《Kidnapped by Vampires》Chapter 7


Chapter 7:

"Okay, whatever! Can I leave the room now?" I was about to exit the room whether he says yes or no. But I felt a sudden grip reach for my shoulder. Jeez his hand was ice cold. I shivered and turned around sharply.

"No, you cannot leave, not yet. Soon." I groan and collapse onto my bed in disappointment. Why is he so difficult?

"Don't worry it will be ok," and I looked up to find him sitting next to me with a freezing hand on my shoulder.

"I could be locked up here forever.” I blurt as I began to sulk like a baby and to my amazement he tried to comfort me in small hugs. I took them and cried in his arms. How could I trust someone so much when I hardly know them? But it didn't matter I was happy. Happiness isn’t something I was just going to give up anytime soon.

"You know what; some vampires aren't as bad as I thought they would be." I glanced up and he was smiling down at me. My head was cushioned into his chest and his white shirt had turned black with makeup, but I don't think he cared.

"Well, what can I say?" He chuckled and silently rested my head onto the bed and put a blanket over me telling me to go to sleep. He slowly left. And it wasn't until I heard the click on the door when I realised he had once again left me by myself. I was alone once again. I lay in bed thinking over my hundreds of thoughts. Why I was here? What was going to happen? Ah! I don't like this much.

Then I heard knock on the door and called come in. Then Dan opened the door and peeked in. When he saw me he walked over and sat on my bed. You should get ready and come down stairs to have something to eat and then I will introduce you to everyone. Okay?" I stood up reached for some clothes then turned around to see him still sitting there looking at me.


"Ummm, some privacy if you don't mind?" He looked at me and his eyes went blue (I think of embarrassment) he jumped up and left just in a click of a finger. That was a bit weird.

I got changed and opened the door to find Felix waiting for me. Again.

He glanced up at me.

"You ready?" He looked up and down my figure surprised at what I was wearing. "Nice!" he half smiled. Then took my hand and guided me down to the kitchen.

When we entered the dining room there were 4 quite handsome men. The all looked alike. "These are my brothers, Raven, Tristan, Damien and of course you know Prince Daniel. And over here is..." pointing over to the corner where a beautiful young lady stood blushing, "Amythest, Amy for short." Whoa a lot of names to remember!

"Okay, now I need some food!" My tummy had started to rumble again. I looked up and saw that Felix had gotten a bunch of Berries from the other side of the kitchen. I grabbed them and started stuffing them into my mouth.

I looked around at everyone staring at me in fascination. "Ummm, do you mind?" They all looked at each other and then turned around and started doing something else. Embarrassed obviously. I giggled a little before being interrupted by a stern voice coming from the wide open door. I glanced over and saw the king look at me.

"You are going to be taken into town, please behave." He turns and has a quick glare at Dan and Felix, "You two are going to take care of her make sure nothing happens!" And with that he was disappearing through the wide doors. I turned around to see Felix chucking a handful of money through the air and to my amazement I caught it.


"Whoa, what's this for?" He smirked and replied.

"Entertainment!" He grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me to the car taking the seat to my left with Dan taking the seat on my right, and we drove off leaving the Vampiral Kingdome behind us.

I glanced down at the money that was in my hands. Whoa two hundred bucks! That’ll last a while.

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