《Troublemaker ✔️ || Got7 Yugyeom FF [1]》23 | Til Death Do Us Part
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"Toughen up, Y/n." I give myself a pep talk while staring in the mirror, "Today's not about you, it's about dad."
I smoothen down my dress, brushing out any wrinkles that were shown. The dress was a soft mint green color that went along with nude heels. It fit perfectly around my body, it wasn't too tight nor too loose.
After the field-trip, everyone safely returned to Seoul. Summer break is now in session as the school-year has finally been completed.
I still haven't told anyone about what happened to my mother, I didn't even tell my father. Youngjae and I are the only ones to know and I want to keep it that way.
Today is the day my dad's getting married to Naeun. I don't want to ruin this happy day for him by sharing about my mom's death.
I'm currently, in the dressing area where all the women who are participating in the wedding ceremony change into their dresses.
Naeun asked Jisoo, Jennie, and I to be her bridesmaids as she has no daughters or nieces. I couldn't really say no, so I just agreed even though it's a little weird for me.
I just feel so distracted in the moment as I couldn't stop thinking about the day we got back from Australia.
Two Nights Ago
"Are you really not going to tell me why you were crying?" Yugyeom asks just as we walk inside Jaebum's house.
I ask him to drop me off here, since I haven't informed him about how I've been staying with Mark.
"No, it's not that serious. I just got lost and it was an unfamiliar place, so I got scared." I lie, moving to sit down on the couch.
"You sure that's all?" He questions, sitting beside me.
"Yes, I'm sure."
"Good, now that that's out of the way..I have something I need to tell you." He says suddenly.
"What is it?" I ask as he sounded so serious, I was beginning to worry.
"Well, Jaebum and I, we need to leave..for a while." He speaks in a hesitant manner and I frown at his words.
"For a while? Why?"
"I can't say much, but it has something to do what Kai did to me. Jaebum and I are going to Daegu to resolve it." He explains and I let out a deep sigh, already feeling upset.
"Why can't you just tell me the whole truth, instead of giving me bits and pieces?" You speak in frustration, wanting answers.
"It's not my place to say, Jaebum gives the orders." He states, cause me to scowl.
"Right, so you have to listen to him and only him? You're your own person, aren't you? Why do you have to follow Jaebum's every demand?" I pause before continuing, "..and let me guess, you're going to Daegu because that's where your, headquarters, is located?"
Yugyeom raises his brows, surprised how I was piecing all this information together. But little did he know, I've been hanging on to every word he and everyone else spoke.
"How did you know?"
"It wasn't that hard to figure out. All of you keep repeating that name like it's something important." I shrug like it was nothing, "I just don't know what that place is and how you're all connected to it."
"I want to tell you, I do. It's just I can't, or I'll get into serious trouble." He says, just as annoyed about the situation as I am.
"What kind of trouble?"
"..the kind where if anyone found out I said anything, you'd never see me again..or at-least, not like this." He reveals, causing me to furrow my brows.
"I don't think I want to know what that means." I state, not comprehending any of his words.
"Trust me, you really don't."
"So, how long will you be gone?" I question, secretly hoping it won't be long.
"I'm not sure..maybe a few days." He guesses and I felt relief rush through me.
When he said, for a while, I thought he meant for a few weeks. But I'm glad it'll only be a couple of days.
"But before I leave, I need to get something off my chest." He says, watching as I pull my legs up onto the couch and hug my knees.
"Sure, go ahead."
"You know what I just realized? That when we dated and even before that, you never once told me that you liked me." He expresses.
Thinking back on it now, I never did tell him that I liked him. It's just odd, because, why would it he bring it up now?
"I've shown you, countless times, how I felt about you, but you never once said you liked me back." He explains his observation.
"What are you trying to say?" I ask, not understanding where he was trying to go with this.
"I just want to know, and be honest. Did you even like me?"
I freeze, not expecting him to ask me that. I wasn't really sure what to say.
Yugyeom's eyes pan down to my hands, watching as I begin to fumble with them nervously. He smiles sourly, understanding what that meant.
