《Troublemaker ✔️ || Got7 Yugyeom FF [1]》27 | You'll See Me Again
• • •
It's been a week. One week since I found my dad's dead body. I feel numb, there are no thoughts in my head. It's empty.
I look up at the shower water running down the drain. The steam warmed my body as I sat in the tub, hugging my knees.
I have no idea how long I've been sitting here. It feels like forever, but I don't have the energy to stand.
I don't have the courage to get out and face the world. It's too cruel.
Their funeral is today, but I don't know how to feel. I can decide if I'm sad, angry, or fearful. It might be a mixture of all three.
My eyes shift over to Kai's razor blade that sat on one of the shower holders. I pick it up and stare at it, contemplating on what to do with it.
Will it take the pain away?
I place it against my wrist, still deciding. I've never done this before. I never had the need to do it..until now.
I hear knocking on the door, but I blocked out the noise.
"Y/n, are you okay in there?"
I ignore Kai's voice, focusing on the blade. I apply more pressure, but it still didn't cut through.
A bit more pressure and it finally sliced through my skin. But it didn't hurt.
"Answer me! If you don't, I'm coming in."
I pull the blade down, creating a thin line across my wrist. Blood oozes from the cut, dripping off my arm and sliding down the drain.
Kai bursts into the bathroom with a panicked look on his face. He opens the shower curtain and sees his bloody blade in my hand.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" He shouts, snatching it out of my grasp.
I gasp, seeing as my only source that distracts me from the pain was taken from me.
"Give it back!" I holler, reaching for it, but he backs up.
"You can't do this! It's not right!" He yells, slamming it on the counter.
"Please.." I beg as tears begin to fill my eyes, "It hurts too much."
He ignores my pleads and grabs a towel, wrapping it around me. He shuts the shower head off and helps me stand up.
"I know." He sighs, picking me up swiftly and sits me on the counter, "I know it hurts, but this is too far."
He opens one of the drawers and pulls out a first-aid kit and rubbing alcohol.
"I don't want to feel like this, Kai." I speak in a quiet voice.
He pours the alcohol on the cut and I just watch as bubbles begin to foam up and the blood disappears into the sink.
"I hate feeling like this too, but you have to face it or the pain will eat you up inside." He says, and wraps up my wrist in a bandage.
I remain silent, thinking about his words. I want to face it, but it's not easy.
"There, all done."
He puts all the things back up in the drawers and helps me down from the counter-top.
I don't say anything else and head to my room to change. I put on an all black dress for the funeral, not ready to see their dead bodies again.
I walk back out into the hallway and lean against the wall. All the strength had left my body as I haven't eaten this whole week.
I sit down on the floor too tired to even get up or move. I notice Kai comes over in his suit and sits on the opposite side of me.
"You okay?"
"No, I'm not okay." I state the obvious, "I am feeling so angry."
"Things haven't been going to well for me.." I mutter, staring down at my hands.
"When things don't go well, it's always my own fault. But somehow, people around me always end up hurt, too." I admit, feeling ashamed and guilty.
"You always think that everything's your fault, don't you?" He asks calmly and I nod.
"It's true." I state, causing my bottom lip to quiver, "If I had just stayed with them, maybe, I could've prevented their deaths from happening."
"Don't think like that, Y/n."
"It's not your fault, and you know it." He reassures me, but I still didn't feel better.
I didn't answer and just turned the other way to hide my face. I wipe away the few tears that escaped my eyes, not wanting to cry.
He moves over to sit directly in-front of me. He pets my head in a soothing manner, but it only made me more sad.
I look down at my lap as I found myself silently crying. Tears begin to fall against my legs as I made small sniffling sounds.
"Look, Y/n.." Kai states, cupping my cheeks with his hands and he lifts my face up to look at him.
"Your nose is running."
"Stop." I whine, pulling back to wipe my nose, but he keeps me in place.
He removes the remaining tears on my cheeks with his thumbs and I stare at him with a sullen gaze.
"Do you still want to cry?"
"I won't." I mumble, making him smile softly.
He leans in slowly and lightly flicks me on the forehead. My eyes widen at the sudden attack and his eyes brighten.
"Ow! Why did you do that?" I exclaim in shock, covering my face.
"It worked! You look a bit better." He grins at my awkward face.
He laughs silently and I couldn't help but to do the same. He studies my expression and caresses my head one last time.
"Okay, let's go." He states, grabbing my hands and pulling me up.
We walk through the hallway, but I tug on his hand, making him stop, "Kai."
"I'm sorry, for worrying you while I was in the bathroom." I apologize, regretting my actions.
He gives a pleased smile, nodding and we continue to walk back down the stairs.
