《Kidnapped by Vampires》Chapter 8


Chapter 8:

We arrived at the small town when we passed a rather large sign reading 'WELCOME TO VAMPCITY!' This place is creepy," Where's all the shops?" I asked blankly staring into the empty town. It was clearly empty. I gazed around the streets, what the hell was I going to do here.

I looked up to the two smirking faces beside me. The car suddenly pulled to a halt outside an old op-shop that looked empty. The kicked me out of the car and smiled, "Have fun we will be back in a couple of hours! Ha, and don't try anything! You won't get anywhere." I glared at him as his smirk grew larger. Felix however behind him was looking sorry and innocent. I gave him an evil glare, turned my back and wandered off. I headed towards the door of the op-shop. Thought to myself, well I might as well check it out; I stepped into the small shop, and almost screamed when the bell rang above my head.

I glanced around and then an old lady popped up from behind the counter. "Good morning young lady, can I help you with anything?" She had a sorter smug face.

"No thanks, I will just look around." I began walking around the shop. I kept looking back at where the old lady was standing. She'd disappeared. I glanced forward again and to my amazement she was standing in front of me with a wicked smile on her really pale face. I turned and started walking in the opposite direction but she was a lot faster and before I could take two steps she was in front of me again. I crawled under her legs and ran for the door. I heard a growl and looked up to see her leaping in the air and landing with a bang, right in front of the door. My only exit.


"Honey, you have nowhere to go." She had a wicked old voice and her eyes had turned bright red. She had an evil laugh exit her mouth making her stand up straight and turn red in the cheeks. I didn't know what to do as she was coming closer and closer. And then before I had the chance to react she was on top of me. He body was transforming from an old lady to a young angry girl. She growled in my face and I shivered as her freezing breath wiped past me.

"You smell so tempting, mmm!" She groaned into my ear and then just as her head was bending down and I saw her visible sharp fangs coming closer, she was ripped off me. A growl ripped from her throat as she smashed into the wall on the other far side of the room. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you alright?" I glanced up and saw Felix glaring down at me; I nodded as he picked me up and carried me to the car parked outside.

Glancing back all I can see is Dan fighting with the lady and trying to keep her from coming after me. I squirmed as she began getting closer but before she could reach us we were driving into the distance. Dan and Felix beside me. My head grazed only slightly from hitting the ground, was rested upon Felix's head and he was quietly stroking my head. I slowly quit whimpering and quietly drifted off into my imagination.

I mustn't have drifted off for too long because when I woke with my eyes still closed I heard Felix and Dan having an argument. I silently listened in.

"You knew it would happen but you still let her in there" Felix growled silently at Dan. I could feel the smirk gaining on Dan's face. He was enjoying this.


"You left her there when we were told to stay with her at all times!" He was getting angrier.

"Calm down she didn't get even get hurt!” I could feel a pain in my head much like the one I experienced when Felix read my mind.

"Yes, her...." He was interrupted.

"Shh... She's awake" Dan had an angry and a stern voice.

I kept my eyes shut hoping that they would realise I was asleep but that didn’t happen.

"Oh, for goodness sake, open your eyes!"

I opened them and told myself that I wouldn't talk to Dan. He was the reason I almost died back there.

"Um, how do you feel, Katie?" Felix had a soft tone to his voice. It was quite sweet really. I was about to answer but I was rudely interrupted by Dan.

"Aw, she thinks your voice is soft and sweet! How cute!!!" I glared at him.

"Shut-up!" I yelled!

"Oh we have an arrogant little girl on our hands,” he smirked.

"No I just have to deal with an arrogant, smartass, blood-sucking hypocrite!" I almost cried it out.

And he just grinned and turned around. I couldn't stop.

"Why did you leave me??" I cried, "Did you want me to die?"

He turned and looked at me as if I had just about tried to kill him, which wasn't such a bad idea.


"Yes, I think so"


"YES, you did" I yelled and glanced at Felix while doing so, he had a curious but shocked face and a half smile forming!

"What" I glared at him before turning back at Dan, who was in hysterics of laughter.

"What is your problem?"

We drove in silence all the way back to the mansion and just before we had arrived, Dan was picking up a bag from beneath his feet and handing it to me. I took it and glared at him.

"While you were busy trying to get yourself killed, we were busy finding you food..." He snickered and looking at me expecting a thankyou but instead I ignored him and stared away from him.

“Well don’t be expecting any favours from me anytime soon then.”

“Excuse me?” I growled, “You’re the reason I am in the mess in the first place, don’t go expecting any thankyous from me anytime soon.”

He just shrugged acting as if he didn’t have a care in the world. I knew different. He did care. He wouldn’t have gotten me food or saved me if he didn’t care.

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