《Love Potion || Donnie x Reader》Evil Me


It was just a regular day, the guys and I were training, eating pizza... usual stuff the guys and I would do. But the catch was.....

It was April Fools, finally.. so we all started pulling pranks and stuff.

"AHH!..... ohh..... LEO!!" A scream I heard from Mikey's room, we all checked what Mikey was screaming about, "He put fake pizza in my pizza box!" We all laughed so hard we couldn't breathe well! "April fools Mikey!" Leo stuttered out of his mouth while chuckling "I'll get you back..." said a dark chuckling Mikey.

"MIKEY!!!!!!" I looked where the rooms were and there was Leo, soaking wet. "What happened??" I asked "Mikey put a bucket over my bedroom door filled with water!!" After he said that he shot a glare at Mikey, Mikey gulped as he knew Leo was so going to get him back however, a yell echoed across the lair, a mad looking Donnie stomped out of his lab furiously looking at Raph.

"Raph! Did you photoshop this picture?! Oh wait, April fools.....". He muttered out the last part, then went back to his room to get something."I've been wanting to do this for a along time Raph...". He went to Raphs room and I guess placed something? Raph didn't really care at the time so he went on with his comic. 1 hour later Raph went to his room to get his second comic, I heard a girls scream thinking it was April, Raph came yelling out bloody murder because he found a cockroach in his lamp.

Donnie came out of his lab and literally died of laughter. But now... it was the time to pull the best prank ever... about 20 minutes later when they went patrolling, I went to the dojo to ask Master Splinter to help out on my prank, luckily he agreed so we put it all together.


"Thank you sensei!" I said as I bowed. I went on the couch like nothing happened, the guys came in and saw me. Mikey came running to the couch "Hey dudette! Whatcha doin?" I tried so hard not to giggle. "Nothing just watching the newest Super Heroes episode" I replied excitedly, reminding myself about my FAVOURITE tv show, 2 minutes later Space Heroes came back on, Leo and I quickly.

"What a hero...". Leo and I said in unison, I giggled while Leo blushed, after the show it was bed time. I rushed to my room and giggled a lot. "(Y/N)!!!!!!!" Multiple voices said. "APRIL FOOLS!!" I yelled in a giggly way, they all rushed to my room. I was thinking they were going to beat me up but... instead they had a lot of water balloons and threw all of them at me. "Ow!! Ow!! Guys stop it! Hah!" I yelled.

I went under my covers to protect myself but nothing came at all, which kinda concerned me. I felt hands scatting around my body like there was no tomorrow. It SERIOUSLY tickled. "AH! SEIOUSLY GUYS STOP! HAHAHHAH!!!" I yelled again. They stopped after 2 ticklish minutes, I got up and looked at myself and my bed.

"Awwwe man! I'm so wet and my bed is too! Ughhhhh!". I say slightly annoyed. "Well that's what you get for putting tin foil all over our rooms." Raph said swiftly but slightly mad. "Hey I don't deserve it! It was only a prank! But... meh I'll sleep on the couch while you guys clean up your tin foiled rooms!" I giggled out.

"Okay guys get out! I'm gonna change!" As I shooed them away. They all nodded and left, I changed into a top that said QUEEN at the top and camo shorts. I walked out and went to the couch with a blanket and pillow. I put the pillow where I felt comfortable and fell asleep quite quickly.


Skeep toh dah

I yawned as I stretched looking around to see the time, it was 7:37 AM, I went to go check everyone's rooms, there were some tin foil in their rooms! I giggled then went to my room to change. After I changed I went to the dojo to drink some tea with master Splinter. I walked in and saw Sensei, he was meditating. I didn't wanna bother him so I walked out of the sewers.

I went to Mr. Murakami's (Correct me if I spelt that wrong) to eat some pizza gyoza. I was standing in front of his store, 'in I go..' I thought, but I felt a tingling sensation. Then after shook it off, I opened the door and all the lights were off.. Hmm strange right? "Mr Murakami?" My reply was a evil chuckle, it was.. deep, and rusty..

My eyes widened when I realized who I was dealing with. "Shr- Shredd- Shredder?!" I asked "Get her". That deep, dark voice said to shadows right next to him. I felt the floor boards creak behind me.. something banged my head, and I went down like a empty water bottle being knocked down by the wind.

Voices, muffled voices I hear behind the door. I open my eyes, it was blurry but I saw a... Mutant Fly?! "I am Baxter Stockman." "Dexter Boxman?" I chuckled "No! Baxter Stockman! Now time to put that work in you" A worm?! He grabbed a worm from a weird looking container and put it on my forehead, I tried to shake it off but it went in my ear and I lost control. All I had was vision. I was unstrapped and told to go to 'Masters' throne.

I walked there and leaned down. "You must capture the turtles." His voice always sent shivers down my spine. I nodded and remembered I had my T-Phone.


(Y/N):Guys!! I'm being attacked at Mr Murakami's!

Leo:Hold tight (Y/N) We'll be right there.

"Their coming Master.." I said as I chuckled evily..

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