《Teddy Bear | WinRina》Chapter 11


It was a typical Saturday morning for the Yu's where they don't have any classes or extra ones to attend, no groceries to do because they're still in stock and both of them don't have any plans with their friends to hangout. Except now, Winter has become part of the household, so it's less typical now.

Of course, being the good-in-grades students they are, a day off like this means to finish all of the homework and assignments given for the weekend.

On the other hand, Winter who just finished her daily television time has nothing to do than to walk back and fro, like how she's doing now in front of Yujin who's currently watching her as she was a very interesting sport section on the channel while munching on a jar of cookie, taking a short break from dwelling with her papers scattered across the dining table.

"What are you doing?" Winter who had her eyes on her feet the whole time raises her head upon the question thrown. "Walking?" The bear scratches her nape when Yujin continue to stare at her in amusement.

She then walks over to the latter and sat in front of her, supporting her chin with both hands. "Winwin is bored. Play with Winwin." The bear pouts obviously very bored with walking now.

"Sorry baby bear," Yujin cleaned her hands before leaning to pinch Winter's right cheek. "I still have some papers to finish. Maybe next time?" She pulls back and turns her attention to the said work.

"Okay..." Winter slowly pull back and stand up. "I'll just play with Wally." With two slumped shoulder, she walks over to the wall and hugs it. Yujin can only chuckle. "Have fun."

A few minutes later, Katrina makes her appearance from upstairs, carrying a small pile of books and papers combined in her hands, probably her assignments to be finished.

A thud can be heard when Katrina dumped her stuff on the table in the living room, making Winter snap out of her comfort against the wall.

"Katrina , welcome home!" Winter detached herself and skips to the latter with a cheerful greet accompanied by a wide grin that makes her eyes disappears, the one that she always spawn whenever she sees her master.

"I didn't go out, Winter." Katrina stated lazily, throwing herself on the couch heaving a sigh afterwards. Not affected by her tone, Winter only sit next to her and lays her head on Katrina's thighs. Her master's warmth is the best, she once claimed.

Unexpectedly, Katrina didn't push her away. She only closes her eyes while putting a hand on top of Winter's cheek, not that Winter is complaining. "Play with Winwin?" She changes her position to face Katrina, but she didn't reply.

"Katrina?" Her calls remain unanswered. The bear pulls both of her master's hands and put them on her cheeks before calling once again.

"Katrina? Are you okay?" Winter stood up, somehow Katrina's hands feels oddly different. She cups her cheeks this time, making Katrina open her eyes slowly but still expressionless.

"Yujin!" Winter calls, the pair of worried eyes still in contact with Katrina's, "Something is wrong with Katrina."

"Hm? What do you mean?" Yujin asks back still on her position.


"Winter, stop flirting." The squirtle retorted.

"What is a flirting?" Winter peeks at her this time.

The latter only blinks after Winter's honest question before walking to the two in the living room. Katrina's expression remains the same when eye Yujin. Seeing the slight pink tint on her cheeks, she puts a hand on her unnie's forehead and the other on her own.


"Unnie, you caught a cold." The younger holds her by the shoulders, stating the obvious worriedly.

"I think so..." Katrina says weakly.

"But...How?" Yujin tilts her head.

"Yujin, have you seen my umbrella?" Katrina shouted, she was busy digging through the lower cabinets of the shelves on the corridor looking for the said item.

"It's on the usual spot!" Yujin shouted back from the kitchen.

"But there's nothing here!" The latter checked the spot where she last saw her pink umbrella for the nth time that morning. "How am I gonna go to school under this weather?" She stomped her feet in anger.

"That can't be, who else would take your umbrella?" Yujin made her next to her unnie to make sure she was not lying. It took a few moments before they realized someone else exists in their house.

They both then ran to the bear in the living room. Winter was lying on the floor, trying to fight off the sleepiness so that she can kiss bid her master goodbye before taking off.

"Winter?" Katrina called carefully.

"Hm? Are Katrina and Yujin going already?" She rubbed her eyes and stood up quickly.

"By any chance, did you.... Take my umbrella?" They both eyed the bear.

"Umbrella? What is that?"

"The thing that was inside a pink cylinder placed under the cabinet over there." Yujin pointed at the shelves.

"Ah- That was an umbrella? I thought it was food HAHAHAHA-" Winter laughed but they siblings only looked at each other.

"Well, did you take it?" Katrina asked hopefully. Winter only nodded gleefully.

"Where is it now?"

