ใ€ŠRishton Ka Manjha - MaAnใ€‹๐™“๐™„๐™„ |๐™๐™š๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ซ๐™ž๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™š๐™จ ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™ ๐˜ฝ๐™ž๐™ง๐™ฉ๐™๐™™๐™–๐™ฎ |


Thaltej, Ahmedabad

Anuj returned home grinning like a Cheshire Cat. He was feeling a myriad of emotions. They were so close yet so far. He saw his Anu, his Anupama after ages. She looked so resplendent yet there was a peculiar pain in her eyes. He sat down on the sofa and closed his eyes with a smile that was lingering. GK smiled as he was seeing Anuj genuinely happy after ages. There were rare instances when Anuj's smile would truly reach his face. He caressed his hair lovingly. asked GK. Anuj fished out his phone and forwarded it to GK who looked at the photographs and the video. He was stunned as he took a look at Anupama, the girl who had ruled and continues to rule his son's heart all these years. There was a certain kind of poise and grace that she possessed.

spoke up Anuj as he removed his coat and walked towards his room to freshen up. There was a hope that had been rekindled in the old father's heart. GK looked at Kanhaji and muttered "Dhyaan Rakhjo" as this was indicating a divine play. He made his way to the kitchen to prepare some warm milk along with Anuj's medicines. He sighed as Anuj could be careless at times. The silence indicated a headache. Anuj had changed into his night suit. He walked up to the cabinet in his room whose rollers had been jammed. A convenient lie that he had muttered all these years. He had abstained himself all these years but today he felt overpowered by strong emotions and removed a red leather diary that had a golden foiled peacock feather. He opened the page where the laminated rose had been placed as a bookmark. The diary had more blank pages as the entries covered twenty pages. He remembered the incidents crystal clear as if they had happened yesterday. He looked at it blankly. Anuj had left hope long back and would continue to do the same.

Anuj sighed as he shook his head to clear away his thoughts. He closed his diary and kept it back. This was something unacceptable yet he found himself swaying off track. His thoughts went to Anupama. He had questions as to her past yet the right was missing. Though the inhibitions were eased out something was missing. He had a lot to say as a friend yet felt himself out of words. The pain in her eyes bothered him yet the distance between the hearts stopped him. The hesitance was still there. She was still the same yet so much was different. The thought of the Shah Couple made him remember something that was purely business. He decided to ask out Devika and Vikram the next day. Anuj removed his mother's shawl from the bottom shelf of the sliding closet and called out to GK, who entered the room with things that were Anuj's bedtime routine. Anuj gulped down the medicines with a warm cup of milk and held onto GK. Soon both the father and son duo were fast asleep.

Satellite, Ahmedabad

Anupama's Ashiyana

Anupama entered the house only to find Samar wide awake awaiting her. She looked at him in disbelief as it was too late. It was a routine that they had developed post-divorce. They would talk about their day before bedtime. Sometimes as friends and sometimes as mother and son. Anupama was baffled as ever since he started staying with her, he had shown an interest in cooking and the first thing that he had learnt was tea. Though she could sense that he was disturbed yet was putting up a brave face. Nevertheless, she knew her way with words and so soon she would know the issue bothering her Bakhuda.


The mother and son due settled themselves on the sofa as soon as Anupama freshened up. There was a different kind of glow on her face and a curve that had been there for a long time to which Samar smiled. He took her hands into his and spoke, Anupama nodded her head in agreement as she took her phone out and showed him the pictures. The moments and love that was photographed. She went ahead to narrate the tales of her college and the characteristics that her batchmates had. The sparkle in her eyes made Samar ecstatic. exclaimed Samar as he saw the video of Anuj and Anupama dancing. asked Sam. Samar finished his questionnaire, and he widened his eyes in recognition. Anupama stiffened at the question yet answered, Anupama took a sip of her tea and further continued, and she trailed off. Samar could sense her apprehensions as there was more to the story, so he decided to let it slide for now. He realized that this was his Rockstar that had been hidden all these years. He squeezed her hands and spoke, Anupama smiled for Samar is the most sensible person.

inquired Anupama. Samar looked away when Anupama brought his face towards her and cupped it lovingly. Samar sighed and spoke about Rohan who was Nandini's ex. He further narrated the events which eventually led to him slapping up Rohan as he was hurting Nandini. said Anupama as she analyzed the situation. said Anupama with a finality in her voice, as she took away the cups to be kept in the kitchen. replied Samar as he helped in keeping the washed cups back in the crockery closet. Anupama noticed that Samar was having a hard time falling asleep and so she cuddled him and sang a lullaby. Soon he was fast asleep. Anupama's thoughts went to Anuj. He was still the same yet so much had changed. The inhibitions had been shed off yet there was reluctance and hesitation. The guilt of abandonment stopped her. She slept there with her head on the bed rest whereas Samar's head rested on her lap.

