《Kidnapped by Vampires》Chapter 4


Chapter 4

"Dammit, who the hell are you?" I glanced up expecting an answer. Instead I got my answer from behind me I turned around to see Dan bowing, “Your majesty.” he whispered and gave me a torturous look, which of course I ignored.

"Take her to her room, now" He growled at Dan, who bowed and scooped me up and started walking up the stairs.

I am more than capable of walking myself thank you very much" I stated the obvious. He ignored me so i decided to check out this amazing place. I glanced around and It was massive. There was just so much marble and expensive things everywhere. I didn’t even want to breathe, in fear of destroying some of its perfectness.

There were maids and servants strolling the corridors. I just watched them in awe.

“Now this is your room. Don’t be stupid and leave it if I'm not with you.” Dan stated obliviously. Then we came to a large white door, and Dan opened it revealing the room. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t even comprehend what was happening.

“This is my room?” I asked with my mouth wide open in astonishment, “It can’t be!” Dan just giggled and nodded.

The room was massive. At least the size of my old house all put together. Against the wall was a king size bed with beautiful purple sheets, and a million different pillows. Then there was a large balcony, looking out at a pond and a garden. In addition to these, there was an ensuite, and a walk in wardrobe in which was filled with amazing clothes and hundreds of shoes.

I couldn’t believe it. Next thing I know, Dan is throwing me onto the bed. As I sink into the softness of the bed, I slowly close my eyes in order to absorb the refreshing feeling of having some place to call home.


"Get ready for dinner, and please look decent, there are plenty of clothes to choose from. Someone will come and collect you in a couple of hours.” And before I could even gasp, Dan had left the room and the door had been slammed shut.

I can’t say I had ever been a very girly girl, but after living on the streets for so long, I couldn’t help but feel excited to have a long shower and get dolled up. After showering, I raided the bathroom drawers and to my astonishment found every necessary thing a girl could need. I started by curling my long blonde hair and then applied a decent amount of makeup. I wore a nice cocktail dress, which was a glittery red.

With an hour to spare, I painted my nails and began reading one of the many books piled next to my bed.

I was startled by a knock on the door and realised how fast the time had gone. I grabbed my heels and ran to the door. Awaiting me was a handsome young man.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Felix, are you ready?" Okay he was better than handsome and once again looked crazily familiar to Dan.

When I realised I was still staring at him, I quickly nodded and he held my hand like the perfect gentlemen and led me downstairs to the dining room.

I sat down opposite him at a very large and very empty table. His gorgeous self, sat drinking a glass of red wine. It didn’t smell to good.

"Are we early?" I asked wondering why we were alone.

"No. In fact, we are on time, everybody else is late." He stated, sounding unusually posh. I just nodded. I couldn’t even glance away, his face was mesmerizing.


"I know I'm absolutely gorgeous. I get told quite often." He states, gazing behind me.

Now that was weird. "H-how did you know I was thinking that?"

"I can read minds princess," I began getting worried but that was the least of my worries. Soon enough about ten other people came into the room and gathered around the long table. I sat in silence and just then all their eyes clicked to mine. I glanced up to Felix for help but he too was staring into my eyes.

Then all of a sudden I felt myself being pushed and wedged into the wall on the other side of the room. Pain striking my back I screeched for help but when I glanced over everyone was getting escorted out of the room.

There was someone on top of me, i glanced up and caught a glimpse of his pure red eyes.

"Get off me!” I screamed in pure agony.

"Shhhh," He hissed, "mmmm, you really do smell so sweet.” His body was moving closer to mine and his face closer to my neck.

I screamed louder than ever, “What are you?!”

"I'm a vampire of course.” And with that last comment he opened his mouth and two very sharp fangs dug right into my neck. My world came spinning to an abrupt halt.

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