《Troublemaker ✔️ || Got7 Yugyeom FF [1]》32 | I Love You


• • •

Two Years Ago

"The stars are so beautiful tonight." I said, staring up at the night sky in awe.

Jinyoung sat next to me as we've been staying at Yoongi's little hide out for almost a week.

It's been a few months since we started dating, but my parents don't agree with our relationship.

It was so bad to the point that one day when Jinyoung was over, my dad caught him in my room and chased him out the house with a bat.

"Aren't you worried?" Jinyoung asks and I let out a deep sigh.

"I am worried, about what else my dad might do." I state while looking down at my feet.

"Why is he going to such lengths?"

After catching Jinyoung with me for the final time, my dad decided to bring the law into it. Jinyoung hasn't done anything wrong, but my parents just hate him.

"He says that your a bad influence on me, and won't allow this relationship." I let out a sarcastic laugh, "I just want him to understand that you're not a bad guy."

"I know, but.." He pauses before going on.

"But what?"

"He called you, precious.." He mutters.

I turn to look at him with furrowed brows, "Who?"

"Your dad."

"Precious to whom?" I question, not understanding.

"To me." He answers simply.

My father was saying I was precious to Jinyoung? I'm not comprehending what he means.


"..Because—I'm sorry." He speaks sincerely, but I held a clueless expression.

"Why are you sorry?"

"Because I love you." He confesses quietly and my brows raise.

This was the first time he ever said, I love you, to me. My heart race picked up in speed and we both looked away from each other shyly.

I quickly wrap my arm around his shoulder, pulling him close and he lets out a light laugh.

"What did you say? I didn't hear it." I quirk a brow, wanting him to repeat his words.

"Forget it." He refuses.

"No, I really didn't hear it. Can you just say it one more time, please?" I insist while pouting.

He scoffs at my begging and I rest my head against his shoulder, "Listen carefully, this is the last time I'll say it."

I sit up and lean back to look at him while he said it. He turns to me and abruptly leans in, kissing me.

His hand slides up to cup my cheek to hold my face in place. I practically felt my heart doing little backflips in my chest.

He pulls back and I couldn't stop smiling, "I love you, too."

• I •

Present Day

I swiftly sit up in my seat after my dream. My mind couldn't stop thinking about Jinyoung and now it was making me dream about our forgotten moments together.

I found myself looking around in a panic, until I realized I was at the hospital. Yugyeom told me to just get some sleep as Youngjae's surgery was going to take a while.

I look up at the clock sitting on the wall across from me and see it's already seven in the morning.

I immediately stand up and rush to Youngjae's room, but someone grabbed my hand before I could open the door.

"Y/n, he's going to be okay." Yugyeom says, trying to comfort me.

"How can you be so sure? My brother just got shot!" I whisper-shout as we stood outside of his hospital room.


I quickly called 911 after witnessing the shooting by some mysterious man. They brought him to the hospital as he was bleeding out too fast.

Youngjae had already gone through surgery to get the bullet out, but he hasn't woken up yet.

"The doctor said that he should be fine, he just needs some rest. He lost a lot of blood." He informs and I let out a huff.

"I'm sorry for being crabby, I'm just so worried about him." I sigh and he just pulls me in for a hug.

"I know, Y/n. It's fine." He speaks in soft tone, resting his chin on my head.

The hall fell silent as I tried my best to focus on Yugyeom's words. I tried concentrating on the clicking sound of the clock on the wall..when suddenly—

Slow and steady footsteps could be heard from behind Yugyeom. I take a peak at who was entering the hallway and my eyes widen.

I could feel the beat of my heart through the tips of my fingers. I retract my body away from Yugyeom and stare at the person in shock.

He stops just a few feet away from me and his eyes squint with a joyful smile.

"Hi, what'd I miss?"

His voice took my breath away as my eyes trembled with tears. I missed him..I missed him so much.


I run over to him, crashing my body against his. He seemed taken aback, but returns the hug.

His gentle laugh ringed in my ear as I buried my head into his chest. I didn't think he'd ever come back.

"Oh, you're here..I was beginning to think you wouldn't show." Yugyeom smiles in relief.