Thaltej, Ahmedabad

Anuj woke up earlier than usual. A routine that he had on his birthday. It brought up those memories which refused to leave his mind. He sighed and took a look at the photo frame on the bedside. The Kapadia's, Anand, and Gayatri Kapadia seating on the elegant white sofas with Anuj and Malvika back hugging them with GK who was standing beside them. He missed his family which had been torn apart by the catastrophe. A tear rolled down his eye. He freshened up and wore black sweatpants paired with a blue round neck full sleeve T-shirt with sleeves that were rolled up. Anuj walked into the room that he had specifically designed for his parents and knelt down before the large frame which was leaning on the wooden panel. A mark of respect and gratitude. He was seeking blessings from his parents. He sat there in the room soaking in all the warmth and love when GK entered the room with a box in his hand. He wished him and offered him a silver coin like every year. Anuj bent down and took his blessings. GK blessed him and left the room knowing that Anuj would be by himself.

The aroma of coffee infused with the fresh air gave him tranquility before he got started with the day. Anuj was going through the files when his phone vibrated. It was Saveer who had video-called him., wished Saveer whereas Anuj was taken aback by his unkempt appearance. Apparently, Saveer had just woken up due to the alarm he had kept. The time difference. Anuj smiled, and replied, He gave a flying kiss which was captured by Veer. Saveer spoke up, . Anuj knew his boy was up to something so he asked in a stern voice, The tone alarmed Veer yet he nodded his head sideways. Anuj was unconvinced yet said, Veer gave him a flashing smile as Anuj handed over the phone to GK.


The two kids were talking as if there was no one around. Saveer sighed though he did have a stiff back, he also had an injured hand which had been concealed skillfully and also refrained himself from spilling the beans that the tickets had been booked. Soon he was going to surprise his father. Anuj looked at them and walked to his room to get ready for the veneration which still had time. He wore an off-white bandhgala kurta paired with a white churidar. The chaos left Anuj amused as well as annoyed. It was GK who was hovering around the servants to get the decor of the temple perfect apart from Vikram who was offering a helping hand. It was a festival and his birthday as well. A lowkey celebration. The servants were later given sweet boxes by Anuj as they left the penthouse as a gesture of bonus. The decor was simple yet elegant.

" inquired Anuj as he hugged Vikram who nodded his head in agreement. That's when Anuj recalled the legal team and core teams' issue in the purchase of a such property. The experience with Vikram made Anuj weary of the Shah Couple and so decided to think about this later as it was time to go to the temple and then to the orphanage. It was his ritual. A way of staying connected to the roots. The children truly had his heart. The ride to the temple was a laugh riot as Vikram and GK bonded over the old memories. They cracked jokes and caught up on life when Vikram abruptly spoke up, " That was answered by silence as Anuj inhaled a deep breath as he knew the memories that Vikram had made with his parents. Anuj missed Samaira, Vikram's daughter with whom he shared a close relationship. She reminded him of Malvika and had relieved her childhood through Samaira.

Satellite, Ahmedabad

Anupama woke up with a stiff back and the clattering of utensils. She hurried to the source of the noise and was baffled to find Devika and Samar quarreling over something. interrupted Anupama. Both of them exchanged looks and Samar answered, Anupama looked around and found the chai was ready and the decorations were perfect. She looked on puzzled as she took a sip of her tea and inquired Devika replied, Anupama sighed as this was a never-ending debate. finished Anu with finality. Samar spoke up, Anupama looked at his retreating figure. He was silent and tormented. The cold war was still on between him and Nandini. She looked at Kanhaji's idol and muttered "Dhyaan Rakhjo". Devika walked to her and gave her a squeezing hug and asked Anu, Anupama nodded her head in agreement as she went ahead with the items to be prepared as a bhog or offering to the revered one when her phone rang. asked Anupama before she could answer the call. Devika saw the caller ID and scrunched her nose. answered Anupama. After a pause of a few seconds as she heard the other side, Anupama replied, and after a few moments the call was hung up.

