《Troublemaker ✔️ || Got7 Yugyeom FF [1]》20 | Kill or Be Killed
• • •
"Yugyeom and Soyeon. Soyeon and Yugyeom." I mutter to myself, thinking of last nights events.
I was sitting in the library with Baekhyun and Mark as we were working on our Chemistry project.
But I couldn't focus as I literally caught Yugyeom and Soyeon in the middle of their little love-session last night.
"Soyeon slept with Yugyeom and Yugyeom slept with Soyeon. How does that even work?!" I question, flabbergasted while rubbing my temples.
"How would I know? And why the hell are you telling us about this?" Baekhyun asks, referring to him and Mark.
"You're right, I'll stop talking about it now." I nod, trying to think about something else.
"But like how does that even work out?! They literally hate each other!" I exclaim, not comprehending how they would even want to have sex with each other.
"Y/n! Calm down!" Baekhyun commands and I pause, taking a deep breath in.
"Okay," I nod, "I broke up with Yugyeom, he didn't break-up with me. I shouldn't even care, he can sleep with whoever he wants."
"Great, now let's work on our project please." Baekhyun sighs.
"I mean, I practically broke up with him for Mark, so I shouldn't even be mad–" I clasp a hand over my mouth after realizing what I just said.
Oh no.
Mark looks up from his phone and over to me. My eyes widen as I never told anyone this, except for Jennie and Jisoo.
Everyone thinks I dumped Yugyeom, because of the all the drama between him, Momo, Mark, and I. That is one of the reasons why, but the main reason was, because Mark was the one I truly wanted.
I have always liked Mark since the very beginning, but everything just got so complicated.
"..you what?" Mark questions in an almost silent voice.
"You know what..just forget what I said." I chuckle nervously.
"No, what do you mean by you broke up with Yugyeom for me?" He questions, not dropping it.
"I think I should leave you two alone." Baekhyun stands up, but I grab his arm stopping him.
"No, stay."
"No, Baekhyun, you should leave." Mark says, wanting to talk to me alone.
"No, we came here to work on our project, so let's work." I command, pulling Baekhyun to sit back down.
"Don't drag me into you drama, please." Baekhyun pleads.
"I'm not."
I didn't want to be left alone in this awkward atmosphere. I didn't know what I was suppose to say to Mark.
Yes, I broke up with Yugyeom for him, but all we did was kiss. I practically rejected Mark, too, after he told me he loved me. Somehow, I just ended up dropping both of them.
So how was I suppose to explain that? I should have a reason why I pushed both of them away, but I don't.
Well, I mean, I kind of do. At first, I was feeling guilty for ending up in a love triangle with Yugyeom and Mark, because I couldn't forget about Jinyoung. But after hearing about how Jinyoung sent Jungkook to spy on us all, I could care less about how Jinyoung would feel about this.
"Y/n, you can't–"
Suddenly, the bell for lunch rang which interrupted Mark.
I quickly rose from my seat and internally praised the Lord, before rushing out the library.
"Thank you, Jesus." I mutter under my breath and headed towards the cafeteria.
• I •
I was outside on my phone scrolling through instagram. I was sitting on the long steps that led up the hill where the cafeteria building was at.
I decided I wasn't hungry, so I was just waiting until the bell rang for the next class to start.
Suddenly my phone dings and shows a text notification. My lips twitch upward into a smile as I saw it was from the groupchat I was in with Jisoo, Jennie, Jackson, and Bambam.
• ——— •
>> Jennie where tf are u?
12:46 PM
>> calm down! I'm coming
12:47 PM
>> that's what she said
12:47 PM
>> shut tf up, u whore
12:48 PM
>> hey! that's mean!
>> i'm not the one who was being dirty with jackson in the janitor's closet earlier today
12:48 PM
bambam just insulted u! whatchu gon do about it?
