《Kidnapped by Vampires》Chapter 17


Chapter 17

I backed off the bed and crept across the creaky floor and made my way to the door that I had almost escaped from earlier. I could smell the freshness of the air outside creeping in through the cracks. As soon as I reached the door I attempted at opening it. No luck. I tried again and with such force, I pulled open the door and peered outside. There was no one there. Was this some kind of joke? I didn't care.

I put everything I had into running and I didn't stop. But when I thought that I was actually going to live I felt a sudden stabbing pain in my gut and I fell to the ground in a bundle. The pain was extremely hard to ignore I tried to get up and run but the pain only made me scream louder. I began to feel dizzy, when I thought things couldn't get any worse. And then I start to close my eyes. No! I can't stop... I can't give up, I have to keep running.

I attempt at opening my eyes but it only lasts me a few seconds but that's all I need. I could just see a few figures running towards me.

"Help!" I managed to blurt before everything turns dark and suddenly I feel like I’m falling down at amazing speed. Then the pain stops. I feel dead.

Dan POV:

I stop suddenly when I smell her. Her scent was so strong. She was close.

I looked over at Felix who had obviously had smelt it the same time I had. He was worriedly looking around.

"Man, don't worry we will find her, it will be okay..." Although I knew it wouldn't be but I couldn't bear seeing him like this. He was so frantic over one girl, how? Well I knew, I guess it couldn’t be hard. A small part of me believes I am in love with her too, but he can’t know that! Never, he will hate me.

All of a sudden I hear her scream, ‘help.’ She more like whimpered but it was defiantly not too far away. I look up to find Felix gone, crap. I chase after him and then I find him. He was crouched next to her. Pain was shooting through his face and I was too trying very hard to control my feelings. I keep my distance and as I was about to tell Felix to pick him up a dark figure steps in front of us.

"I see we meet again... Dan" He looked down at Felix and bows, "Felix."

I tap Felix on the shoulder, "Get her to the car..." He looks up at me and I can see he is worried.

"But..." I cut him off before he gets the chance to finish. "NOW!" I yell at him and then in the blink of an eye he had disappeared into the closing forest. I turn my gaze back to the creature.

"You are not welcome on our land; therefore there should not be any reason for us to meet again." I sternly said this before turning and making my way back to the car.

I reached the car and spotted Felix on the ground next to Katie who was now on the verge of dying. She didn't have long. Her face had turned a greenish pale colour and her body was deathly cold for a human. I looked at Felix while trying to think of a possibility. Then it hit me.

"Felix, I have an idea of how to save her, but I have a feeling you won’t like it." I said this knowing that he defiantly won’t like it but it's the only way.


His face cheered up and he looked up to me wanting answers, well that's what I thought but instead he says, "just do it, I don't know what it is you’re going to do and why I wouldn't like it... But anything to keep her alive." He sounded happy and sad all at the same time.

I knelt down next to him, "Felix... You have to change her!" He looked down at the ground nodding and then turned back to me, "Ok, but I have never changed anybody before.” He looked sulky and I had to reassure him it was the right thing to do before grabbing a blanket that was stashed in the boot and holding it in place next to her neck.

"Felix, remember to pull away, ok" He nodded and bent down next to her. Oh god this was going way to fast, I guess it had to if we wanted to save her.

I looked down and as his sharp fangs started to deepen within her skin I suddenly felt a wave of guilt pass by me. She doesn't want this, she will hate us.

I turned away as she was being changed. I couldn't watch and I knew very well that Felix would prefer me not to watch. I heard Felix pull away and I quickly went and sat next to her and wrapped the blanket around the bite. We carried her to the car and layed her down in the back then we silently drove all the way back home.

When we arrived I saw Felix go around and pick up Katie so I decided to go and open the door for them. When I did surprisingly she woke up.

"She jumped out of Felix's hands and collapsed on the ground. I sighed as I walked towards her giving her a hand up. She took it and then held her throat. She groaned.

"I'm thirsty..." She croaked. I smirked at this comment.

"I know. Come to the kitchen." She followed me into the kitchen and as we were walking I felt my mind being played with. I knew it was Felix wanting to talk. So I let him talk.

'Are you going to tell her?' He silently questioned, as I looked back I smirked and nodded. This just made him more worried.

Katies POV:

We made our way into the kitchen and I noticed Dan turn around and look at Felix and nodded with a large grin on his face. I wonder what that was all about?

I didn’t feel too good. My world was spinning and I had a stinging sensation stuck in my throat. The kind of feeling you get when you haven’t had anything to drink in days. It just wouldn’t go.

We walked through the hallway and suddenly I could smell something. I couldn’t tell whether I liked the smell or not, but it was so strong.

We walked into the kitchen and Dan made it to the fridge first. Only the wrong fridge. He went to the blood fridge. I opened my mouth to say something but before I had the chance his crazy smile was right in front of my face. And there in his hand was a bottle of blood. What?

I felt the ache of my throat once again and held my throat in pain. He obviously realised because he sighed and shoved the bottle in my face. " Katie just drink it I'll explain everything once you have at least taken a sip. I crossed my arms and refused to drink any. He quickly grabbed me around the waist and shoved the bottle into my mouth and I felt a bit of liquid pour into my mouth and then the bottle was dropped to the floor as Dan stepped away from me. At first I gasped out in disgust spitting out any blood in my mouth. Then I stood for a moment and I realised how good it tasted and then that the pain had completely gone. Unknowingly I crouched down to the bottle on the ground and drank every last bit until the bottle was empty. I threw it on the table and sat down. Then reality hit. I just drank blood. I just drank blood. No way.