Devika replied knowingly as she knew her best friend's habits. Anu sighed. She knew the turmoil in Devu's life and so she spoke up in a serious tone, Anu left giving her space to ponder over the suggestion as she badly needed a rest after cooking for nearly two hours. Anupama dosed off as soon as she hit the bed after making sure that an alarm was set.

Anupama hit the off button as soon as the alarm rang. She felt fresh and rejuvenated. She stretched out herself and walked up to the cupboard wondering what to wear. She was rummaging through the closet when her eyes fell on the full sleeve black blouse along with the velvet dark green saree with a shimmery border. A saree that was special to her but she never got an occasion to wear it. She wore it and kept her hair open. Minimal makeup and oh so gorgeous she looked. Devika was already ready and Vikram had arrived but Samar was nowhere to be seen. It sent her heart racing when the bell rang. It was Nandini who looked pale and worried as she entered the house for the veneration. Anupama rushed to Nandini and gave her a comforting hug. She coaxed her to open up about the meeting. The matter had escalated and it left everyone perplexed as Samar had gone somewhere in his anger. It had just got worse. Anupama took a deep breath and with shivering hands called up Samar and kept the phone on speaker, There was a long pause when Samar spoke up, Vikram intervened and spoke, Even before Vikram, Devika, Nandini, or Anupama could voice out something there was a loud crash. It left them blank. The call was cut. Anupama sat down with a thud whereas Nandini staggered on her feet.

Thaltej, Ahmedabad

GK had left for home straight from the temple whereas Vikram had gone to Anu's house and Anuj was here in his own world with the kids. The two hours were bliss for Anuj as he had relived his childhood with the kids. His heart was soaring in happiness. He had just stepped out of the premises when he spotted a faint figure of a boy crying. The petite figure reminded him of Saveer. He felt tugging emotions that someone was upset on the day of a festival just like he had been years back. It was Samar who walking on the road recalling Rohan's conversation and it pained his heart. He had a strong dislike for lies in a relationship and he had been disturbed by the fact that Nandini had inflicted the same pain on him. He was an emotional mess and was crying whilst talking on the phone unknown of the fact that there was a speeding truck behind him. He as well as the truck was nearing a steep curve. Anuj felt bad for him and decided to stay till the boy crossed the road when he spotted the truck nearing Samar. It was just a matter of seconds and so he rushed to Samar pulling him away from the truck. The harsh pull made both of them fall to the ground injuring their heads whereas Anuj had his hand injured as well.

The gash on his forehead was deep but still bleeding yet he somehow managed to come to consciousness. He rushed to Samar and tapped his cheeks trying to bring him to consciousness when he spotted the gash on his forehead which was bleeding. He got hold of Samar's phone and requested a person from the crowd to call his family whilst he picked up Samar with the help of other people and managed to settle him in the car. informed the person from the crowd. Anuj nodded in response and he drove off to his penthouse as it was nearby and the safest option at that moment but after ensuring that he had Samar's phone in his possession. Anuj informed GK briefly about the mishap and requested that he stayed upstairs only. GK in furtherance called up security via the intercom to be ready as soon as Anuj reached the parking lot. The security guard hurried to help Anuj as he entered the place.

GK had been pacing here and there since his call with Anuj. Their well-being worried him when the bell rang. He opened the door only to find the guard bringing in an unconscious Samar with Anuj in tow. He released the breath that he had been holding till now. Both of them laid Samar on the bed in the guest room and the security left giving away the privacy. when GK interjected, Anuj took the old hands into his and said, Anuj walked towards his room and freshened up as well as dressed up his wounds. He looked helpless as Samar's phone conked off. One look at his phone whose battery was dead and he muttered incoherently under his breath. There was no way he could contact Samar's family. He kept it for charging.

A few moments later when he walked into the room he saw that GK was sitting near the boy. He gestured for GK to leave. Anuj was working on his tab when he heard the faint noise. Samar was shivering. He instantly lowered the AC. He went ahead to check and found Samar's forehead burning hot. Anuj's palm felt a stinging sensation. He hurried to the kitchen and came back with a bowl of cold water. He opened a drawer and removed a few cotton strips. He kept a cold strip on Samar's forehead and went to check the phone. Luckily it was sufficiently charged. It was enough to make a phone call. He called up on the caller ID "VR" in the call logs. Anuj caressed Samar's head as he changed the strips frequently and kept paracetamol ready.

Satellite, Ahmedabad

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