12:49 PM
>> u were with that hoe! instead
of me, your own sister
>> smh
12:50 PM
>> dont bring me into this
>> and im not a hoe
12:51 PM
yes, bring him into this please
12:52 PM
>> i hate you
12:52 PM
i hate u too, dont worry
12:52 PM
>> guys! i just accomplished something!
12:53 PM
>> what? did you somehow dab yourself
into a locker?
12:53 PM
>> um...NO! i tricked Mark into
giving me $25
12:53 PM
>> it's scary how dumb Mark
can be
12:54 PM
why would u do that?
12:54 PM
>> don't worry, it was for a good
12:54 PM
>> oh! so you're finally getting
a new haircut?
12:55 PM
BAHAHAH u just got RoAsTeD
12:55 PM
>> u guys are so mean to me ));
12:55 PM
>> aw it's okay, bammie
>> at least im not mean to u
12:56 PM
>> did i ask?
12:56 PM
>> fine. be that way then
>> i'll just be crying in a corner now
12:57 PM
aw man! look what you did Bambam!
you made jisoo sad 12:58 PM
>> thats tuff
12:58 PM
>> oh! i forgot to mention
>> i overheard Kai telling
Baekhyun that he was looking
for you, Y/n
12:58 PM
• ——— •
Just like it was on cue, I heard footsteps behind me. I turn my phone off and look up at the person who stood in-front of me. I squint my eyes slightly as the sun is shining brightly in my face.
"Did you snitch on me?" Kai questions, sliding his hands into his front pockets intimidatingly.
"To Suho." He says aggressively, "it had to have been you."
I furrow my brows and slide my phone back into my pocket. I had no idea what he was talking about.
"Me? What are you saying?"
"You should've kept your mouth shut." He clenches his jaw in anger.
"He forbid me from doing my missions for a month. Now I can't make any money!" He speaks in a loud tone.
I turn my head with a scoff and stand to my feet.
"I didn't say anything." I glare down at him as the steps were making me taller.
I began walking down the stairs and brush my shoulder against his as I passed by.
He stops me by blocking my way once I reached the concrete floor.
"Where are you going?"
"Tell Suho that it's a lie. It's stressing me the fuck out! I won't have any money for food!" He shouts, grabbing my shoulders harshly.
What I didn't notice was Soyeon standing at the very top of the brick stairs. She held a look of distress on her face as she witnessed how Kai was approaching me.
"You've really lost your mind." I spat out, slapping his hands away.
I start to walk away again, only for him to follow after me once more.
He pushes my back, making me jump forward some. I roll my eyes, taking a deep breath in, turning around.
"Kim Jongin!"
His eyes widen at my use of his real name.
Soyeon runs off, to hopefully get someone's help. She didn't want to confront Kai alone.
"I know it was you." Kai states once again, pushing me against the brick wall that was attached to the stairs.
I grunt from the impact and look up at him with obvious annoyance.
"It wasn't me." I spoke truthfully, but he still didn't believe me.
"Soyeon? What were you doing over there?"
I heard a voice from upstairs. It belongs to Yugyeom, I could tell.
"It was you." Kai repeats, persisting he was right.
"No, it wasn't."
"It had to be you!"
"It wasn't me!"
"Then, who was it?!" He shouts, grabbing my arms and shaking me aggressively.
"I said it wasn't me–"
I try yanking my arm from his grasp, but the back of my hand ends up slapping him against his right cheek.
He spins around in pain and I stood there frozen. I didn't mean to slap him, it was an accident.
He turns back around with a giant red scratch on his face. He grabs me and throws me to the ground, angrily.
I wince in pain as the concrete scraped my knee and I felt my ankle twist.
I turn around and see Yugyeom walking down the steps with a deadly glare on his face.
I quickly push myself up from the ground and limp over to him. I was in pain, but I didn't show it.
"Yugyeom, I'm fine." I state, trying to stop him from getting any closer to Kai.
"Have you gone mad!" Yugyeom shouts, ready to throw several punches at Kai.