"..I d—" I stop myself, not wanting to lie to him.
I know how it feels when someone spouts nonsense to your face, it doesn't feel very good. "No, I didn't."
"I knew it." He scoffs, standing from the couch and heads for the door.
"Wait! You didn't let me finish." I quickly chase after him and grab the back of his shirt.
"What's there to finish? You just said you never liked me." He states, turning back around to face me with sharp eyes.
I knew he didn't want to talk after what I just said, but I couldn't leave things on a bad note. Not when he's about to leave.
"In the beginning, I didn't like you, because I use to think you were really annoying. But, as time went on, I started seeing a new side to you." I state while looking down at my feet.
"..The side to you that made my heart flutter every time I was around you. The side that would keep me up at night just from the thought of you." I confess, feeling myself becoming shyer by the second.
It wasn't everyday that I would ever admit how I felt about someone like this. I'm not the type of person who is overly affectionate or caring. So, saying these things to Yugyeom was way out of my comfort zone.
".And yes, I did like you, but after that Momo incident..life just kind of got in the way. I've been so focused on dealing with Kai and my dad that, I haven't had much time to really think about it." I explain, releasing his shirt from my grasp.
My hands fell, lifelessly to my side as I keep my head lowered in shame. I didn't expect him to say anything back.
I just assumed he wouldn't care about what I had to say and leave anyways. But he did the exact opposite.
"Damn, Momo really did ruin everything, didn't she?" He asks in a light-hearted manner.
He moves closer and wraps me into his tight embrace, not feeling angry anymore. But I only stood there, not returning the hug.
"..y-you're not mad?" I question, surprised to see him hug me like this.
"Of course not, you told me the truth. That's all I wanted to hear." He chuckles lightly and I just had to hug him back.
I felt so overwhelmed in the moment. I couldn't stop thinking about my mom and the Mark and Yugyeom situation. I really don't know what to do.
Tears begin pooling in my eyes at the thought. I start sniffling, trying to keep them at bay, but a few must've fallen.
Yugyeom pulls away and notices my saddened face. He places his fingers on my chin and lifts it up to make me look at him.
"Why are you crying?" He frowns, thinking he did something wrong, "..was it because of me?"
"No, I just don't want you to go." I state, masking what was truly bothering me.
"I won't be gone for long. I'll even be back just in time for your father's wedding." He reassures which gave me a little comfort.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, Y/n, I'm sure." He says, placing his palms on my cheeks and wiping the tears away with his thumbs.
"I promise."
Present Day
"Y/n, it's time to come out and stand with your dad." Jisoo says, peaking her head inside the room.
"Okay, I'll be right there."
"..Hey..what's wrong?" She questions while entering the room as she spotted my sullen expression.
The whole room held a gloomy type of feel to it. I was probably the cause as I couldn't help but have negative thoughts.
"Nothing, I'm fine." I try to shrug off her question, but she wouldn't budge.
"Come on, Y/n, I know you. We've been friends for almost a year now, I can tell when you're upset." She continues to persist.
My gaze softens at her words and I just sigh in defeat, "..It's just, I don't think I'm ready for this to happen."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm talking about the wedding, it's all just so sudden. I mean, my parents only got divorced five months ago and now my dad's already getting married again." I express my opinion, not comprehending why things are moving so fast.
"Yeah, Naeun is nice and all, but she's literally Kai's mom and you know how much I don't like him." I state, feeling like my life is under some sort of curse that I'm never gonna be able to escape.
"I get that, I really do, but if your father wants to be truly happy, then I think he deserves this wedding. No matter how much you hate it." She voices, trying to look from both perspectives.
"..you're right, I'm being selfish. It's just going to take a while to process this." I smile bitterly and she nods.
"It will, and things are going to get better, but right now we need to go out there and support your father." She speaks in a calming tone and takes my hand.
I take a deep breath in and walk out of the room, following behind Jisoo. We find the exit to the building as the wedding is being held outside.
We stop behind the chairs, meeting up with Jennie as the people couldn't see us, yet.
"What took so long? I've been standing out here alone, it was so awkward." Jennie complains and Jisoo just snickers.