"It's okay."
• I •
I stare down at the two caskets in-front of me as they were being lowered into the ground.
My hand grips the sleeve of Kai's suit, as I my stomach began turning. The need to vomit continuously hit me, but I kept it in.
The cooling breeze rushes by, causing my hair to flow with it. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep the tears at bay.
I gaze down at my hand and see Yugyeom grasping it, comfortingly. My eyes glisten with tears, but I couldn't let them free.
I look up at Yugyeom's face to see that he's giving me an encouraging smile.
My legs were trembling at the sight of my dad's coffin. The thought of having to bury both my mother and father in such a short span of time, kills me inside.
I look around and see many people already heading back to their vehicles.
Yugyeom helps me towards the exit of graveyard and stops. We wait for the others to come over.
"Y/n, I am so sorry." Yugyeom apologizes, but I shake my head.
"Don't be. You'r not the one who did this to them." I let out a shaky huff.
"But still, if I hadn't of made you hang out for so long. You and Kai could've caught the killer." He states, feeling guilty.
"Y/n," Kai walks over with Baekhyun next to him.
I turn to him after being interrupted. The two boys looked severely stressed, like they're about to go somewhere dangerous.
"Baekhyun and I are gonna be gone for a while, so you might want to find some other place to stay. Maybe, with a friend or something?" He informs, causing my brows to furrow.
"What? Where are you going?" I question, feeling more anxious.
"Someone obviously was angry with our parents..we're going to find out who it is." He deadpans.
"Why are you two going alone? What if you get hurt?" I ask, worried for their safety.
"We work best with very few people. It's easier to keep a low profile." Baekhyun answers and I bite my bottom lip out of nervousness.
"Okay, just please..be careful." I sigh not feeling too good about this.
"We will."
I watch as they exit the graveyard and begin to head for their car. I look at Yugyeom for a split-second before chasing after them.
I stop Kai by wrapping my arms around his waist from behind. His body tenses up and turns his head slightly to see my frowning face.
"Please come back quickly, I can't lose you too." I beg, leaning my head against his back.
He chuckles, finally experiencing what it's like to have someone worry for him, "Don't worry.." He removes my arms gently.
He turns to look me with a genuine smile on his face. I could only stare up at him silently with hopeful eyes.
"You'll see me again."
• II •
"Kai, I think this is the place." I whisper.
"..but this is just an abandoned warehouse." He answers as we look around.
It was completely dark out and raining heavily. It's already been a few hours since the funeral and it's been surprisingly easy to track this person down.
We thought it'd take at-least a day or two, but the person barely even covered up their tracks.
"Yeah, which is why someone would come here to hide." I state, wiping the water from my face.
"You're right." He nods and we head inside through a window that had all it's glass knocked out of it.
The whole place was pitch black, except for the little slips that the moonlight seeped through. Our only light source is the lightning and our phone flashlights.
We trudge through the long hall, taking short breaths as we try to be as quiet as possible.
"You stay here and make sure no one ambushes us. I'll check out the big room." Kai orders.
"Okay," I whisper back and wait behind the corner.
I watch Kai tip-toe into the giant area and a loud burst of thunder rumbles the building.
"You weren't suppose to kill them!"
I immediately shut my phone off at the unfamiliar voice and place my hand over the gun in my pocket.
Kai throws himself behind one of the huge pillars, making sure he wasn't seen.
"You said to cause damage!" The other man shouts and he sounded older.
"I didn't mean physically, you dumbass!"
"I'm sorry! P-Please don't kill me." The older man begs, and from what it sounded like, he was already badly injured.
"Shut up."
Suddenly, another flash of lightning brightens up the room, revealing who the two people were.
The older man who was speaking is Kai's father. He was tied up in a chair and was bleeding drastically.
The other one looks like Jinyoung. I can see he is pointing a gun at Kai's father, but the light disappears.
"Please, I'm begging yo—"
A loud gunshot blares throughout the room and my eyes widen. I wanted to see how Kai was reacting, but I couldn't see his face.
It's not like he cared about his father. His dad was a good for nothing that constantly cheated on his mom. And eventually left the two to fend for themselves when Kai was only seven.
Now, finding out that Kai's dad is the murderer and Jinyoung is the one who sent him, makes things even more complicated.
I hear footsteps and the noise slowly starts to dissipate. The room lights up again and all I see is Kai.
"Stay there." He mouths and heads over to where his dead father's body is.
I nod and turn towards the entrance to keep watch. That's when the same footsteps start approaching again.
I quickly turn back around only to see Kai being shot in the stomach by Jinyoung. He falls to his knees in pain, clutching his bullet wound.