"I can't believe you'd ever doubt me." Mark responds in a childish tone, pretending to be hurt.

"What are you doing here?" I question, pulling away from him.

"Yugyeom called and told me what happened. Youngjae's my friend, too, so of course I'd show." He grins.

"Y-Your hair, it's black." I state, noticing the difference.

"Yeah, I got tired of dealing with the blonde, so I dyed it black." He scratches the back of his neck sheepishly, "It's good to see you guys again, though."

"Alright, you two catch up and I'll ask the nurse if we can go in." Yugyeom orders, leaving the hall.

"You seem..happy." I state, sitting back down in one of the waiting chairs.

"I am happy, Victoria and I have been going strong for a few months." He says proudly.

He takes a seat next to me and I could definitely notice his change, physically and mentally.

"That's good..I'm glad." I speak sincerely.

"So, I hear you and Yugyeom got back together." He wiggles his brows, teasingly.

"Yes, we did." I laugh, resting my chin against the palm of my hand.

"It's a great thing I left, then." He says suddenly and my forehead wrinkles in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"We all know you would've chose me if I had stayed." He states cockily and I just shove his shoulder.

"Yeah right, calm your ego down." I roll my eyes and he chuckles lightly.

"What're you guys talking about?"

I look up at the familiar voice to see Jackson walking over to us.


"I'm back guys, aren't you glad to see me?" He asks, flexing his muscles playfully.

"What's up, bro?" He says, dabbing Mark up.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who dyed his hair." Mark speaks slyly.


"If you're here, shouldn't Jennie be here too?" I ask and he nods, sitting down beside Mark.

"Yeah, she just went to the bathroom." He beams with joy.

"The crew is finally back togeth—" I was beginning to say, but then I remembered about Jisoo.

Even if all of us are back together, it won't be the same without her.

"Hi, I'm here too." Bambam states, heading over to us.

"Damn, I haven't seen you in a while." Mark says to him as he sits down on the other side of me.

"Well, who's fault is that?" Bambam speaks in a mocking manner, leaning his head against the wall, tiredly.

"Guys, the nurse said we can go in." Yugyeom informs after walking back over.

"And I just sat down." Bambam groans.

I snicker silently while helping him stand. His leg still hasn't fully healed after being shot by Soojin.

The four boys walk into the room first. As I was about to go in, my arm was yanked back.

I frown, seeing Baekhyun holding onto my hand. He had clear dark circles under his eyes and he looked exhausted.

"Y/n, I'm sorry." He apologizes, but I shake my head in confusion.

"About what?"

"Just..for Jisoo and Youngjae. I didn't get a chance to go to her memorial." He explains and I remove my hand from his grasp.

"You're not the one who killed Jisoo, it was Jinyoung." I state firmly.

"Yeah..Jinyoung." He says in a shaky voice.

"Oh, hold on, someone's calling me." I purse my lips and answer the call.

I watch as Baekhyun walks into Youngjae's room and I turn around to face the other way.

"Hello?" I answer, leaning my shoulder against the wall.


My jaw clenches at the male voice. It was Jinyoung calling, again. I take in a deep breath, trying to remain calm.

"After everything you've done, you still have the audacity to call me." I scowl.

"Look, I'm sorry but—"

"No, you don't get to apologize! You killed Jisoo and I'm pretty sure you're the one who shot Youngjae. There's nothing you can say to make that better." I rant, whispering so no one could hear.

"Youngjae got shot?" He asks, sounding puzzled.

"Yeah, you're the one who shot him. Are you dumb?" I state the obvious.

"No, I didn't. And whoever that Jisoo girl you're talking about, I didn't kill her either." He argues.

"You really expect me to believe that? You told me you were coming over to my apartment to talk and when I got there she was dead." I insist on my theory.

"Y/n, I haven't left my house in a over a week. I backed out, I didn't go to your apartment." He says and I scoff.

"Then why are you calling me?"

"I called to tell you, that you won't be seeing me ever again. I'm ending it." He speaks hesitantly and my eyes widen for a split second.

He's going to kill himself?

"You know what? Go ahead and do it. I can't believe anything you say anymore." I hang up on him.

