubt I will be getting out of this one. I would rather look nice and hate it than hate it all together. I placed the dress over myself letting it fall over me. It fit perfect and looked beautiful on. I was actually quite impressed. I placed a small amount of mascara on and a bit of blush realizing how pale I had become. I then curled the ends of my hair leaving the rest straight. The strands of hair sat perfectly on my shoulders. I looked into the mirror and smiled at my relflection. Sometimes I even impressed myself.

I heard a slight thump on the door and whirled around just in time to see Dan standing in the doorway.

"You look utterly beautiful." He stated while eying my figure up and down. I could feel a blush coming on. Lucky it wouldn't completely show. I smiled showing my appreciation.

"This is for the best ok, and I'm quite glad you have agreed to it. I had to come and just make sure. Oh and you do realise that pretty much the whole kingdom is looking for you." Crap, obviously an overreacting servant.

"Well, we better go tell them I'm ok. They probably thought I ran away." Dan looked at me his eyebrows raised.

"Well they wouldn't be entirely wrong you tried to do a lot more than that earlier." His stern voice made me shudder. Oh god! I had just tried to kill myself, and Dan had practically saved my life. Again.

My saviour. My heroin.

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