《Just Love Me Back 2|| Winrina》Second



Beomgyu called me before I slept that day.

"Hey gyu, what's up?"

"Hey rina, we just wanna check on you. Remember me and yeonjun would come and help tmr. If I can't, I would ask sunghoon instead. I would then visit the following day" He laughed.

"Help me say hi to yeonjun. And when are yall gonna get married man? It's so long."

He shushed me,

"Softer. I got the ring, in a few days time. I love him so much."

I smiled, we both found our love after a chaotic life in university. After winter, sunghoon, and this? I can't believe this is happening. We chatted for a while. Afterwards,He had to go and sleep so he hung up. I also cuddled in with winter.

Winter was spooning me. Her breath is so addictive at the neck. She suddenly speak,

"Dad called."

I was shook. After that incident, his dad never cared about her. Now this?

"He is aware of our baby, marriage, he wants to see us tomorrow. Babe, what do u think?"

She said with her eyes closed.

My hands stopped playing with her hair and said,

"Sure, but he rarely calls..."

"I know, but I rejected him."

I look weirdly to her. She has never seen her parents in so long

Mainly reason was me, the girl as their neighbour like her daughter. Doesn't makes sense.

"But, u don't get to see them cause of me. I don't want u to regret so just say yes. I know u miss them. I saw u cry that night after u got home drunk. U cried in the shower. U kept saying your parents name. I can't bear to see u like this..."

She sighed as she raised up her head. We stared at each other's gaze. She avoided after a while. I knew something was wrong. She hid her face in my chest and said,


"I mean I do miss them. But they hurt me, ruined part of my life. If you weren't here, I might have done something foolish...they can't undo what they did in the past..."

I nodded my head. Winter had to go for therapy many times. There were times she and I fought. But once, it was so serious. She nearly got hit by a car. She ran away, I knew I was wrong and I needed her. I chased after her. Luckily I was there. I pushed her off the road. I teared a lot, who wouldn't. I was the one at fault and nearly caused my love's death. We never fought afterwards.

I knew if we continue with this conversation. She would end up crying. We just slept and got ready for the next day.

The next day

Me and winter started to pack, afterwards sunghoon walked in and helped. I said,

"I guess beomgyu told u to come. But don't u have work?"

"Oh today, Im going on a date with sunoo. Please keep it a secret, I'm going to propose today."

Winter and I looked at him in awe. He blushed in embarrassment. Winter smacked his shoulder,

"Good luck bro"

We continue to pack. Slowly, Taeyeon and Irene came. My parents had errands to run, so they could not come. I was quite disappointed but they promised me they will visit soon.

On the way home, Irene and Taeyeon both had their own house with their wifes. They got married while studying in America.

Taeyeon drove as Irene sat beside me, asking about the baby,

"So what is her name?"

I hugged the baby and winter and I said in unison,


She smiled and asked to hug the baby and smiled. It must reminded her the baby seulgi and her have. I just smiled.


It was weird. Beomgyu never messaged me, never called, never visit. It was very offf about him. He never breaks promises. I decided to visit him. I place Elise with winter, Irene and Taeyeon as I visited beomgyu.

He gave me a key in case of anything, so did I. Opening up the door, I was shock as hell. The living room was in a mess. Ripped papers, sofa cushions all over the place. I could here a soft whimper.

I followed the sound only to find beomgyu sitting on the floor, hugging a photo of yeonjun. I rushed to him and asked worriedly,

"What's wrong, why are u like this?"

I hugged him, all he did was hugged me back as he cried over my shoulders, his voice was muffled,

"Yeonjun... he's...dead..."

I was shocked to hear. All I could do was to hug him and waited for him to calm down. After being more calmed, I could tell, he was not well,

Dark circles around his eyes, band breath, messy hair

I decided to cook him some actually food. As he ate, I asked

"What happened?"

He tried not to cry, and said,

"When we were getting a gift for you, I nearly got hit by a car. But yeonjun ran in there and replaced me and got hit instead."

I just rubbed his back. He bent down his head, and cried softly. I knew the pain he was going through.

He met yeonjun earlier then I met winter. Yeonjun has been his lover for his while university life. His sudden death would definitely tramautize him.

After eating, I pursuaded him to go and finally and have a good rest. He finally slept while clear his whole house. Placing the photos back as a memory, clearing all the trash. Just then, a heard a loud shout,


I ran to his room to check. He had a bad nightmare. I started to get worried. I did not know what to do to help him. It's not like imma therapist. I decided to put this oil purifier thingy to help him sleep.

While sleeping, I sat on the couch and rubbed my temple of my head

I just need someone to help him...but who...



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