《Teddy Bear | WinRina》Chapter 6


If you were inside of the Yu's resident, the sound of Katrina's footsteps, well more like she's stomping the ground, can be heard from the outside. Then it stopped, followed by a sound of a bunch of keys dangling with a slight grunt.

The door burst open, revealing a fuming cat with their groceries in her arms. Then a bear and a squirtle, also with some bags of groceries, came in sight when the cat turned her direction towards the kitchen.

The very displeased cat put down the things on the dinner table a bit too roughly that a loud thud can be heard.

The bear and the squirtle looked at each other but said nothing as they put down the things, but not before gulping.

There was an awkward silent for the two of them as the cat just put her hands on the edge of the kitchen counter, lifting her own weight.

The two didn't budge a move. They, or just the squirtle, know what will they have to face if they act like nothing ever happened earlier.

"Unnie, I'm sorry...I don't think-" The little one's voice is stuck in her throat, she was about to burst any minute now. She was young after all. The thought of her disappointing her unnie like this it made her want to lock herself for 1 month without her pink marshmallow swirls. Heck she can't even live without it for a week.

But it wasn't entirely her fault.

"Winwin is sorry too.." The bear let out this time. She maybe dense, but she's not dumb. Well, maybe, not too dumb or too dense but- you get the point.

And the little one was 101% sure something will happen in any second now. There are many things going through her mind right now. A long lecture, a scolding, or maybe a "No sweets for a week!" She shivered.

Good thing her unnie doesn't do violence. Except for the satan and the youngest.

But things didn't go as she thought it'll be when the cat just pulled back her hand, heaved a sigh and spoke for the first time since they made their way home from the supermarket.

"Clean up after you eat." She says still looking straight into the air. She then made her way out of the kitchen, heading to her room.




Winter and Yujin are currently sitting down the dining table, eating their ramen that Katrina bought from a nearby restaurant quietly. The oldest may not have the mood to cook dinner, but she still cares about her unnie, now she needs to for the new bear.

"Yujin? I think Katrina is unhappy." Winter says with a frown.

"Unhappy???? Winter-" Yujin held the her's shoulders. "SHE'S ANGRY!" she finished with wide eyes, shaking her a little.

"What is angry?"

"Too unhappy that you're willing to hit someone." Yujin says removing her hands to cross them and went back to her seat.

"But Katrina didn't hit us though..." Winter was right. But why? Yujin thought. She didn't even threw her tantrum at them.

Well she actually did, back at the supermarket. How couldn't she? There were people running everywhere and it was all because them two, and the chocolate milk. She had to apologize to everyone, it was quite (SO VERY MUCH) embarrassing.

Luckily no one broke anything and Winter didn't bleed her nose. Although, she crashed herself (in the cart) on a pile of towel, God bless her. Still, there's nothing to be paid for Katrina.


"Winwin haven't seen her eat too.. Is Katrina not hungry?" Winter swirls her chopsticks (in which Yujin taught her how to use) around in her almost empty bowl as she eyed the latter.

Yujin could only sigh. "I don't know.." She really doesn't.

"BUT WHY DID YOU DISOBEY ME???" The squirtle then remembered the reason behind all of this mess. She fumed while punching the air, it's not scary at all.

"W-winwin is sorry! Winwin just lose control! It's like, that thing is calling for Winwin!" Winter whines while holding hear head, facing the table.

Yujin rolled her eyes and sigh again. She can't really blame Winter. And she doesn't want to pressure her since the chocolate milk she was chasing was nowhere to be found when they were paying for the groceries.

"What to do now?" Yujin stands up and grab their now empty bowls (they were really hungry despites all the running and shouting they did) to the sink and started washing.

"What are you doing?" Winter asked.

"Washing the dishes. Like unnie told us to do."


"Cleaning, it's that one thing that unnie would never forget to tell me no matter how angry she is. She can't stand dirty things." Yujin smile with her eyes still focusing on what she's doing.

"Clean view makes her calm." The youngest wasn't really focus on what she just said and why Winter asked her. She's probably tired. (Again, after all the running and shouting.)

"Is washing the dishes the only thing that has something to do with cleaning?" Winter's ears perked up.

"Nah, there's a lot! Y'know, like, sweeping the floor, and stuff." She yawned

Winter tapped her chins, thinking for a while.

"Yujin, can you show me that tiny box that shows people moving again? But I want to see them cleaning?"

"What? You mean videos?" Yujin turns herself to Winter after putting the last bowl away, raising a brow.

"If that's what it is then yes." Winter beamed.

"At this hour??" Ugh nevermind, wait." Too tired, she just took out her phone and went to Youtube. She grimaced a little typing 'cleaning' on the search bar. She then gave her phone to the bear after tapping on the first video that appeared.

"Thank you!" The bear chirped which Yujin only waved off.

"I'm going to bed now, just put the phone on the coffee table when you're done." The squirtle then drowsily walk off to her habitat.


Weird bear, watching a bunch of people cleaning at almost midnight. Yujin thought.

Katrina woke up at 3 a.m. out of hunger. Her stomach won't stop growling and churning as she stood up on her bed.

Rubbing her eyes before adjusting them to her surrounding, she grunts. She really wanted to burst out of the door to grab something but her pride is bigger than her hunger and she liked to keep it that way.

So she just laid back to her bed, throwing an arm over to cover her eyes. But instead off drifting back to bed, she thought about the bear.

"This is so annoying." She breathed out feeling annoyed. "In a span of one day and my life is already a mess." She removed her hand to face the ceiling.

Those weren't the only thing Katrina thought of. She also thought about their expenses, extra care that she has to give out. Her life is gonna be hell of an exam with Winter's 'what's'.


