《Kidnapped by Vampires》Chapter 10


Chapter 10

I jump off the couch and run back to my room; I open the door and find Felix sitting on my bed.

"Hey, what's the rush?" he smiled, "you got all the time in the world!" His smile grew wider and he cracked into laughter. Ok it was a bit funny but not laughable especially for me. I grabbed my iPod and headed for the door, but before I left I turned around with one more question.

"Um, Felix?" This was going to sound weird but what do I have to lose. "When you're a vampire can you ignore people's thoughts?"

"Ha, no. You think I just ignore you when you scream in your head? It gives me a god damn head ache!" he closed his eyes trying to hold back the laughter and then he burst. "Why are you going to do that?" Still giggling.

"Well its payback for kidnapping me! Don't laugh!" I blushed crazily red thinking maybe it was a bad idea. But I continued anyway. I gave him the finger and left slamming the door on my way. I walked down to the kitchen hoping he was there. But he wasn't. So I placed myself down on a nearby chair and the volume up on full. It hurt my ears but it was worth it. I sat waiting for him to come and finally he did. He walked in and gave me a strange look. I smiled in return and started screaming heavy metal lyrics in my head. I looked over to see him holding his head and he left the room really fast. I got up and followed continuing to scream after him. This was fun!

If he was going to be crazy and have fun then so was I.


He looked down at me holding his head in his hands and he screamed, "STOP IT!" oh crap, he was angry. I started walking backwards and then fell into the cold hands of someone. Felix! I was swept out of the room and into the living room.

"Are you an idiot?" he screeched into my face, "You know he finds you irresistible. If he gets angry with you there is no wondering what he will do with you!!?" Okay, okay. Bad idea!! But he deserved it for kidnapping me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to put my life in danger!!" I stated sarcastically, "I'm living with vampires; I don't see how I can put myself in any more danger." Exaggerating the (can).

"Whatever, I don't see why you would care anyway!" And with that I turned and skipped off but before I could reach the door Felix pulled me back and looked right into my eyes.

"I care!" He sounded sad.

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