"It's okay. Please stop!" I scream.
I stand behind Yugyeom and wrap my arms around his waist, trying to hold him in his place.
He was breathing heavily and I knew he was pissed. If I didn't stop him he would've beaten Kai to a pulp.
I rest my head against his back, squeezing my eyes shut.
"This is your last chance! If you touch her again, I will kill you." Yugyeom threatens in a low voice.
Kai just scoffs out a laugh and stomps off. I had a bad feeling something was going to happen, I just didn't know what.
• II •
"There, I'm all done." Yugyeom says after bandaging my ankle up.
After Kai had left the scene, Yugyeom had to give me a piggy-back ride to the nurses' office as it hurt too much to walk.
"Thank you for saving me..and for carrying me here." I spoke sincerely and Yugyeom looks up at me before rising to his feet.
"It's not like I was just going to leave you there." He says like he was stating the obvious and I just smile.
"..so um..are you and Soyeon like a thing now?" I finally ask him as I couldn't get the thought of them together out of my mind.
"Oh right, I forgot you had to witness that last night." He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, "No, it just happened, but there's nothing serious going on between me and her."
A sudden feeling of relief washes over me at his statement, which was weird.
If someone were to tell me that I would have fallen for Yugyeom at the start of the school year, I would have said that was utterly absurd. But now, I really don't know.
I'm not going to keep lying to myself and say that I have never felt some sort of feelings for Yugyeom, but I still don't know exactly what that feeling is.
But whenever I think about Yugyeom in some sort of way other than a friendship way, my thoughts always go back to Mark and how I feel about him. Mark and I haven't even had a proper conversation since the day I broke up with Yugyeom.
"Why do you ask, though? Did it bother you?" Yugyeom asks you unexpectedly with a raised brow.
I quickly look up at him, caught off guard by his questions. I sigh deeply before answering, "I mean, to be honest..it did kind of bother me, but I don't have the right to be mad or upset about it."
"..I'm sorry if it bothered you, but sleeping with Soyeon didn't mean anything to me. We both were drunk and it just happened." Yugyeom apologizes as he tries to inform to me what had actually went down last night.
"Don't apologize. I'm the one who chose to break off our relationship, so you have every right to sleep with whoever you want. I don't have the right to be angry with you for trying to get over me. I screwed up our relationship, not you." I explain calmly.
For once I actually felt a replenishing feeling, like I was ready to move on. I mean it felt like Yugyeom was trying to move on, too.
"I-I don't know what to say.." Yugyeom let's out a breath, a bit shocked from my little speech.
I furrow my brows at his small reaction, something felt a bit off about it.
"..well, isn't that what you're trying to do, too..move on?" I ask for reassurance and he blinks in surprise, trying to collect his thoughts.
"Y-Yeah..that's exactly what I'm trying to do." He stutters a bit. I heard a bit of insincerity in his words, but I shrug it off, thinking he was just nervous.
I hop off the little nurse bed I was sitting on and smile genuinely.
"Thank you for understanding.." I reach up, standing on my toes to kiss him on the cheek gently.
I exit the nurse's office without noticing Yugyeom was still a bit thrown off by what I had just explained to him about moving on.
Little did I know, Yugyeom was not ready to move on at all.
• III •
"Yo, Jackson, can you not make-out right in front of us. We're trying to keep our vision." Bambam says in a disgusted manner as he covers both Jisoo's and my eyes with his hands.
We were all hanging out at Bambam's house, waiting for Yugyeom to show up. When suddenly, Jennie and Jackson thought it'd be a good idea to eat each other's faces while being in the same room with all of us.
"Why are you watching us then?" Jackson breaks away from Jennie with a cocky smirk.
I remove Bambam's hand away from my face and look over at them with annoyance, "..because you both keep smacking like you've been starved for three days. It's kind of hard not to look over and see what's going on."
