《Kidnapped by Vampires》Chapter 11


Chapter 11

I couldn't take it I left the room as fast as I could leaving my friend with a sad unforgiving face. It really hurt to leave him. This is what I thought I wanted, but it's turning me into someone I'm not. I'm not normally like this. I don’t normally thrive on the attention from others… Yet I was finding it damn hard to keep my distance from the two boys, especially Felix. I guess that’s what happens when you are without any care for so long, you become greedy. I had become desperate for any love and care.

I can't stand it I run to my room and lock the door.

I lean against the door and fall to the ground as tears continue to slip down my face. Tears that I had held in for so long were all coming to surface now. Tears for my family, tears for myself. Tears for my mistakes as well as tears for my misfortune. I missed my family. I missed my old life. The life before my life turned bitter.

I kept my door locked for three days, crying more hours than I slept. Drowning in my own sorrows.

No one came to my room to see if I was okay, no one brought me food. No one.

I decide it is time to go down to the kitchen. I step out the door glance around and walk down to the kitchen. I open the door and find Felix sitting down reading a magazine. He looks up with a disapproving frown and then looks down and continues reading. I looked down at myself and realised I was still in my pyjamas. Damn!! I walk over to the fridge and grab some bread and make myself a sandwich. Every now and then I would take a glance over at Felix, but his head was buried into his magazine as if I wasn't even there. I don’t even care.

If he is going to ignore me then fine, maybe it’s time he had a taste of his own medicine.

I picked up the sandwich and walk to the door as I do I glance over my shoulder at Felix. He sits there motionless, and then looks up into my eyes. I immediately look down.

I run up the stairs into my room and again lock the door and run and leap onto my bed. Poor Felix. He probably thinks I have feelings for him, all because of my stupid thoughts I couldn’t keep to myself.

I almost screamed as a figure I did not notice standing on the other side of the room leapt over onto my bed.

"Oh, it's you!" I don't know why Dan has to always be here bothering me! "Haven't you got something better to do?" I continued eating and grabbed my book that sat next to me. I opened it to the page I was up to but suddenly it was shut by to cold hands.


"What is your problem?" I almost screamed. How dare him. "Get out of my room!!"

"I don't have to I have every right to be here, and you know what. My brother is upset. And it hurts me when I see him like this!" He seemed angry.

"What am I supposed to do?" I questioned him, "Do you want me to go up to him and say 'oh sorry Felix, I have changed my mind I love you too'?" I stated this smartly but sarcastically. “I can’t just pretend to care for him when I hardly know him.”

He nodded! Wait, what?


"Yes, I nodded do you want me to spell it out to you?"

“Don’t even think about it. I am not telling him I love him. Now get lost!

He remained seated on my bed.

I jumped off the bed and ran out of the room. Ha, I had just ran out of my own room?!?

Whatever I needed thinking time. I walked around the house three times before coming to a stop in front of the wide doors that lead to outside. I opened them easily and glared outside. Nothing was stopping me from running away. And they probably wouldn't even realise. I had been here for a week now, and I couldn't stand it any longer. I needed to be anywhere but here.

I walked and kept walking until I was far enough to run. I continued to run non-stop until I reached the gate. When I did I turned around and looked at the mansion in the distance now.

"Goodbye mansion, goodbye filthy blood-SUCKERS!" I finished my goodbyes quite fast indeed. Then turned around to make a fast run for it, but unlucky for me an all too familiar face was blocking my exit.

Dan. I could have guessed.

"Going somewhere child?" He looked down at me before sheepishly picking me up and running full speed back to the mansion. He dropped me on the step and looked down at me.

It scared me to have someone like him overpowering me.

He pulled me up roughly.

"Come with me!" He didn’t give me much choice as he dragged me off into the living room where Felix stood at the other end of the room. I looked around in horror to see all of their siblings and then the king next to Felix.


"What for?" I stammered.

“You know what.” Dan was so angry which didn’t help with my confidence. He was standing right in my face and I couldn’t hold back the tear that was falling down the side of my cheek.

“I didn’t even do anything wrong, you can’t just force me to care for someone I don’t know.” I sobbed uncontrollably. It’s not like I wanted everyone to see me vulnerable but I just couldn’t help it.


Dan was just glaring at me as if I was stupid. I tried to shrug his hand off my arm which was incredible sore.

“Please stop” I cried, “You’re hurting me.” Tears continued to roll down my face ad I kept my eyes to the ground, not wishing to meet anyone’s eyes.

I was pushed forward towards Felix and I looked deep in his eyes searching for help. I needed it and I didn't think that he was low enough to want me to apologise. I thought he of all people would understand. I glance back at the door trying to think of ways to get out of this situation.

"Kid," I looked at Dan, "Apologise, or there will be punishment, for hurting our family!" His face turned paler than normal and his eyes turned dark red. Then as I kept looking at him he bared his fangs into my view. I whimpered and quickly looked away.

"You know what I am not going to apologise for something I didn't do!" I suddenly felt a cool breath on the back of my neck; I turned slightly to see Dan standing the fangs close to my neck. I shudder and try to stay still. Another tear escaping. ‘Breathe Katie, stay strong’ I chanted to myself, I was going to stand up for myself no matter what the consequences were.

"You sure about that kid," he murmured everyone's eyes locked on ours.

"Yes, and if you want to dig your fangs into my neck, then be my guest. But make sure I don't wake up afterwards! Got it?" And then I felt him lick my neck I shuddered as I felt the icy saliva dribble down my neck and gradually down my back. Tears just flowed like a waterfall down my face as readied myself. I was beginning to get scared and started to shake. His eyes peered down to mine.

"Don't shake I'm trying to make it less painful!" He smiled and slightly kissed above where he had licked me. And then with no warning once again I was bitten. I screamed and screamed and wriggled around in the arms of not a stranger this time. Dan!

The pain was literally unbearable and I couldn’t even control it. It was so much more painful that the other man, and this time there was no one to protect me. No one to save the day. I was all on my own.

My world started spinning and my screams began to minimise and then just before I dozed off, I whispered to Dan, “I hate you.” Then it was all over and I was submerged into darkness.

I woke up on my bed with Dan peering down at me stroking my hair. I pulled away and pushed my face into the pillow.

"Get off me you stupid, arrogant bloodsucker. Get out of my room! I hate you!” I growled helplessly unable to move and in pain. I screamed and attempting to kick him I burst into tears. Angry tears, tears wanting home and desperate tears that wanted love. But they wanted love from people not bloodsuckers! I cried and cried and eventually I was being cradled by Dan. I was too weak to argue so I sank my face into his chest and thoughts into his chest and slowly and silently I dozed off into a weary sleep.

I woke up to a loud bang coming from downstairs; I looked up realising I was still in the hands of Dan. His face was horrified he dropped me on the bed and was about to leave when the king opened my door with great power and growled inside.

"Get her out of here!!! Now!” Dan jumped up grabbed me and raced out of the room and into the garage next the house. Before I knew it I was I the arms of Felix in a small but fast car! Oh... Crap!!! Dan jumped in the front and drove off in a hurry.

"Where are we going?" They both gave me frightening looks that made me horrified alright.

I turned back and saw the king standing on the porch with a stake right through his heart. I gasped as pain swept through my emotions I turned around and looked up at Felix. I swear I could see a tear forming in his eye. I felt really bad and all I could think of doing was holding onto him as tight as possible. Worrying about what lurks near us. Whatever it was that killed the king. Whatever it was, it was after me! I knew from the way I was driven off, away from the house.

Away from the night mare of the house. But unluckily, I wasn’t free from the two men who made that house a nightmare.

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