《Kidnapped by Vampires》Chapter 9


Chapter 9

We got out of the car and walked through the large doors into the big living room. I opened the bag that Dan had given me and grabbed an apple to munch on while trying to find a T.V or computer or something. But I couldn't find any!

"Felix, where is the T.V?” I impatiently asked, hoping he would have the answers I wanted and sure enough he did. He pointed me in the direction of a very long hallway. I began approaching the end when I heard growls coming from a room on my right. I stood at the door listening.

"I told you not to let her leave your sight" It was the king, and due to his anger it sounded like Dan was in deep trouble. They continued yelling and then turned silent for a second and then the door swung open. The king and prince stood there and stared at me in disappointment.

"You have got to stop doing that it's annoying!" Dan was annoyed so I stood back curtsied then ran off in horror. I reached the room I was looking for and opened my eyes wide when I saw a massive cinema TV with all the latest features. I ran over and turned it on to see what was on but nothing. I decided I would buy a movie so I went through the list of movies and thought twilight would be kind of funny to watch now that I know vampires do exist.

I lounged down onto the couch and watch until it got boring. A movie about vampires was no where near as entertaining as the real things.

It was way passed lunch time already but I couldn't be bothered getting up so I lied down on the couch staring up at the roof. I didn't even have a chance to think about what was going on before I had a bloody vampire on top of me again.


"Oh, Felix, you scared me!" I must have sounded shaky because he immediately apologised.

"Sorry!" he sat down next to me, and looked right into my forehead. Literally, he was looking in my head for my thoughts and I was trying to block them out. He looked at me surprised and then giggled.

"It isn't working, you know. It never does!" Oh god, how embarrassing!

He continued to look into my mind and then he smiled and looked at me!

"Your cute, did you know that?" Wow, never thought I would meet the day that a vampire would call me cute.

I glared into his eyes until they turned slightly blue and I quickly turned away.

"Why am I here?" I asked with all honesty wanted a correct answer.

“Look I can’t answer that. Not because I don’t want to, because I don’t know how to.” He looked away, his eyes filled with sorrow? Or maybe it was fear. “All I can tell you, is that it is very important you stay safe and I can assure you, nobody will harm you again.” He stood up quiet fast and fled for the door.

Before he completely disappeared he turned around and spoke softly, “You are safe, Dan would never let anyone touch you.”

Then in a blink of an eye, where Felix once stood was now filled with nothing more than air.

So many questions were roaming my head and I needed something to take my mind off things. I walked over to a small book shelf on the other side of the room and found a book by Charles Bukowski. Yes! My favourite.

Lucky, this will keep me occupied for many hours. I sat down on the couch and began reading. Bukowski was one man who never failed to disappoint me, he lived his life in such an unusual way. Speaking words that to others would seem peculiar and different. Yet he never stopped speaking his mind. Something I had always loved him for. His words, ‘Some people never go crazy, what truly horrible lives they must lead’, echo in my head.


He is right. I guess I can relate, I always could relate to his poems. If you want to live a life you enjoy, sometimes you have to be crazy. Dan could be crazy, I didn’t like it. Now I had a reason to understand it.

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