《Troublemaker ✔️ || Got7 Yugyeom FF [1]》11 | Sweet Seventeen



"Y/n." A cheeky smile was plastered on his face. "I missed you."

"Don't try and pretend everything is normal between us." You speak up, punching him in the shoulder.

"Ow!" He frowns, "What was that for?"

"The whole fucking situation at Yugyeom's. I'm the one who got hurt, because of you." You spat, revealing your shoulder to him.

"I told you I was sorry." He states. "Didn't you get my messages?"

"Yes, but that doesn't change what happened." You crossed your arms, glaring at him.

"Well, clearly you can't be that mad." He states, touching the locket he gave you. "You wouldn't be wearing my necklace if you were."

"Piss off." You scowl, swiping his hand away.

"I'm joking!" He just follows after you while laughing. "No need to get so mad."

He wasn't watching where he was going and bumps into you, which causes you to bump into this girl in front of you.

"Watch out!" She shouts, turning around to face you as she almost spilled her drink.

When you realize who it was, your eyes widen. "Yeji!"

She stares at you and her frown turns into a grin. "Y/n!" She exclaims, throwing her arms around your neck, hugging you tightly.

"I missed you so much." You return the smile, hugging her back.

"Happy seventeenth!" She releases the hug. "You like?"

You raise your brows at her question as she was talking about the party. You take in the view of everything and nod.

"Yeah," Your eyes made short contact with Jinyoung before staring back at Yeji. "There are just so many people, I have no idea who they are."

"That doesn't matter. All that matters is that you have fun tonight." She grabs your hand. "For example, go have fun with him."

She spins you around and pushes you back to Jinyoung. You stare at her like she was crazy, feeling Jinyoung's hands wrap around your waist.

"Wanna dance?" He quirks a brow, pulling you closer.

Tonight was your birthday and you didn't want to deal with all the drama going on with him and Yugyeom.

Deciding to ignore your anger at him for the time being, you accepted his offer with a smile. "Uhh, I don't—"

"Come on, just one dance." He doesn't let you answer and drags you along to dance with him in the crowd.

Your moves were minimal as you were really enjoying the vibes that Jinyoung was displaying. Something about him felt off. He was acting different.

"Y/n.." He whispers in your ear, gaining your full attention.

You noticed his eyes staring at your lips and you began to feel weird. You thought that being back in Busan would help you feel like yourself again, but it didn't.


After living in Seoul for a few months now, you realized that you no longer had feelings for Jinyoung. You don't know what happened. You tried holding on to those feelings for as long as you could, but one night without noticing, they escaped you.

Jinyoung began to lean in closer, attempting to kiss you. You wanted to reject him, but you didn't want to hurt him.

"Y/n!" Yeji shouts, grabbing your wrist.

"I need to show you something!" She notifies excitedly, dragging you away from Jinyoung.

You turn to give Jinyoung an apologetic look while Yeji just dragged you away. She took you inside this empty hallway.

You stare at Yeji, pushing your hair back to get it out of your face, "What did you need to show me?"

She just smiles at you mischievously and you raise your brows confused.

"I saw they way you looked uncomfortable when Jinyoung tried to kiss you," She explains. "I decided to help you out."

"Thank you." You chuckle quietly.

"What are friends for?" She bumps your arm playfully and you stared down at the floor, smiling sadly.

"We should probably head back." You state.

"Don't worry, y/n, I'll be you're bodyguard for the night." She grins, grabbing your arm in a protective manner, making you laugh.

You walk back out to where everyone was having fun and pushed your way through the swarm of people who were dancing very aggressively.

Yeji sits down on one of the stools where the bartender was selling drinks to people.

You sit down beside her, checking your phone. It was 12am and no one was even the slightest bit tired, which kind of concerned you. You weren't really used to staying up this late anymore cause of school. Especially not after your mom lectured you about getting your act together.

"Want me to buy you a drink?" Yeji offers

"No, I'm fine." You decline.

"Choi y/n refusing an alcoholic beverage for the first time ever? That's new.." She mocks and you just roll your eyes.

"Yeah, well lately I've been trying to get my act together and actually act my age." You explain, defending yourself.

"You're seventeen now, this is acting you're age." She states, referring to all the partying and drinking.

"I know, but I'm actually trying to be good for once." You state and she raises her brows, surprised.

The night Mark left was the last drink you had and the last one you'll be having for a while.

"Since when did you want to start being a goody two-shoes?" She stares at you in disbelief.

"I'm not being a goody two-shoes." You speak, feeling offended. "I just don't want to continue acting recklessly."