I looked up at Dan who came a bit closer, and then I realised Felix had left the room.

It started to really sink in. I couldn’t believe it. I literally could not even imagine it, let alone believe it. I looked again at Dan for answers and he just smiled his amazing smile. Like I said, he was growing on me.

I didn’t move. I stood still and closed my eyes trying so desperately to remain calm.

This is not what I wanted. I never wanted this. It wasn’t long ago that I found out vampires existed and now I am one. I am a vampire. The words kept repeating in my head.

“Do you want to go for a walk? I will explain everything.” Dan was standing next to me, his features so visible now. All I wanted to do was scream and yell and punch him but I also understood that I needed answers. If I made a mess of things U would definitely not get answers.

So I followed Dan swiftly out of the kitchen and out the front door.

We walked in silence for quite a while. Through the glistening garden. All the beautiful flowers was shimmering in the light, something I had never witnessed before.

I continued taking in deep breathes trying to hold in my rage and then finally Dan broke the silence.

“Katie, you know I am sorry right?” He sighed, keeping his eyes focused out into the distance.

He didn’t look too happy, I noticed.

I stayed silent. I didn’t know what to say.

Do I say, ‘oh that’s okay, no worries!’ Or do I say ‘don’t be sorry!’ I had no idea.

He continued. “You were dying. We had no choice.” This time our eyes met, “I couldn’t let you die.”

I looked away, and we kept walking.


“Yes, Katie?”

“Was it you?” I sighed, taking a seat amongst the garden, Dan sitting next to me.

“I couldn’t do it, I told Felix to do it.” Then he whispered, “I didn’t think I would be able to control myself.”

He continued “I'm so sorry Katie; I know this isn’t what you wanted.” He really looked depressed.

I put my arm on his shoulder and tried to calm him down. “It’s okay.” I don’t why I said it, I wasn’t thinking it. “Thank you.” I sighed.

“What?” He seemed surprised. “Thank you for what?” He asked.

“For saving my life.” I smiled, and leant into his arms. We sat there in silence for a while, soaking up the fresh air.

“Katie, was it hard living on the streets? Knowing your parents were gone?” Dan was looking down at me, eyes filled with sorrow.

“How did you know my parents were dead?” I asked shocked at his sudden knowledge about me.

“I just know these things.”

“Yes.” I said, trying to hold back the tears. “It was hard, it was terrible. The worst thing. No one should ever have to go through that, but I had no choice.” I sobbed uncontrollably, letting it all out again. Normally I wouldn’t let myself lose control, I would hold it all in.

Now I felt like someone cared and I wanted him to know how much I had suffered.

I cried and cried and surprisingly, Dan continued holding me. He never even moved.

“I'm sorry I didn’t get you sooner.” He actually seemed sorry. This wasn’t like the usual Dan. Normally he was all up himself and being an idiot. I guess he did have an emotional side after all.

“Are you okay Dan?” I asked, looking deep into his eyes, searching for answers. His eyes were vacant.

“Me? Why wouldn’t I be?” He asked trying to hide the sadness evident all over his tired face.

“Your dad.” He sighed.

“I'm okay.” He looked down at me and moved a stray bit of hair away from my eyes, then smiled. “I'm always okay.”

I cuddled into him. We sat just enjoying the scenery and then I stood up. I looked down at myself noticing what a mess I was in.

“I should go have a shower and get changed, okay?”

He stood up, and put his arm around my shoulder and began walking back to the mansion.

We walked, and I was happy. I don’t know why, I was a vampire after all, and I definitely wasn’t happy about that . There was however a tiny part of me that was happy.

When we walked up the stairs out the front of the mansion, Dan let go of me and stopped. He looked down at the ground and I noticed the blood staining the floor. I gasped and ran down to comfort him but instead he waved me off.

I understood. I had been there after all. I knew what it was like to lose a parent, and I knew all he needed was space.

So I walked up the stairs and made my way to my room.

I picked out a cute little dress with sunflowers scattered over it and jumped in the shower washing away the dirt that had built up. Once I had finished, I was dressed and went to put makeup on, but I didn’t need to do hardly anything. My face was flawless. Absolutely perfect.

I just stared at my reflection for ages and then I remembered. I was a vampire.

A tear fell down my face and I let out a little sob.

Now I was angry. I didn’t want this. Now I am going to be living for ever. A life that I don’t want to be living.

I went into my bedroom and kicked the wall trying t release some of my anger, not realising my foot would go right through the wall.

Ah! I screamed and cried and growled. Why did they do this to me.

Suddenly the door swung open and Dan came racing in.

“What are you doing?” He growled.

“Just go away.” I screamed and pushed him away, “I don’t want to talk to anyone at the moment.”

He came closer.

“Go away!” I screamed louder.

"Shut-up!” He whispered into my ear. I refused and continued to scream. He repeated himself again.

"Why should I?" I yelled and continued to yell and scream.

"Fine, I guess it will have to be the hard way then." He stated flatly but I ignored him.

Suddenly before I could refuse his beautiful lips were entwining with mine. He was kissing me.

His lips were so soft on mine, yet so powerful and impeccable.

I sank into his arms and we got closer, one of his arms around my back the other holding my head.

"Why are you kissing me? I thought you hated me?" He questioned smirking at me.

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