《Troublemaker ✔️ || Got7 Yugyeom FF [1]》29 | Shots Fired


• • •

Three Years Ago

"Youngjae, Jinyoung texted saying he's gonna come over in a few minutes." I inform, while unlocking the front door.

"Oh, okay." He nods, looking up from his phone.

I head back over and stand behind the couch. I lean forward, peeking at his phone screen.

"Who're you texting? Is it a girl?" I ask teasingly and he just shoves me away.

"Yes, it's a girl, and she's my little sister." He states, shoving his phone in his pocket.

"Oh, are you talking about the one that lives in Busan?" I question, remembering the few times he would talk about her.

"Yeah, it's Y/n."

"How come you live here in Seoul, but she lives there?" I ask, since he's been living with Jaebum.

"My mom sent me here to get the best education and graduate early, so I can get a good job." He explains simply and I nod.

"What's she like..you're sister?"

"I'm not really sure, but she's a lot like Mark, I guess." He says, tilting his head to think. "She's really shy and quiet, but super nice once you get to know her." He answers with a smile on his face.

"Do you think I'll ever get to meet her?" I question with bright eyes.

If she's anything like Youngjae just described then the rest of our group will definitely like her.


Suddenly, someone bursts through the front door. I look over, seeing it's Jinyoung's father and he looked angry.

"Where is he?!" He exclaims while holding a broken beer bottle in his hand.

"Who?" I question, backing up.

Youngjae stands to his feet and quickly backs to the corner of the living-room. He stops next to one of the dressers and I look back over at Jinyoung's father.

"Your dad, you dimwit!" He shouts, pointing the bottle at me threateningly.

"I-I don't know, he's not home." I state truthfully and look back over at Youngjae.

I couldn't see what he was doing, but he looked extremely nervous. He steadily opens the top drawer, trying not to be noticeable.

"Don't lie to me! I know he's here." He continues to yell.

"Look, you're drunk..you're not thinking straight." I speak calmly, trying to get him to settle down.

"Don't tell me what I am, little boy!" He hollers and swings the bottle.

I block my face and the glass cuts right through my palm. I wince in pain as blood begins spilling down my wrist.

All of a sudden, I hear a loud ringing through my ear. I look up and see Jinyoung's dad fall to the floor.

"Holy fuck!"

I turn around and see Youngjae holding a gun in his hands. He drops it in shock, realizing what he had just done.

"Oh shit.." He curses.

"Yugyeom, what's going on?!"

My dad runs into the house after hearing the loud gunshot. His eyes sharpen at the dead body on the floor.

"He was looking for you, practically attacking us." I reveal, grasping my injured hand in pain.

"I-I didn't mean to." Youngjae stutters, "I was just trying to protect us."

"Yeah, he saved me." I defend his actions.

"It's okay, everything's okay." My dad says, walking over to Youngjae.

He picks the gun up from the floor, making sure it wouldn't go off again. Youngjae began to freak out as he just killed his friend's dad.


"Youngjae, go get Jaebum and tell him what happened. I'll take care of this." He orders.


He rushes out the house, heading to Jaebum's place. I look down at the blood slowly spreading across the floor.

My heart was beating heavily and my face was sweating. I try to wipe it away, but it only smeared blood across my cheek.

"I'll clean this up, just—"


I look up at the door only to see Jinyoung standing there in shock. His body was frozen in place at the sight in-front of him.

"Wait—I can explain." I say, but he ignores me

"Did you—is my dad dead?" He asks, noticing the gun in my father's hand.

"He came over shouting for my dad, we didn't know what to do." I state, stepping closer to him, but he backs away.

"So, your dad decided to kill him?!"

"No, he didn't..he just—" I try to explain, but he cuts me off.

"Don't lie to me." He glares harshly, "You know what? Fuck you."

• I •

Present Day

"So, you're going to Hong Kong to visit Jackson in a few weeks?" I ask Jennie as we walk through the school hallways.

"Yep, I'm so excited." She beams with happiness.

"But it'll be Christmas season soon." I pout, not wanting her to miss it.

"I'll be back just before Christmas and besides, you'll have Jisoo to keep you company." She explains.

"I know, but it's just not the same without you." I sigh.

"I know, right? I'm such a good friend." She boasts, making me roll my eyes.

"Sure you are."

"Oh, I got to meet Jisoo in the gym, but I'll see you after lunch." She suddenly remembers and turns around to walk the way we came from.

"Okay, see you." I smile.

I continue on and turn the corner into another hallway. That's when I glance over and see Momo grabbing my arm.

"Y/n, have you seen Kai?" She asks, feeling hopeful.

I already revealed to her how Kai's my step-brother and he told me about their relationship. Now, whenever something's up, she'll ask me about him.

"No, not since the funeral."

"I'm getting worried, he never goes this long without contacting me." She speaks anxiously.

"I know, but I'm just hoping for the best. I haven't heard from Baekhyun either." I inform sullenly.

"Well, if you do hear anything can you let me know? I just miss him." She states with optimistic eyes.

"I will."

"Thank you, and I'll see you after class." She says and hurries off.

She's right though. Kai never goes this long without texting me. It's been almost a month and they're still not back, yet.

I really hope he's okay. I just want him and Baekhyun to be safe. If anything happened, I don't know how I'll react.

Suddenly, two loud blares fire throughout the school building and I freeze in place. I know that sound very well. They were gunshots.

Screams could be heard from a few halls down and I almost dropped my phone. An announcement goes off, letting the school know to shut all classroom doors as there's an intruder.

I start speed walking through the hallway, not knowing where to go. My heart was pounding from fear.