"I was just fixing her dress, right Y/n?" She winks, covering for me.
"Right, it was just a little crooked." I nod, going along with her little lie.
"Well, is it fine now?" Jennie asks and I just smile.
"Yes, shall we walk or..?" I question, allowing them to lead the way.
I follow behind the two sisters while they walk down the aisle. The chatter begins to dissipate as the soft wedding music slowly starts up.
The three of us line up on the side Naeun will be standing once she walks out. My father looks over at me, not being able to hold in his smile.
I could tell he was happy and this is what he truly wanted. I just feel sorry that I'm going to have to eventually break the news to him, but I won't ruin everything by doing it today.
Suddenly, the bridal theme starts playing and I see Naeun walking over from a distance. The wedding dress she wore was so long that is was dragging on the floor. It was thick and flowy, and the outer texture seemed to be silk.
She walks down the aisle and everyone stands, watching as she passes them by. Once she finally reaches the steps, my father takes her hand and they stop in-front of the priest.
Everyone sits back down and the couple begins to say their vows to each other. Jisoo grabs my hand, hoping to ease my stress.
I look around at all the guests and I couldn't fine Yugyeom anywhere. He said he'd be back in time for the wedding, but he's not here.
The only familiar people in the crowd are Mark, Jackson, and Bambam. Everyone else, I've never even seen before.
My father's groomsmen are Kai, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol. The ones I don't like at the moment as those three beat up Yugyeom, including Sehun, but he's not here.
"If you will, please join hands." The priest says and Naeun and my dad interlock their fingers.
"Do you Choi Minjung take Kim Naeun as your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do you part?"
"I do." My dad agrees without a second thought.
The priest repeats the same lines to Naeun and she just smiles, excited for their new beginning.
"I do."
"You may now kiss the bride."
My father leans in, planting a gentle kiss against her lips and everyone cheers and claps.
I give a half smile, glad they can finally live out their happiness. But I couldn't stop myself from feeling something bad was going to happen to them. It was like a sixth sense.
"We'll save the more romantic stuff for our honeymoon." He speaks seductively and I just cringe.
"Why'd you have to say that out loud?" I whine and everyone just laughs.
Bambam suddenly stands up as he was sitting in the very front row with his two friends.
"Now that the boring stuff is over, let's get this party started!"
• I •
Its been a few hours since the wedding ceremony. All the guests are currently inside celebrating the newly wedded couple.
"Y/n, thank you for supporting this wedding. I wasn't actually sure you would." My dad walks up to me with Naeun next to him.
"Oh, your welcome." I smile lightly, brushing it off, "..and why wouldn't I support you. If you guys are truly content with each other, then I'm happy for you."
"I'm glad to here that from you." He grins in a fatherly way.
"Yes, thank you Y/n, I'm so excited to spend more time with you. I'll finally know what it's like to have a daughter." She exclaims, giving me a sudden hug.
"..yeah, I-I can't wait."
"Yo, Mr. Choi, nice wedding..it's the best I've been to." Bambam says and I could tell he was drunk.
"Bambam, how much did you drink?" I stare at him in shock, removing myself from Naeun.
"Just a little."
"Alright, buddy, I think it's time to go." Jackson states, after walking up to us, trying to collect Bambam.
"Thanks for inviting us here, Y/n. It was fun." Bambam kisses me on the cheek and my eyes widen.
"Yah, Jisoo's gonna get jealous." I whisper-shout and Jackson pulls him back.
They weren't officially dating yet, but they have acknowledged their feelings for each other. They just decided to take things slow.
"Nah, she'll be fine and besides I don't see you in that kind of way. You're practically one of the guys." He snickers, slapping me on the shoulder and stumbling off.
"..did I just get friendzoned by, Bambam?" I question flabbergasted.
"Yes, yes you did." Jackson says, trying to hold back his laughs.
"Anyways, I'm sorry about the interruption. I'm gonna take him home." He apologizes to my father and Naeun, bowing ninety degrees.
"Oh, no it's fine." Naeun smiles happily, enjoying this little scene.