"Why is my life like this? If my life was a fanfic, who the hell wrote the story of my life." She held her fist high, groaning.


"Why did I even picked her up?" She sigh.


"Curse you, eyes, for falling easily on cute things." She sigh louder.


"But what if someone else found her?" She stood up quickly at the thought of the innocent, dumb (and naked) bear in the hands of another person.


"What is the person is a killer???" She gasped a bit.


"Or a criminal that sells people???" She gasped again. Somehow it made her relieve knowing that she was the one who found her.

No, she was glad. And it wasn't precisely Winter's fault the embarrassing incidents that happened from the moment she found her.

Winter is dense, she shouldn't really blame her.

Maybe she was too hard on her.

She also wondered where Winter is right now. The bear knocked on her door a few hours ago, asking her "Katrina aren't you going to eat?" They sounded like pleads.

But, being the 'my pride is bigger than South Korea' person she is, she doesn't answer to any. She was acting selfish indeed, Katrina thought to herself and frowned.

"I hope she's not cold.." She mumbled worriedly.


"You know what, screw this-" She needs to eat. Her pride long forgotten as she walked out from her room.

After having her body completely out of her room, still no signs of the bear, Katrina's eyes quickly invades her surrounding to search for any signs of broken glass or smashed things. But, to her dismay, it was the opposite.

Everything was still in place. Heck, the things that weren't placed appropriately are also in place and in... their cleanest form(?) Katrina has her jaw dropped.

"Did Winter... Do all of these..? Nah that's impossible." Her master mumbled quietly as she walk all over the living room, almost tripping because the floor feels like it has been waxed or something. Someone swept and mopped. She traces her fingers on the coffee table, there's no sign of dust as she brought her hands up to her face to examine. Someone dusted and wiped.

Katrina then made her way to the kitchen only not to find their groceries. They were no longer on the counter. She frowns, walking to check on the fridge and there it was. All of the fruits and vegetables were stacked neatly in it while the juice boxes were placed on the door of the fridge. She stood up to open the cabins. Their snacks and instant food were also stacked. Someone stacked.

"But who?.." Yujin probably didn't do it. The little one can't reach the cabin.

She heard a sudden buzz in the living room. Curious, she went back there to check on what it was.

Yujin's phone screen was flashing, showing a pic of her and Winter together. Based on all of those accessories on the bear, they probably took it this morning. Hesitantly, she pick her phone up and slide to unlock the screen.

"Why is Yujin's phone here?" She raises a brow. Soon after, her other brow is also raised, for what she sees on Yujin's screen. "What?..."

Something was moving behind her and she quickly turn around, holding the phone up, using it as a weapon as something was about to attack her.

"hjklsjs.." It was Winter. She was turning around searching for a comfortable spot in her sleep. She was curled into a ball while hugging a broom.

There was a moment when Katrina just stared down at the bear. She dropped her fighting position and walked to Winter.

"Did you do all of these?" She whispered not to wake her up. She brushes off a strand of hair that's on the bear's face but pulled back immediately when the bear's eyes flutters open.

"Oh! Sorry did I wake you up?"

She froze on her spot when Winter quickly stood up and hugged her tightly. "Katrina!"


"Eat!" The bear hugs tighter. It somehow made her chuckle.

"Did you clean? In the middle of the night?" It was Katrina who pulled back but held Winter by her shoulders.

"Well.." Winter plays with her fingers. "Yujin said clean sight makes you happy. So Winwin thought-"

She thought. Oh my.

"Winwin thought this will make Katrina.. less angry?" Winter raised her shoulders, making a face.

Katrina only chuckled once more as the pats Winter by the cheeks. "You don't have to."

"But Winwin wanted to!" She grinned and hugged her again.

After a moment, Winter loosen her arms when she felt Katrina grabbing something behind her back. She tilted her head but soon it was a replaced by a huge smile.

Katrina waves a familiar bottle in front of Winter's face. "Let's go eat!" She stood up and skipped away to the kitchen before Winter could even take a hold of the wonderful choco milk.

"Yes Master!" Winter threw away the broom and followed her master.

Katrina bought choco milk, just in case.

The door with a sign of a Hello Kitty hanged on it flew open, revealing a stretching squirtle with her bed hair and eyes still half closed.

"hhhhghsf!.." She cracks some joints after fixing her hair with her hands. It only helps a little. "Good morning, Angel." She mumbled to herself.

"Because you've slept really well today, I shall serve you with the most delicious marshmallows in the galaxy." She says still to herself.

After washing up a little on the bathroom, she walks into the kitchen, nonchalantly grabbing her snacks in one of the lower cabin. Not really aware of everything as she was still a bit sleepy.

"Wait something is missing.." She pats her pockets, searching for her phone. "Ah yes, it was Winter.." She made her way to the living room where she has told the bear to put her phone at.

Yujin was about to reach her phone when a sleeping bear and a sleeping cat came into her view. Katrina had both of her arms under her head, using them as a pillow facing Winter while Winter is hugging her waist.

She grimaces at the sight. "Uhh. Wait, but why??" She turned to grab her phone and unlocks it. Eyeing the screen for a while. "Wait.." She finally realized her surroundings as her eyes started to move around and landed on a broom on the floor. Then to the snacks in her hand.

"Oh." She breathed out. She finally recalled what she told the bear yesterday about 'cleaning'.

Opening her camera, she took a pic of the two on the same couch. "I can really use this." She smirked evilly. The squirtle once again looked over Winter, who's now grinning, looking all comfortable.

"Smart-assed dense bear. You really know what you're doing now huh?" She smiled softly as she put her phone away after closing the tabs.


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