"I'm beginning to realize my parents were right about Jinyoung and how he was the start of all my problems. I thought seeing him would maybe give me closure about the way I feel about him. Any feelings I had for him disappeared the moment he sent—the moment I got hurt because of him." You explained, trying to leave out the drama at Yugyeom's place. You didn't want Yeji to worry.


"After Yugyeom saved me, I realized how fucked up that whole situation was. I mean, Jinyoung has been practically stalking me like some kind of toxic boyfriend." You cringe at the thought of being watched.

"Yugyeom? Another guy's involved?" Yeji wiggles her brows, teasingly. "Tell me, is this Yugyeom hot?"

You glanced at her with slightly widened eyes as her question took you by surprise. "I don't know, Yeji."

"Oh come on, I knew there was a reason why you didn't want to kiss Jinyoung back there." She gives a cheeky grin as you shake your head in disbelief.

"Okay okay, I'll admit that Yugyeom is good looking, but he's not the reason why I didn't want to kiss Jinyoung." You revealed.

You noticed Yeji was silent for a bit too long and glanced back up at her. You notice she was staring at something behind you with wide eyes.

Oh no!

You slowly turn around and spot Jinyoung standing there, clearly very upset.

Before you could explain, he storms off angrily back inside of the house and you chase after him.

"Jinyoung, wait!" You yell desperately, grabbing his arm to stop him.

"What!?" He shouts, yanking his arm from your grasp as you stood in the hallway from before.

"Let me explain.."

"What is there to explain? That you lost feelings for me because of, Yugeom?" Jinyoung now stared at you in disgust, "He's the one who killed my father!"

You take a step back, furrowing your brows at his words. You knew that Jinyoung's father had passed away, but he never told you how it happened.

"What are you talking about?"

"Kim Yugyeom, is my half-brother. We grew up together, he was my best-friend." Jinyoung discloses, finally revealing how he knew Yugyeom. "He was someone I thought I could trust, until he got my father killed!"

"No, that can't be true..." You said, you couldn't believe it. "Then why would he act like you're the bad guy. He told me you were the one that betrayed him."

"And you believed him?" Jinyoung scoffs. "Why don't you go ask him about it yourself. You're with him everyday anyways! I'm sure he would love to tell you all about how he got my father killed."

You could only remain silent as you stared up at him. This whole situation was too much for you to take in, you feel as though you're still missing so much of the story. You don't know who to believe.

"Have fun with the rest of your party." He says, trying to hide the pain in his voice as he begins to walk off.

You let Jinyoung go without another word. You weren't going to pick side in something like this. You needed to figure out the whole story before you go pointing fingers.

• I •

"She's with them now.." Jinyoung spoke in anger as he stormed out of the house.

He approached the tinted limo that sat outside of the house and smoothly slid inside, slamming the door shut.

"What's got your panties in a twist?"

Jinyoung glanced over at Jungkook who sat on the other side of the limo with a sharp glare.

"I'm not in the joking mood right now." He grimaced, in which Jungkook immediately frowns.

"Why? What happened in there?"

"She's associated with Yugyeom now. She's no longer on our side." Jinyoung clenched his fist, having difficulties staying calm.

"She? As in Y/n?" Jungkook questions. "I didn't think she knew about your old gang with Yugyeom."

"She doesn't, and we need to keep it that way. Y/n doesn't need to know about the crimes we've committed. She wouldn't understand." Jinyoung discloses.

He knew that if Y/n figured out that Yugyeom and the rest of his club are criminals–killers, she'd freak out. She wouldn't be able to handle it.

"We're gonna have to get her back. Somehow convince her that Yugyeom and Mark are bad people, people that can't be trusted." Jinyoung declares.

He stares out the window, glancing up at the rooftop as the party still went on.

"I think we should tell Namjoon about this." Jungkook suggests, but Jinyoung quickly shook his head.

"I don't think that would be a very good idea."

"Why not?"

"Namjoon is the leader, Jungkook. He'd be forced to take this information to the headquarters in Daegu and relay everything back to the CEO." Jinyoung explains. "How do you think the CEO will react when he finds out an ordinary girl is involved in our business?"

Jungkook remains silent, already knowing the answer to that question.

"You know how evil he is...he'd force you to kill Y/n with your own two hands!" Jinyoung exclaims, disgusted by the thought. "Let's just keep this between you and me. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay..." Jungkook agrees.

"Now let's get out of here." Jinyoung says, motioning for the driver to start the car.


"What is it?" Jinyoung raises a brow.

"I didn't even get to see Y/n, yet." He complains, causing Jinyoung to roll his eyes.

"You'll get to see her soon."

• • •

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