I retract my steps when I see blood spilling from around the corner. I take a few steps back when I felt myself being yanked into an empty classroom.


"Bambam?" I whisper, turning to face him.

"Be quiet!" He whisper-shouts, pulling me under the teacher's desk.

"Who is it?" I ask quietly, but he shakes his head.

"I don't kn—"

He quickly clasped his hand over my mouth at the sound of the door slowly opening. I squeeze my eyes shut as he held me against his chest.

My thoughts go to Yugyeom, as I have no idea where he is. We came to school separately and were supposed to meet before class started.

"I know you're in here..I saw you get dragged in."

My brows furrow at the sound of that voice. It was a female that I haven't spoken to in a while.


I slowly crawl out from under the desk. Bambam tries to hold me back, but I refused.

"Why are you doing this?" I question, spotting the gun in her hand.

She was so nice to me and everyone else. She was the complete opposite of Soyeon. She isn't the type of person to do this.

"Why do you think? It's because of Soyeon." She discloses and my forehead wrinkles in confusion.

"What did Soyeon do?"

"It's not what she did! It's what your ex-boyfriend, Jinyoung, did. He fucking killed her!" She shouts angrily and my eyes widen.

"What? He—He killed her?"

I watch as Bambam finally crawls out from under the desk and stands next to me. He was just as shocked as I was.

"It's all because of your family. It's your brother's fault. He made Jinyoung act like this!" She hollers.

I think back to the summer when Jinyoung broke up with me. The phone-call, it had to have been Youngjae that called him.

Youngjae must've said or revealed something to make Jinyoung act out in this kind of way.

"Soojin, you need to calm down." Bambam walks closer to her.

"No, don't tell me to calm down!"

"My best friend is dead! Soyeon is dead! Because of you!" She yells, pointing her gun at me.

I was preparing for the worst. I've already been shot twice in my life, I wasn't planning on getting shot for a third time.

"No! It's not, don't take this out on her. She has nothing to do with Jinyoung's actions."

Bambam says, defending me.

"He took the person I care about the most from me, so I'm going to do the same to him." She declares.

As she was about to shoot, Bambam grabs the gun which results in it firing again. He slams it against her temple, knocking her out.

Soojin falls against the floor unconscious and Bambam tosses the gun on one of the student desks.

"Are you okay?" I ask, seeing his pained face as he turns around.

"No, she just fucking shot me!" He exclaims, grabbing his thigh in pain.

I couldn't help but snicker a bit at his extreme reaction. He scoffs at my laughs, hopping over aggressively.

"Don't laugh, this isn't funny!" He demands which only made me laugh more.

"It kind of is."

"How can you laugh at my pain?" He questions, feeling offended.

"Now, you know how it felt when I got shot." I state, mockingly.


I gaze over at the door to see Yugyeom walk into the room with a panicked expression.

"Are you both okay?" He asks, spotting Soojin's body on the floor.

"I am, but he kind of isn't." I state, pointing at Bambam's shot leg.

"Kind of?!" He exclaims again.

"Okay, you take Bambam to the hospital and I'll clear everything up with the school-board." Yugyeom speaks in a rush, "I'll show up when I'm done."

"Well, let's hurry! I'm bleeding out here."

• II •

"Did you call Jisoo?" Bambam asks while sitting on his hospital bed.

"Yeah, she's on her way with Yugyeom." I answer with a small smile.

He got the bullet taken out and bandaged up already. All he had to do was stay over night, so they could check on the wound in a little bit.

"Thanks for not laughing anymore." He says in a childish manner.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I think I was just in shock from the information I received about Jinyoung." I apologize, feeling guilty.

"It's okay, at-least I stopped her." He states, glad he was able to do something.


Jisoo comes running into the room and wraps her arms around his neck. Yugyeom follows in, shutting the door behind him.

"God, you're okay.." She sighs in relief, pulling away from him.

"What were you thinking going against someone with a gun?!" She smacks him on the side of his head.

"Ow! I'm sorry!" He whines, trying to rub the pain away.

I laugh and stand up from the bed, walking over to Yugyeom. I grab his arm, pulling him closer.

"Where were you?" I ask, seeing as he didn't find us until later.

"I overslept and then Jaebum asked me to meet him. So, I wasn't able to show up at school until right before the shooting." He explains, interlocking his fingers with mine.

"Well, I'm glad you're safe or else you would've ended up like Bambam." I grin smugly.

"Hey, that's not nice." Bambam squints his eyes at me.

"No, it was pretty funny." Jisoo agrees with me, causing him to scowl.

"Not you, too." He rolls his eyes.

"Anyways, do you think you can take me home?" I ask Yugyeom.

"Yeah, I can stay over if you want, too." He says, quirking a brow.

"No flirting!" Bambam commands.

"We're not!" I shout back.

"You guys can go, I'm gonna stay here with him." Jisoo smiles, getting comfortable in the bed next to him.

"Alright, I'll see you later." I wave them both off before exiting the room.

"Yeah, bye." Yugyeom says as we leave.

While walking out of the room, I bump into another doctor that was about to enter the room.

"Doctor Lee.." I whisper at the unexpected encounter.

"Ms. Choi, how have you been feeling?" He asks and readjusts his clipboard.

"Good, yeah, I'm fine." I answer quickly, wanting to hurry and leave before he says anything revealing.

"Have you changed your mind about the ca—"

"Nope, I'm good." I decline, pulling Yugyeom along with me.

"Who was that and what was he talking about?" He asks while leaving the hospital.

"He was my doctor from when I fainted." I speak, not wanting to bring up my sickness.

"Why was he being so serious? Everything's okay with you, isn't it?" He questions with a frown and I nod.

"Yeah, everything's fine."

• • •

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