I don't trust him about Jisoo's death. It had to have been him, he's the only one who said he was coming over.

Suddenly, I get a notification from my apartment office. They send the camera footage for every week to see who comes in and out of the apartments.

I scroll through it quickly and stop on the night of Jisoo's death. I watch as the same man with the black cap and white pistol walk inside the house.

I look closer and fast forward until he walks back out. I couldn't see his face, but I could see his hands.

I pause it and zoom in to get a closer look. My eyes widen, finally realizing who it was. And it wasn't Jinyoung.

"O-Oh fuck.." I mutter, shoving my phone in my pocket.

Byun Baekhyun!

Just above the knuckles on his right hand had the letters, E.X.O. It was him.

It was Baekhyun who killed Jisoo and then shot Youngjae. He heard me the last time I talked to Jinyoung on the phone and how I said he was coming over.

I turn to look back in the room and see Baekhyun standing there with a blank expression.

That's when I remembered, Jinyoung said he was going to end it.

I rush down the hall without saying a word to anyone. I needed to stop him.

I soon as I turned the corner, I bumped into someone. Noticing it was only Jennie, I sigh in relief.

"Woah, Y/n, where are you going?" She asks, observing my panicked face.

I immediately explain everything to her, not having enough time to tell anyone else. She was in shock, but I told her that she needed to tell Yugyeom privately.

"You can't let anyone hear about this, so tell Yugyeom over text, okay?" I say, making sure she understood.

"I will, now go..before it's too late."

• II •

I went to see where Y/n had ran off to and overheard her speaking with Jennie.

I stay hidden behind the corner and listen in on to what she was saying. My brows raise once hearing she knew that it was me who shot her brother and killed Jisoo.

But at the moment, I didn't care about her feelings. Jinyoung killed Kai, so I needed to get my revenge.

I didn't mean to shoot Jisoo, but she caught me by surprise. I only went there looking for Jinyoung. My goal was to kill him.

I watch Y/n run out the hospital exit and Jennie comes walking by. She looks at me with pure disappointment as she walks by.

I needed to make sure Jinyoung dies. He doesn't deserve to live after what he's done. So, I go to follow Y/n.

I stop at the feeling of someone placing their hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Yugyeom standing there.

"Where's Y/n?"

"She went to go find Jinyoung, I was just about to follow her." I answer truthfully.

"I'm coming. Jinyoung's too dangerous to be around." He states, inviting himself

I wanted to decline as he's too much of a hassle and I don't like him one bit, but it would look too suspicious if I did. I just grit my teeth and nod.

"Let's go then."

• III •

I pull my car up to what looks like an abandoned house. It was quite far from the city, but I found it by tracking Jinyoung's phone.

I'm thankful I didn't delete his number, because Youngjae taught me how to find someone by using their phone number a few years ago.

I step out of my vehicle and slowly head inside the old house.

I look around, until I enter the living-room. He wasn't anywhere in here, but I spot a small pistol on one of the little tables. I pick it up, not knowing if he was going to use that to kill himself.

I was about to check the kitchen, but Jinyoung enters the room , quietly. He didn't even look surprised to see me.

"I'm impressed..that you were able to find me." He states, standing not too far from me.

"I need to ask you something." I voice, after figuring out his plan.

"Go ahead."

"You were going to use this on my brother, weren't you?" I question, staring down at the gun in my hand.

"Yeah, I was." He looks at me with a straight face.

"You wanted to kill him?"

"Yeah." He steps closer.

"That's why you broke up with me, because my brother killed your father?"

"Yep." He smiles arrogantly.

"You asked to come to my apartment to tell me what you were planning to do, didn't you?" I question, swallowing the lump in my throat.


"So, this whole time..everything you've done was because of Youngjae?"

"Yeah." He nods, "But I couldn't, because of you."

"..is there anything I'm missing, or did I get the gist of it all?" I ask, but he doesn't answer.

"Did it not matter? That you ruined and destroyed many peoples lives all because of an accident that happened years ago?" I question, having mixed emotions.

"You know I don't care." He smiles, shaking his head.

You nod angrily and let out a scoff. Without any hesitation, I point his gun to my head, keeping a poker-face.

