《Donnie's Nerd (Donnie x reader)》The Turtles


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I was in the back seat with my 4 pets comet, pucky (), Goldie, and red. Goldie and red in one carrier while the other two were in a second one. my dad and (sisters name) were in the front doing some things she saw on musically, which I never understood. I put my ear buds in to listen to some music on the way to our new house, well their new house, more like my prison

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I opened up my sketchbook to think of new invention ideas or to just draw things. I decided to draw a turtle because me and my friend back were I used to live loved them so much. the turtle was holding a pizza and eating it with the words im on the ninja diet at the bottom making it more cute in my opinion

my sister tends to ask me for drawings because she likes them only because she says im better at it, which is the only compliment I get from her. the things I do in this family are cooking if I have to, read, invent, play games, watch mystery/horror movies, music, and draw. my sister, pretty much everything girly, me not so much. dad, he likes sports, he wanted me to join some sport team but me being the person not into sports, never deciding on joining and doing the things I like

we got to NYC an hour later. it was boring if you could count my sister trying to sing but being very off key and me using my ear buds again to block it out as usual


I grabbed my few boxes of stuff, my bag that held my electronic devices like my laptop mainly, my games, I keep them with me at pretty much all times, laptop only if there is WiFi to watch videos and plan stuff, I brought my pets in first bringing them to my room so they can look around


I had the top room, aka the attic. I didnt mind since well it shows they can't get in my room unless I had to do chores, put my dads clothes away, or eat dinner. my sisters room was next to my dads with a bathroom across from their room

they were unpacking their stuff. I told my dad i was going to put my stuff away and he just nodded

I had to bring my bed stuff upstairs and my dresser, he just helped with my desk I use for my laptop and making stuff

I set my bed up with a brown and purple striped blanket. I thought it looked cool. I put up all the horror and mystery posters I have and some of my drawings with comets help. I put some music on to listen to while I put my clothes and inventions on my desk with my laptop. I plugged it in setting down my sketch pad next to it. I put all my plushies in a shelve except my turtle and fox plush. I put them on my bed

i was pretty much unpacked when my dad texted me

dad: my friend is here so im heading off to work, make yourself some dinner if you get hungry, (dad's friends name) will make something for (sisters name) if she is hungry

you: ok

that was the end of our conversation. i decided to work on making a little selfie drown because it would help Goldie out since he loves showing selfies of himself to me

you were up around 10 pm when you accidentally made a mistake making it short sureket () causing red to laugh. comet was swinging his bat around being careful, Goldie was playing a game, while pucky was helping me, he helps me out a lot. then i decided to check on my dads friend and my sister. my dads friend was asleep while my sister was surprisingly asleep as well. I went back to my room and looked out my window looking at the night sky


i got the idea to sneak out and have a walk outside for some fresh air, I told my pets that pucky was in charge but they all groaned. as i got on the ground, starting to walk down the street smiling at the sky again. wishing i could be free, but i sighed knowing that wont happen. some black ninja people saw me and they had red eyes, which frightened me a bit making me start to run away

"when I decide to walk at night, I need to remind myself of the danger!" I yell to myself

i bumped into someone or thing i guess and fell back on the ground on my butt "ow.."

"sorry about that-" a soothing voice said but cut himself off. Lookinh up at the person or thing talking, only to see he was a mutant turtle, he had a staff in his hands and a purple bandana with brown reddish eyes, he smiled with a gap in his teeth and he looked a bit nervous, which was cute if i had to admit, but im stubborn to be honest so i wouldnt admit it. he helped me up as I notice three other turtles. the red bandana one had sais and looked hotheaded, the blue bandana had two katanas, and the last one had an orange bandana the one who had numchucks and seemed to act like a child, he was also smaller than the rest

"s-sorry but I have to go help them" the purple bandana turtle said but then jumped and used his staff to attack the ninjas dressed in black with red eyes

I was awe struck at them that I couldnt move. I snapped out of it when I saw them walk over to me noticing they finished them off

"are you ok miss?" the blue bandana turtle asked

"u-um yeah, what just happened?" I was very confused

"the foot clan thats what" the red bandana crossed his arms with a not amused look on his face

"the foot clan? are those part of an evil group?"

"yes, they must have attacked you because you noticed them" blue said

"yet they are pretty evil dudette" orange just laughed. I dont think hes the brightest tool in the shed

"what he's trying to say pretty much is you need to be more careful when your out at night" the turtle with the staff said. again he smiled which made me think its cute again

"well cya, we have to go, be careful now, and dont tell anyone about us" blue said. once that happened they jumped from each side of the building and landed on the roof running into the distance I guess

I noticed a greenish Grey shell like object on the floor. Grabbing it, it looked like a shell on the back but if you turned it over it looked like a phone, it made me wonder if this was theirs but dropped it. I walked home thinking to myself 'I wonder if ill see them again, if I do, ill give their object back to them, plus, the one in purple looked adorable' I smiled to myself when I got to my room, sitting down in my chair next to my desk setting the phone the turtle dropped, looking at it lost in thought. but I did notice all the pets were asleep before I got home which made me smile at them

(comet ^)


(pucky ^)

(and Goldie ^ they are in older from age)

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