Jisoo giggles at my remark as Jackson and Jennie pull away from each other, grimacing.
"Mark, are you signing up for the dance competition?" Bambam asks and folds his arms around Jisoo and I's shoulders.
"..I can't, remember?" Mark replies almost instantly.
Bambam, Jackson, and Mark all look at each other like they were communicating in some sort of code.
I began to think, what if there were more secrets they weren't telling me about. I know for a fact they've been hiding something from me this whole time I've been here. I just don't know what.
"Yeah, I'm not doing it either." Jackson reminds.
"Why not?" I ask, deciding to try and investigate.
"Uh..because they're not going to school next year, they're Seniors, remember?" Bambam answers for them.
I stare at him a little surprised. I completely forgot that Mark and Jackson were seniors, while the rest of us were juniors.
"It's getting kind of late, shouldn't Yugyeom be here by now?" Jisoo suddenly reminds us all.
We've been at Bambam's place for almost two hours now, just waiting for Yugyeom.
"Oh yeah! I completely forgot about him. Where is he?" Jennie asks in confusion.
"He texted saying he was on his way, but that was an hour ago. He should've be here by now." Bambam states, feeling a bit worried for him.
"He's probably fine, you know him..he gets distracted easily." Jackson says confidently.
"He might be with Soyeon right now." I suggest, adding in on their conversation.
"What makes you say that?" Bambam questions with furrowed brows.
"They were together last night, so I just assumed they would be together tonight, too." I explain and Bambam quirks an eyebrow.
"You mean..they fucked–?"
"Yes, Bambam, they had sex. It's not that serious." Mark interrupts, staring directly at you.
He knew how you felt about it, he knew you were jealous and didn't want to keep talking about it.
I turn my gaze over to Mark and my eyes only held guilt. I felt so bad, I don't even know if he still has feelings for me anymore.
I just kept leading him on, I never gave him a real answer after he confessed to loving me.
After our field-trip, I'm finally going to make a decision. I'll finally let Yugyeom and Mark know who I really want. I just need time to actually decide.
"Woah! Y/n!" Jackson exclaims, gaining your attention.
"You and Jaebum-hyung kissed?!" He questions in shock and everyone turns to look at me.
"She what?!" Bambam looks over at me flabbergasted, waiting for a reply.
I blink in surprised, I completely forgot that Jaebum and I even kissed.
"I'm not answering that!" I state, neither admitting to it nor denying it.
"so you did kiss him, because you're not denying it!" Jackson says with a smug expression.
"No! I never admitted to it either."
"Are you talking about the guy she lives with?" Jennie asks Jackson and he nods with a small grin.
Jennie and Jisoo never actually officially met Jaebum. They've only heard us mention him. All they know about him is that he's the one I'm staying with until my mom get's back and that he's supposedly a police officer.
"Isn't he in his twenties? That's kind of illegal, you're underage, Y/n." Jisoo says, stating the obvious.
"Do you think I don't know that?" I look over at her like she was stupid, "How do you even know about this anyways?" I ask Jackson.
"Jaebum-hyung texted me about it just now." Jackson smirks arrogantly, causing me to grit my teeth.
"Can't he keep his mouth shut just for once." I mumble to myself.
Suddenly, I remembered Mark was still here with us. I stare over at him only to notice he was looking down at his lap. He hasn't said not one word about it.
Maybe he just didn't care anymore.
I sigh and check the time on my phone and see it's about to be 12am. I needed to get back home so I could do my homework and get some rest.
The dance competition was in about a week and Jennie and Jisoo had already signed me up for it.
I want to get enough practice tomorrow and for the rest of the week, so my dance will actually be perfect.
"Hey guys..I think I'm gonna head home, I'm pretty tired." I state, standing up from the couch and start stretching.
"Yeah, you all probably should. I don't think Yugyeom is coming anymore." Bambam says and stands up too.
"..Mark? Can you walk me to the door?" I ask. I want to talk with him real fast.
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