"I thought it was food but it wasn't, so Winwin threw it away because it was making Winwin unhappy." The bear chirped as if it was the most normal thing to say.

"Oh. Yeah. Now I remembered."


"Is Katrina okay, Yujin?" The bear's frown is very visible now as she asks. "Apparently, unnie is sick...," The latter looks over her tilting in confusion. "Which means, she's not healthy."

"WHAT-" Winter grabs her tight by the shoulder. "DON'T DIE ON WINWIN!" She shakes her vigorously.

"Stop that!" For someone who's weak the sound of the smack landed on the bear's forehead was quite loud, sending her tumbling over the couch and to the floor.

"Oh what to do!" Winter panics as she runs around in circles, ignoring the pain on her forehead.

"Don't overwork yourself, it's just a cold." Katrinagroans. "A really bad one." Yujin continues when she saw her sister coughs rather loudly. "You should lay down for today. Winter help me out while I arrange her stuff."

Being the loyal bear she is, helping out the siblings has become one of her chivalry, though some tasks were poorly done, it didn't stop her. Heck, it doesn't affect her at all, except for Katrina's constant yelling. So, there she is, helping Katrina to lean back on the couch. Feeling a little bit under the weather today, she didn't argue back.

"Winter, stop." The latter pushes the bear's face away when she leans too closely to her face. "I'm not in the mood and you might get sick too." She breathes. Feeling disappointed, she pulls back with a frown knowing that no one will be playing with her today.

Just then, Katrina's phone rings but she's unable to answer because it was too far for her reach, she signals Winter to grab it for her. "Don't worry, Winwin already saw you both do this a lot of time!" The bear shows her a toothy smile before sliding the screen to answer the phone.


"HELLO~" Winter sings.

"Hello- Katrina?" It's Ningning.

"Oh no no, this is Winwin. Katrina is sick.. wait. Katrina IS DYING PLEASE SEND HELP-" Looks like Winter had forgot that her master was sick, reality strikes and she just shouts through the phone.

There's no reply on the other line but a loud thud can be heard by Winter. "Hello? Ning?"

"Bear you're overworking yourself!" Yujin grabs the phone from her. Katrina can only groan in frustration.

"Hello? Ning unnie? Sorry about that, Winter is-"

"I'LL BE RIGHT THERE" Disconnected.

Ningning arrives in less than half an hour later. Turns out, she was making her way to the Yu's resident for Katrina to help on their homework. It's not the first time though. Sometimes it was Aeri.

"KATRINA PLEASE DON'T DIE YET, YOU STILL NEED TO HELP ME WITH THESE HOMEWORK I DON'T UNDERSTAND-" The long-legged girl burst inside without even Yujin finishing her sentence, flailing her papers while running towards into the living room.

"Um, Ningning unnie can you please look over unnie and Winter? I need to go buy some med. We're kind of running out of it." Yujin peeks which the latter response with a wave.

"Oh God why..." Katrina heaves a sigh watching her friend, fanning her papers dramatically in front of her face. "I'm just sick. Not dying."

"HAHA I know." Ningning fixes her position, she was joking but it doesn't mean that she's not worried. "I bought some ingredients, cooking you something is the least I can do." She smiles at the latter which she gladly returns.

It is true. When her friends were sick, Katrina would visit them. She would stop by their house too after school if one of them were absent. Though they seem to argue a lot, taking care of each other had been a common courtesy.

"You don't have too..."

"Ah but I must!" She sees her coughing and feels her temperature. "You got it bad... Do you want something? Water maybe?"

"Actually yes, I asked Winter" Just then Winter appears with a glass of water in her hand, "Ning!" She chirps, Ningning threw back a bashful smile upon hearing the nickname. "Hello baby bear." She cups her cheeks, shaking them in process.

"What's taking you so long?" Katrina tries to sit up with the help of her friend.

"Sorry it was hard to find it..." She handed the glass to Katrina. She studies her carefully before handing the glass to Ningning. "Can you please make sure it's water, I can't smell anything in this state."



"This is vinegar."

Now that Katrina is asleep, the other two are left on their own things to do. As for Ningning, she is busy preparing a soup for her friend. Winter on the other hand, is staring at her peacefully sleeping master. She has her arms crossed, supporting her chin on the edge of the couch.

"Baby bear, help me over here?" Ningning calls her when she sees her poking Katrina's cheek annoyingly. Winter gravitates to the kitchen a few second later. "Yes?"

"Instead of bothering your Majesty, you should help me take the other ingredients out of those bags." Ningning points at the items on the counter with a knife before going back to cutting.

