《Kidnapped by Vampires》Chapter 2


Chapter 2

Glancing around in panic, I shriek, "Where are we? Who are you? What are you doing and where are you taking me???"

I know that I said I would be happy if I got kidnapped but truth is I was absolutely terrified! The guy answers politely but sarcastically, "Well were in a car, we are people, I am talking and we are taking you away. Happy?"

Well that wasn’t much use.

I knew very well that screaming wouldn’t get me anywhere. Instead I aimed for a calm approach. I closed my eyes and spoke quietly, “Please, just don’t hurt me. I beg you. I'm only 17. Just, please, just, let me go home.”

If only I had a home.

"I'm sorry girl, but no can do, what is your name anyway?" I pulled away from him realising I was still in his hands, and sat as far away as possible, almost choking on the seatbelt in the process.

“Why would I tell you?” I stated bluntly, transferring my gaze to the passing green meadows.

“Tell me your name.” His voice had changed quite suddenly and now was filled with rage. Not something I really wanted to mess with.

“Katie, my name is Katie.” I obeyed.

Returning to his humble, posh, English accent, he replies, "How very nice to meet you Katie"

"No it isn't it isn't at all nice is it? Now let me go or I will jump out of this godforsaken car!!" I wrestled around my seat trying to release his grip that was fastened around my waist. He let go looking shockingly offended by my last statement.

"Goodluck!” He smirked, “Anyway my name is Dan." He replies smugly. I don't care what he says I reach for the handle and open the door slowly I glance outside and realise how fast we were actually going.


"I would close the door if I was you." Suddenly he whispers next to my ear states. I feel his warm breath aganst my neck and I can’t help but feel petrified. I glance once more at the speeding road and decide to do as he says. As soon as the door is closed, I hear a loud click and realise the doors have now all been locked. I sigh and turn to Dan in order to express my anger. When I turn I feel a sudden painful ache on the side of my neck close to my shoulder. I wince at the pain and a tear falls down my cheek. I bring a hand up towards my neck but Dan grabs it and takes my hand away before I reach it.

"Don't touch! You will make it worse, just let it heal." I feel reassured, for some odd reason he seemed like he cared. That’s impossible.

"What happened to me, where is the pain coming from? Why am I bleeding???" I frantically ask as much as possible knowing that I probably won't get any answers.

"God, talk about a million questions, aye Benny?!?" he exclaimed, without answering not even one of my questions. I heard laughter coming from the front seat and felt agitated knowing they found this situation even the slightest bit funny.

I gave up and relentlessly continued to scream and wrestle around in the car seat. Not long later I was back in Dan's arms, as he powerfully held his hand over my mouth, muffling my screams. I continued to squirm until i gave up knowing that i wasn’t going to get anywhere if I continued. He soon released his amazingly strong grip around my jaw and as he released his grip, it released shocking amounts of pain also. I closed my eyes and kept quiet.


"Good idea, you should save your breath we have quite a long trip ahead of ourselves, understood?" He finished on a silent note. Which i knew meant BE QUIET! But i couldn’t resist.

"How far?" I squeaked and then shivered as he came quite close to my face, he was surprisingly cold.

"Far." he murmured into my face, I quickly turned towards the window enduring the pain, yet it still made me whimper. "Ha, you’re so easy to scare, did you know that?" No, I wasn't easily scared; I never was and never have been!

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