His expression falters and the smile leaves his eyes, not expecting my sudden gesture, "What are you doing?"

"This can kill someone, can't it?" I ask with sharp eyes.

"That's not a toy." His breath stiffens, seeing how serious I am.

"Exactly." I cock the gun, placing against the side of my head again.

"Stop messing around, give it to me." He demands, stepping closer.

"This is because I'm sorry towards you." I admit, "Since my brother killed your father, I'm sorry."

"I'll die for Youngjae instead."

"Give it here." He holds his hand out, walking closer.

"Tell me you won't end your life." I order, holding my finger over the trigger.

"Y/n, give me the gun." He says in a softer tone, now standing directly in-front of me.

"This is your last chance." I speak sternly, "Promise me, you won't kill yourself."

He no longer held a cold expression upon his face, but now his eyes were laced with fear.


• IV •

Baekhyun and I are now walking through the woods in the direction Y/n went.

We decided to park the car further down and walk the rest of the way as we didn't want her to find out we're following her.

My phone vibrates unexpectedly, letting me know I got a text.

"How long is this gonna take?" I question, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

"It's not far, I think it's just a few minutes away." He replies, walking ahead of me.

I open my phone to see a text from Jennie which is strange, since she never texts me.

As I read the message my footsteps come to a stop. I look up at Baekhyun as his back was facing me.

"..you did it." I state, baffled.

He stops walking at the sound of my faint voice and turns around to face me, "Huh?"

"You're the one who killed Jisoo and shot Youngjae..not Jinyoung." I affirm and he just laughs.

"I knew you'd find out." He scoffs, whipping out his gun that was tucked under his jacket.

The gun was all white with a giant rose on the side of it. I knew that gun very well as it used to be Jaebum's.

"What? Are you going to shoot me now?" I ask, provokingly and he shrugs.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't."

"Why'd you do it? Why'd you want to kill them?" I question, demanding an answer.

"Jisoo was an accident, but Youngjae was on purpose. Jinyoung was already gonna go over to the apartment, so I figured Y/n would just blame Jinyoung for killing her friend." He explains, "But Youngjae..I found out Jinyoung was going to kill him. So, I thought I'd do it for him to make it more believable."

"How could you do this to, Y/n?! She's shown you nothing but kindness!" I shout in anger.

"I know that!" He yells back, "It wasn't my intention to hurt her, but Jinyoung murdered Kai right in-front of me."

Without delaying, I kick the gun from Baekhyun's hand and tackle him to the ground.

Suddenly, a gunshot fires from a distance and I look up in shock. Baekhyun took that as an opportunity to kick me off.

He snatches his gun off of the ground and shoots me in the foot with it.

I groan in pain at the feeling of the bullet piercing my skin. Blood fills my shoe and I look back up at Baekhyun who held a smug grin on his face.

"Try chasing after me with a bullet stuck in your foot."

• V •

"Y/n!" Jinyoung hollers, smacking the gun out of your hand.

It slams against the ground and fires, creating a loud sound that echoed across the room.

"You're different." He states, noticing my change in aura.

Threatening to kill myself would've never crossed my mind before. I no longer am the happy-go-lucky person I used to be.

"How'd you guess?" I ask, mockingly, "..is it because I look completely lifeless?"

"Well, guess what! I have cancer." I smile, sarcastically.

His eyes widen with pity, but I wasn't fazed by it anymore. The thought of dying no longer affected me.

"Y/n, I—"

"You what? You didn't know that my days are numbered? That's okay, no one did." I cut him off.

"You can't be sick. You can't die, Y/n." He denies it.

"Why would you even consider killing yourself, Jinyoung?" I ask while picking the gun up off of the floor.

"..I just don't have the strength to live like this anymore." He admits, shamefully.

"You're lucky enough to be one of the few people who get to live out your life like a healthy and normal person!" I holler, tossing the gun on the couch.

"Come on, don't guilt trip me.." He says, trying to keep his composure.

"Why would you choose to end your life when there are so many people who still care about you. It may not seem like it, but you have six amazing friends who love you even after all you've done! So, why choose to end it?" I spout my feelings.

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