"I'll catch you later, Y/n."
I nod and watch as Jackson chases after Bambam's drunk figure, trying to drag him out of the place.
"I'm sorry about him, he gets quite crazy when he drinks too much." I look down at my feet, embarrassed by Bambam's behavior.
"It's okay Y/n, I'm actually glad you invited him and the rest of your friends. They made this after-party way better just by being here." My dad reveals and I glance back up at him surprised.
"I wasn't expecting that answer." I admit, timidly.
"Well, your father's changed in these few months. He's not as harsh anymore." Naeun informs and I could tell.
He isn't as stubborn or rude like he was before. To be honest, I thought he would be angry or yell at me by saying my friends are ruining his wedding.
"I'm glad."
"We should go catch up with the other guests, it was good spending time with you again, Y/n." My dad says and I knew he wanted to avoid talking about his past-self.
"Right, you too."
They turn and walk off, and I just sigh in relief. It was kind of nerve racking, finally speaking to them. Naeun is finally my step-mom which feels weird to think about, especially after my mom—
I walk over to one of the servers, grabbing a glass of champagne off of their tray and begin sipping on the alcoholic beverage.
As I begin walking around the building, exploring the giant area I come across a long hallway with dim lighting.
I turn back around to head to the room I came from, thinking I just came across a dead-end.
When suddenly, someone bumps into me causing me to spill my drink all over my dress. I purse my lips angrily and slam the glass down on one of the bookshelf shelves beside me.
"What the fu—This dress cost two-hundred dollars!"
I look up to see Kai standing in-front of me with an arrogant expression. I glare at him, knowing he did that on purpose.
"What do you want?"
"I told you, you're not off the hook from the other night." He reminds and I just scoff.
"Look, can't you do this some other time? I'm not in the mood to be bothered." I state, trying to leave, but he stops me by standing in the way.
"No, we need to settle this now. You hit me." He crosses his arms, not letting me go so fast.
"You deserved it."
"How? I was being decent to you." He corrects me and I roll my eyes.
"Yeah right, asshole. You jumped Yugyeom for no reason." I assert, not letting his intimidating figure get to me.
"If only you knew what Yugyeom's been hiding from you, you wouldn't care so much for him." He says in annoyance.
"Okay, then enlighten me. What is he hiding?" I ask with raised brows, not believing he would actually come out with the truth.
"Fine then."
"Yugyeom payed me to st—" He gets cut off by someone bursting into the scene.
"Back off, Kai." Mark demands, showing up out of nowhere.
"Whatever you say, Mark." Kai steps to the side in a mocking manner.
"Let's go."
Mark takes my hand and tries leads me out of the dark hallway. But Kai quickly snatches my arm and stops us.
"But just know, you won't have these boys protecting you. Sooner or later, the truth will come out and you won't want anything to do with them." He deadpans.
"Piss off."
I yank my arm away, and follow Mark out of the hallway and back into the main room.
"Are you okay?" He asks, checking for any injuries.
"Why would you interrupt us? Kai was just about to tell me what Yugyeom's—"
"You shouldn't listen to anything he says. He always lying." Mark states, removing the jacket to his suit.
"Weren't you suppose to be telling me the truth?" I question, watching as he wraps the jacket around my shoulders, covering the champagne stain.
"Yes, and I will."
"And when will that be?"
"After this party is over." He says and I just sigh.
"You better, I don't feel like waiting anymore." I mutter, holding his jacket closer for warmth.
"I will. Jisung is staying at a friends house tonight, so he won't be able to interrupt." He explains and I just nod.
"Good." I grin up at him and take his hand, "Now, dance with me."
• II •
"Mark, are you ready to go?"
"Yeah, but I think I left my wallet inside." He says while patting down all his pockets.
The party had finally finished as it was late at night. The guests were started to feel tired after being here all day and are all leaving now.
I was standing next to the passenger seat of Mark's car, waiting for him to hurry up. But his statement reminded me about his jacket.
"I can go get it, I accidentally left your jacket, too." I offer and he nods.
"Thanks, I'll get the car started then." He says and I rush inside to find his stuff.
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