《Troublemaker ✔️ || Got7 Yugyeom FF [1]》26 | Welcoming Gifts


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"Hey, player." Kai greets me as I walk into his group's hangout.

"Hi, asshole." I say back, sitting down on the couch beside him.

"What's up? Why are you here?" He asks, since I never show up unannounced.

It's been a few days after finding out about Yugyeom's secret. I've been having a hard time ignoring him. I don't want to, but I'm still mad at him.

Baekhyun finally brought me to the hangout and showed me around. So now, I can practically come anytime I want.

"Can't I just come to spend time with you all? I mean, since you're my step-brother that means your group is also my group." I state, crossing my arms over my chest.

I lean back on the couch, getting comfortable. I glance up at him, seeing that he's giving me a mocking type of face.

"Sure you do." He rolls his eyes at my lie, "You just came here to avoid Yugyeom, didn't you?"

"N-No!" I assert and he still didn't believe me.

"Fine, yes. But that doesn't mean that I don't want to spend time with you. You're actually a pretty fun guy." I explain my reasoning and he grins.

"Of course I'm a fun guy! Who wouldn't want to hang out with me?" He says, boasting himself up.

"Okay, calm down, Mr. Egotistical."

"..About the Yugyeom situation though, I think you should forgive him." He suggests suddenly and I furrow my brows.

"Why's that? And I thought you didn't like him. Why would you try to help him?" I question suspiciously.

"I'm just looking from his perspective." He answers.

"Did Yugyeom pay you to tell me to forgive him?" I ask with an annoyed expression and he just laughs.

"Hell no. We don't work for Got7 anymore, remember?" He reminds, making me feel better.

"Oh yeah, I forgot."

"Anyways, I think you should look at it from Yugyeom's point of view." Kai repeats again, "He had no idea who you were two years ago. The things he did were all in spite, cause of Jinyoung."

"Yeah, but it still affected me and my life. I never asked for you to go around and harass me all the time." I mutter, poking him in the chest aggressively.

"If this helps any, I never liked you in that kind of way. I just went to extreme measures, because I knew it would piss Jungkook off, too." He confesses which makes me smile at his childishness.

He statement reminded me of Jungkook. He left Seoul as well. He finally turned eighteen and was able to buy a house of his own in Daegu.

He moved there as it's closer to the headquarters. They ordered him to search for Jimin and Taehyung as they never came back, yet.

I didn't want him to go, but I couldn't hold him back from his missions. It's the only way he is able to make money.

"You're such a jerk." I state, making him feel proud.

"I know."

Suddenly, Baekhyun walks into the room and see's us both sitting there. He stops in his tracks, not knowing I was here.

"Hi, Bacon, come sit down." I smile, patting the spot beside me.

I could see his cheeks turn a bright pink at the sound of his nickname coming from my mouth.

He walks over and takes a seat beside me and that's when Kai stands up, "I'm gonna go get some food."


I watch as he exits the building, probably going to order more pizza like usual.

"I never got to apologize for Yugyeom's behavior on our date. So, I'm sorry. " I say and he just brushes it off.

"It's okay, the bruise is gone." He states giving me comfort.

"I'm glad, but.."

"But what?"

"..I don't think we should go on anymore dates, at least not for a while." I inform, breaking the news.

I watch as his expression falls and begins to look more sullen. I felt bad, but that's how it's gotta be.

"I mean, it's not that I don't want to, because I really enjoy your company. But I don't want to create anymore drama." I explain and he nods.

"I understand, Y/n. It's fine." He smiles, not feeling as hurt.

"Thank you for understanding."

• I •

After hanging out with the boys for a few hours, I found myself at Yugyeom's apartment.

Kai's words really got to me. I felt like I shouldn't be upset about it as it happened two years ago.

If Yugyeom had known who I was back then, he would've never done it. That doesn't mean that what he did wasn't wrong, it just means that I shouldn't be as angry with him.

I knock on his door and wait for his response. To my surprise, the door opens quite fast.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asks in shock.

"How come you ask me that every time I come over?"

"Oh sorry," He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, "Wanna come inside?"

"Duh, that's why I'm here." I state, pushing through the door.

He looks confused by my actions and closes the door behind me.

I walk into the living room and it looks a mess. There are bags of chips and empty soda cans everywhere.

"Look, Y/n, I don't know why you randomly showed up, but I just want to say I'm sorr—"

"I forgive you." I cut him off.


"I forgive you, Yugyeom. I'm not mad." I repeat and he frowns at my words

"Why? Why so suddenly?"

"Well, I thought about it and I know you didn't mean to hurt me personally. You did it a long time ago, it's in the past now." I explain my reasoning in forgiving him.

Like I was saying before, I don't want to hold anymore grudges. Holding grudges against people will not only hurt that person, but it will also hurt me. I will always forgive, but never forget.

"Are you really sure? What I did is..unforgivable. I can never even forgive myself for it." He says, causing me to chuckle.

"Yes, I'm sure. It's not like I can stay angry with you forever."

Yugyeom sighs in relief, watching as I sit down on his couch. I moved a few chip bags out of the way before I sat.

"You're house is pretty dirty." I state, looking back over at him.

"I know, it usually isn't but Bam—"

He gets cut of by the sight of Bambam walking out of the bathroom. He comes to a halt once seeing me here, too.

"Y/n, why're you here?"

"I can ask you the same thing."

