《Donnie's Nerd (Donnie x reader)》why?


Song: I'm not her

I was on the couch in front of the TV as Mikey was playing a game with Raph, Mikey teasing him while they were fighting each other in the game. I decided to go on my phone and listen to music. pulling out my ear buds and put them in my ears and just start thinking while listening to the lyrics. i always wonder why the turtles are still ok with me around. its not like i have anywhere else to go. Pucky was sitting next to me writing ideas of new inventions to work on with me. Goldie was watching Mikey playing the game with Raph while Red was sleeping in his red bed. Comet took a big liking to Leo so now when Leo trains Comet comes with him as a training partner or to just watch him

I was actually surprised Pucky wasn't hanging out with Donnie. apparently when Donnie got mad at me for something I had no control over Pucky didnt talk to him, unless he needed help, yes Pucky looked up to Donnie but I found out my pets/friends care more about me than the guys, but not in a bad way, like they'll still care about them but hide it. I saw Donnie head into the kitchen. he still had a bit of a grudge after the whole 'almost attacking April' thing so I just let him be because I couldnt do anything about it at all. I am more the person that, if they like me ok, if they dont like me, still ok with it. yes it did hurt that Donnie was mad at me, even though I didnt mean to do what I did

i decided to go out for a walk since it's almost night out. i let Pucky, Leo, and master splinter know before i left. after doing that i went to the manhole cover, lifting it up and checking if no one was looking, which thankfully no one was. once putting the cover back down where it belongs i climb the fire escape and start on the roof just thinking about why i was still even with the turtles, and why are they still being kind to me except Donnie, well I knew the reason but i didnt like the idea of it


once getting back to my lab and sitting down my mind wondered to (y/n), which confused me because I was mad at her so I was wondering why I was thinking about her now of all times. I looked around and remember after getting mad at her, her friend Pucky stopped coming in and talking about science stuff. he only came in if he needed help then left right after. i figured out it was because i was mad at his 'master' is what he calls (y/n). walking over to my lab door and opening it i see Pucky on the couch and (y/n) no where to be seen. i went to go ask Leo since Raph and Mikey were busy and most likely didnt know where she was

entering the dojo i saw Leo and Comet training with each other. Comet noticed me and just glared at me which did intimate me a little, because, well, he did have a hammer with him. Leo noticed Comet look at me and started to look at me as well "what is it Donnie?"

"Have you seen (y/n) at all, i need to talk to her"

"Oh now you want to speak to her?" comet spoke up, i looked at him confused "for so long you didnt want to speak to her, but all of a sudden you do?" comet flew up to me getting in my face "if you ever hurt her again, i will hurt you with my hammer, you got that?"

I nodded my head quickly in understanding, i looked at Leo now so he could tell me where she was

"She's on the roof but never said why"

"thanks Leo" i walked out of the dojo and out of the lair to head to the roofs to find (y/n) and i needed to know if she really tried to hurt April or not. April said it was on purpose because she was jealous

i got to the roof and i heard singing

She's got blue eyes, long legs,

Pretty rosy cheeks and

I've got (s/c) skin, (h/c) hair

Not what you wanted

Baby, I'm sorry

Im' not exactly what you had in mind


But please don't leave

If you stay I promise I will change your mind

And is it too much to ask to just be wanted

To feel the love I feel for you return

And is it so wrong to feel that you could love me

I look in the direction it was coming from and I noticed that the person singing was (y/n). What shocked me was the song that she was singing

I guess the problem is that I'm not her

She's got a big smile, soft hands

Perfect little dimples

I've got torn jeans, chipped nails

Everything is simple

Baby, I'm sorry

Im' not exactly what you had in mind

But please don't leave

That part hurt sent a pain in my heart, because it seemed like April was better than her, when I realized what I did wrong, I realized that she was amazing the way she is

If you stay I promise I will change your mind

And is it too much to ask to just be wanted

To feel the love I feel for you return

And is it so wrong to feel that you could love me

Looking at her, I knew what it feels like to not be loved back and I do love her back, its just hard to say how you feel if youve been avoiding the person

I guess the problem is that I'm not her

I'm not her

I'm not her

She's got blue eyes, long legs,

Pretty rosy cheeks

And I've got (s/c) skin, (h/c) hair

Not what you wanted anymore

"Its exactly what I wanted, because you are what I wanted" I spoke startling her

"How long have you been there?" She looked startled but didnt hide it that well

"Um since you started singing"

"Oh" she looked away from me

"You have a good voice, why do you hide it?"

"Its not that I hide it. Just you never pay attention"

I look at the ground in thought about what to say to her "hey, did you attack April on purpose? She said you did"

"Of course I didnt!" She turned to me angry "why would I? You saw me get shot with a mind control chip. April hates me. And I have no clue why. Shes like my dad, I have no clue why they hate me, when I did nothing to them" she hugged herself as I saw her shake a bit

"April told us you faked being controlled"

"Well, she's lying to you guys then" I was curious as to why when April told us that, she shook her head like it wasnt true "do you even know what she said to me when I took two of my friends on a walk? and no it wasn't nice, it was mean. so if you think she is all nice and kind to everyone, then your mistaken" she was trembling

"what did she say to you?" I asked more curious on what happened between them

"She said, 'how is it that someone like you has cute pets like them?' When I saw her and Casey petting Pucky and Goldie"

"Wait really? I can't believe April would say something like that"

"Well she did. You should go back to her before she gets upset with you talking to me" she turned around so her back faced me, so she was now looking down at the street

Suddenly I hugged her from behind not being able to not hug her anymore "I don't care if she does" she gasps when she hears what I said

"What? Why?" Her turning slightly to look at me

Turning her to look at me, I look straight into her gorgeous (e/c) eyes 'so pretty!' "Because ive missed hanging out with you" smiling showing the gap in my tooth, which made her smile as well as giggle. Hearing her happy made me even more happy

"Ive missed hanging out with you too, Donnie" she gave a sweet smile making my heart skip

'Crap, shes just so cute its so hard to not fall in love with her. This is going to be hard' "come on lets go back to the lair"


We got back to the lair and explained to my friends and the my pet friends that me and Donnie weren't upset with each other anymore and that we were friends again. Though I left out the part that I wished me and him were more than friends. But he may not even like me anyways, besides i doubt he could like someone like me

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