"But who'll look after Katrina? She might need something!" Winter sports a pout only for it to be pinch by the latter. "I'm sure she's not that weak to call one of us from there." She laughs. "Plus, you were not that far from waking her up."

The bear huffs making her way to one of the chair and starts taking out the stuff out of the bags. To Ningning's surprise, Winter didn't ask anything at all about any of the things she takes out one by one.

"What's wrong? You look down."

"No? I'm looking at these things."

"No, I mean, you look unhappy. Something matter?"

"How can I not be unhappy when Katrina is sick." Winter stops and leans toward with a deep pout. Ningning who just sat beside her. She just laughs and pats her on the head. "You are so cute. I don't even know how Katrina can reject you like most of the time." She helps the bear with the stuff.

"If I were her, I'd date you though. You're cute and pretty sensible to me. You may be dumb but you only have your attention on her." Ningning states nonchalantly. "Date?" The bear tilts.

"A date is something you do with someone you love!"

"What is love?"

"Well, love is-"


"I met unnie when I was making my way home. She said she needs Katrina's help too." Yujin says after pouring a glass of water for her unnie to eat the medicine. The cat was long awake because of the satan's loud scream after accidently drinking vinegar.

Lesson learnt, never ask Winter for water.

But luckily, she fell back asleep the second after Winter's constant caressing on her hair after she took her med. "Yujin, Katrina is getting warmer." Yujin looks over the pouting bear who is still caressing her hair.

"I'll wet a towel for her." With that, Yujin makes her way.

"You're lucky you're adorable or I might as well choke you to death for the vinegar." Aeri exclaims between coughs. She walks over to the sleeping figure and feels her temperature. "Sorry, didn't know you caught a cold..." She mumbles pecking her on the forehead.

"Aeri, help needed!"

"Mkay." The said girl then stands up and gravitates herself to the kitchen leaving Winter with Katrina behind.

"Katrina~" Silence, only the sound of Katrina's heavy breathing can be heard in the living room, of course if you exclude Ningning's yells and Aeri's screams of pain from the kitchen.

"It's okay! Ning says you'll be alright, until then we can play, right?" Another silence.

Winter was about to hover over her wanting to pull her into a hug after pecking her forehead like Aeri did but only to be pull back by Yujin on the collar. "You're gonna get yourself sick too, you know." Yujin place a wet towel on Katrina's forehead. "And we can't afford missing any more assignments to finish."


Katrina wakes up the day after, the ceiling welcoming her sight, looks like she slept on the couch throughout the day.

Thankfully, the cold seems to have faded as she can breathe freely. She need to thank Ningning for the soup that taste somehow odd (because Aeri had put the wrong amount of wrong ingredients, somehow NIngning manage to fix the taste a bit since they're running out of ingredients) but thanks to her worn out taste buds, it doesn't affect her that much.

She's about to sit up but something, or someone, is holding her down. As if she doesn't know who's always clinging on her.

"Winter." She shakes her a bit, but there are no answers. Winter only rubs her face closer to her chest.

"Winter." She says a little louder this time only to have Winter throw her left leg over hers and pushes a pout on her cheek.

"Winter!" A kick is thrown to the bear causing her to stumble over the couch. "I DIDN'T TAKE YOUR MILK I SWEAR- Oh! Katrina!" Her panic expression turns into the grin again seeing her master sits up.

"Good morning! Are you okay now?" She cups her cheeks.

"Seems like it...Thank you." Katrina pulls her hands away before smiling. She doesn't know why she's thanking Winter, the last thing she remembered Winter gave everyone vinegar.

"Yes!" Hugs. "Does this mean we can go out and play?"

"You really need to start acting like an adult now." She looks over her arranged materials. "And no, I still have a day left to finish my homework- stop clinging on me!"

"Unnie! Good morning!" Yujin appears with a towel over her head. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine now, thank you. Sorry I made you went out to buy some supplies..." Her unnie gives her a grateful smile. "Don't sweat it." Yujin receives a messing on her hair.

"Oh and please remind me to thank those two idiots later." She only hums in response.

"Is it okay for Winwin to kiss now?"

"Wha- NO." She pushes the later's face away before getting up.

"Urgh. Can I kiss Yujin instead?"

"HAHA LOL NO." Yujin laughs mockingly but stops when the bear only frown at her. "Maybe Ningning might want, you should ask her later."

"Yu Yujin!"

"I'm just kidding! A kiss on the cheek sometimes would be oka-Winter?"

Winter was making this weird face as the two exchange words. "Winter, what's wrong?"


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