"Did you really think I didn't see you?" Jinyoung laughs in a mocking manner.
I want head over, but it would only make things worse if I reveal myself. I don't know if Jinyoung is alone or not. I won't be able to help Kai and fight back at the same time.
"Why?" Kai groans in pain.
"That's not your concern, but if you would like to know who caused this.." He says and pauses before continuing, "It's Youngjae's fault."
"Then why shoot me?" Kai falls forward, but catches himself with his hands.
"That was for fucking with Y/n for all those years." He replies with smug expression, "But if you say you're sorry..maybe I'll spare your life."
"Fuck you." Kai glares, coughing up blood.
"That's what I thought."
Jinyoung raises his gun up with a cold expression, but stops when Kai begins to speak again.
"Y/n..will never forgive you." He speaks in a low voice as the pain in his stomach was unbearable.
"Maybe so," Jinyoung scoffs at his statement, "..but she'll never find out."
Without hesitation, Jinyoung shoots Kai in the chest and he falls back against the cold floor, lifelessly.
I move to where I couldn't be seen and lean my head against the wall. I close my eyes, clenching my jaw in anger.
Jinyoung shot him twice. Kai is dead. There will be no more mercy.
"One down, two to go." He whispers arrogantly.
I may not know who else he's targeting, but I do know that he just declared war against us. Against Exo.
Park Jinyoung, you're a dead man.
• III •
Flashes of their bodies continuously appeared in my head. They wouldn't stop, the worst is when they appear in my dreams all bloody and cut up.
My body begins to feel hot and I couldn't stop moving as I tried to remove the images from my brain.
"Y/n! Wake up!"
My eyes jolt open at the sound of Yugyeom's voice. He shook me awake after hearing my cries.
I sit up and look around, feeling like my heart was about to beat out of my chest.
That's when I remember, Yugyeom brought me back to his apartment after the funeral.
He let me sleep in his bed, saying he would stay on the couch. But I didn't want to be alone, so I asked him to stay in here with me.
"Were you having a bad dream?" He asks, brushing the hair out of my face.
I nod, laying back down to rest my head against his chest again.
"I'm okay now." I sigh in relief.
"When I broke up with you..did you stop liking me?" I ask suddenly, hoping it would take my mind off of everything.
"..No, I didn't." He confesses, "You're the one who wanted to break-up, I didn't."
"Well, do you still like me?" I question hesitantly and look up at him.
This is something we never talked about. We spoken about seeing other people, but we never got to the topic about our feelings towards one another.
"As a friend? Yeah." He states with a small smile and I push myself to sit up.
"You know that's not what I meant."
"I'm just joking, Y/n." He laughs at my pouting face, "Of course I still have feelings for you..I never stopped."
"I think—" I stop myself from continuing and he stares at me in confusion.
"You think what?"
I look down at my hand that rested on his chest as I held myself up. I never admitted this before, cause I always pushed the thought away.
"I think that..I like you, too." I reveal in a nervous voice.
That was the first time I ever said those words to his face. It was weird to say, but it gave me a refreshing feeling.
Before, I was too focused on how I felt about Mark that I completely forgot about Yugyeom. But now, Mark isn't here anymore and I'm able to give Yugyeom all my attention.
"Y-You do?" He raises his brows in shock, not expecting me to confess to him so suddenly.
"Don't look at me like that, it's embarrassing." I demand, turning around and pulling the sheets over my head to hide.
"Yah, don't hide from me." He says, trying to pull the sheets back, but I kept a strong grip.
He slowly puts his hands under the sheets without me noticing. He begins to tickle my sides and I squeal, not expecting that.
I squirm around trying to hold in my laughs as I'm really ticklish. I struggle to push his hands away, but it wasn't working.
"Okay, okay!" I yank the covers off, giggling.
Before I had anytime to sit up, Yugyeom traps me with his arms. His lips connect with mine, causing my eyes to widen.
I quickly shut them, feeling him closing the space in-between our bodies. My hand grips the fabric of his shirt, pulling him closer.
It's been so long since we kissed that I forgot what his lips felt like.
He slowly pulls away and stares at me with warm eyes, "Be my girlfriend."
My brows furrow at his sudden request and he tilts his head to the side at my silent reaction.
"Why? You don't want to?"
"I do.." I nod, raising my hands to cup his cheeks.
I stare into his eyes, caressing his face with my thumbs. He leans into my touch happily, after being without it for so long.
"I want to be your girlfriend." I state and lean forward to kiss him again.
He removes my hands from his face and pins them down against the mattress. I let him deepen the kiss as he presses his body against mine.
He interlocks our fingers and begins kissing down my neck, "I love you.." He whispers.
• • •
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