"I've been coming over a lot. What about you?" He questions, coming to sit down beside me.

"I came to talk." I inform, watching him crack another can of soda open.


"That's cool." He says, obviously not caring at all.

"How long have you been here?" I question, seeing as he didn't show up until a few minutes after I showed up.

"For a few hours, but I was in the bathroom." He answers and I look at him suspiciously.

"That was a long time to be in the bathroom." I squint my eyes.

"What? A man's gotta do his business." He defends himself blatantly, making me look at him in disgust.

"Ew." I say and the two boys just laugh.

"..is that Call of Duty?" I ask, finally looking at the tv screen.

"You like this game?" Yugyeom asks, sitting on the other side of me.

"Yeah, I use to play it with Youngjae all the time." I state which brings a smile to my face, those were good memories.

"Do you want to play?" He asks, offering the controller.


"Multiplayer or zombies?"

"Zombies, since I never usually played that one. We can to multiplayer next." I speak in a more excited tone.

Yugyeom clicks everything until the game was on the loading screen. I take a handful of Bambam's chips, tossing them in my mouth. I was about to get real competitive.

"Do you want to play, too?" Yugyeom asks Bambam, but he shakes his head.

"Nah, I'm just gonna FaceTime Jisoo." He says, pulling his phone out.


• II •

I look out the window and it was already dark. After playing games with the two boys for a while, we decided to just put on Netflix.

They had fallen asleep during the show and now the screen was saying, Are you still watching?

I texted Kai to come pick me up since he was the one who dropped me off here. I'm really glad he talked me into forgiving Yugyeom. If Kai didn't, I wouldn't of had so much fun with him today.

I stand up from the couch and put my shoes back on. I grab the blanket that was on the back of the couch and place it over the sleeping boys.

Suddenly, my phone beeps and I see I got a text from Kai saying he's here.

I look down at Yugyeom who was sleeping peacefully. He looks so innocent and cute, and I found myself smiling.

I bend down and rest my palm against his cheek as I place a kiss against his forehead, "Goodnight." I whisper.

I walk out of his apartment, making sure to shut the door quietly. I leave the building and see Kai's car parked in the front.

I walk over and hop inside the car with a bright grin on my face.

"Why're you all smiley?" He asks, noticing how happy I look.

"No reason."

"Well? Did you two make-up?" He questions, as his curiosity was taking over.

"Duh." I state the obvious, "If we didn't, I would've called you to pick me up sooner."

"That's nice." He says and I could tell he didn't really care.

"Shut up." I roll my eyes and buckle my seatbelt.

He chuckles and begins driving off back to our house as it was already late. I rest my head against the cool window, feeling sleepy.

I turn my head to look at Kai again and notice something on his lips. It was like they were tinted a bright red, but it was uneven.

"..is that lipstick?"

"What? No." He wipes his lips with the back of his hand.

"Aye, don't lie." I smirk at him creepily, "Who's the girl?"

"No one." He answers quickly.

"There's no use in hiding it, I'll find out who it is eventually." I state and he just sighs in defeat.

"Her name is Momo."

My eyes widen in shock and I sit up quickly. So Kai's the boyfriend she was talking about.

"Momo? As in Hirai Momo?" I ask, flabbergasted.

"Yeah? Do you know her?" He looks over, seeing my shook face.

"Yes, I know her. Why did you tell her to keep it a secret?" I question, remembering her saying that she couldn't tell who it was.

"I don't want Suho to find out. I'm not suppose to be dating anyone." He confesses and I raise my brows.

"Why not?"

"I don't know, Y/n. Why don't you go ask him." He says, making me raise my upper lip in annoyance.

"Hush, no need to get all stressed." I place a finger over his lips.

"Ew, get that nasty finger away from me." He pushes my hand away, causing me to laugh.

"Hey! Keep your eyes on the rode, mister." I demand, moving his cheek to make him look at the front.

"You're not the boss of me." He states and closes his eyes, swerving back and forth between both lanes.

Lucky for us, there were no cars in sight since it was already past midnight.

"Stop it, you child!" I flick the side of his head and he opens his eyes as he laughs.

"Who're you calling a child? I'm older than you." He corrects, but I ignore it.

"Not in this household." I shake my head, denying the truth.

"We're in a car, Y/n." He snickers at my statement.

"Whatever." I make a pouty face, shoving his shoulder.

"See? This is what a household looks like." He states, as he pulls into our driveway.


I quickly step out of the car and stretch my body, glad I'm back home.

This stressful day, turned into a fun one. Everything is now the way it's suppose to be and there is no longer anymore drama happening.

..or so I thought.

"Mom, we're back!" Kai says as we enter the house.

There was no response like there would usually be. I frown in confusion, assuming they might just be asleep.


We enter the living room and I just freeze in my spot. I stumble back a bit and Kai grabs my arm, stopping me from falling.

I couldn't believe my eyes. The scene in-front of me looked unreal.

My dad and Naeun were on the floor all pale and lifeless. Their bloody bodies were so scarring.

The carpet was no longer it's clean white color, but now stained with a deep crimson red.

"Kai?" I say quietly, but he doesn't answer.

"Kai!" I shake his body vigorously.

He turns to me slowly and the look on his face caught me by surprise. It was the first time I've ever seen him look so scared.

His legs fall weak and I caught him by the waist before he collapsed. I didn't know how to react.

"Call 911!"

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