《Troublemaker ✔️ || Got7 Yugyeom FF [1]》10 | Separation
"Youngjae!" You exclaim.
"Did you miss me?" He spoke pompously, a smirk plastered on his face.
You run up to him to give him a giant bear hug. He chuckles as he stumbles back a bit from the impact of your jump.
"Ow!" You quickly let go when you feel one of your stitches being pulled.
"You okay?" He chuckles at your clumsiness and you just nod with a bright smile.
"I'm fine, don't worry." You reassure him.
"You should be more careful when I'm not around. You had me seriously worried when Jaebeom called me to tell me what had happened to you." He explains.
"I know and I'm sorry, but truthfully this actually wasn't my fault for once." You corrected.
"Yeah, but you still got hurt last night from your own careless wondering." Youngjae reminds and rubs the top of your head as if you were a child, causing your hair to frizz up.
"Not the hair!" You exclaimed, shoving his hand away.
He finally stops once making eye contact with Jaebeom. You notice their unreadable expressions which got you thinking. How'd Jaebeom know to call Youngjae?
"Wait." You pause. "How do you guys even know each other?"
You wait for a response as they both stare at each other like they didn't know what to say. Your brows furrow at their suspiciousness.
"I mean, it's kind of strange that my probation officer and my older brother know each other." You add.
"Well, mom and dad told me how you were under house arrest. They informed me about how Jaebeom was the officer looking after you." Youngjae answers hesitantly.
Even though that was a pretty reasonable answer, you still felt unsure about it.
"Yeah, so we got in contact and I called to tell him what happened." Jaebeom states. "That's why he's here now."
"You didn't tell my parents about what happened to me, did you?" You stare at him with wide eyes. "Please tell me you didn't."
"No, I didn't." Jaebeom assures. "They don't know anything, I promise."
"Good." You sigh in relief. "I'd never be able to leave the house again if they knew I had been shot."
"Well, I think we should be leaving now. Our mom is waiting for us, it's Christmas y'know, we got gifts to open." Youngjae lets out a nervous laugh, gripping your arm.
"Hey!" You shout as he starts to drag you out the front door.
"Bye, hyung!"
The ride back to your house was quick and in a matter of minutes you were walking inside.
"Mom! Dad! I'm back and I brought you a present!" You holler like a child as you enter the house with Youngjae following behind.
The house was dead silent which was unusual, but you continued to make your way through the living room.
"Maybe she's not here." Youngjae assumes, but you shake your head.
"She doesn't have work today, so she should be here." You state, walking into the living room.
You study the newly decorated tree in the corner with a bunch of gifts under it. You grin happily, wanting to hurry up and open them.
"Mom! Come out already!" You yell impatiently.
Suddenly, your mother quickly walks out her room with a few tears running down her cheeks.
"Oh! Youngjae, you're back!" She exclaims, wiping the tears from her face. "I'm so happy to see you both."
She tried to sound enthusiastic as she gave you both a warm hug. You frown, unsure as to why she was crying.
"What's wrong?" Youngjae questions. "Why are you crying?"
"Your father and I had an argument." She reveals, clearly still upset about it.
"About?" You ask.
"Um..well," She pauses. "We're getting a divorce."
Your eyes widen in shock, not expecting to hear something like that.
"He had an affair with another woman." She informs, beginning to tear up again at the thought.
"What the fuck!" Youngjae shouts angrily.
"Where is he?" You question, not knowing how to process this information.
"I made him leave until I get everything sorted out." She explains and you let out a heavy sigh.
"Today was supposed to be a good day." Youngjae states sullenly as his cheerful mood disappeared.
"No, it will be a good day." I state, refusing to let Christmas be ruined by my father's doings. "We're gonna enjoy our time together, just the three of us."
"Let's go open our presents." You smile encouragingly to your mother. "I got you something special."
You walk her over to the couch, sitting her down between you and Youngjae. You pull a small box out of your jacket pocket and handed it to her.
She slowly opens it cautiously and a small smile forms on her face when she sees what it is. It's a small silver charm bracelet that had different kinds of her favorite charms.
"Oh, y/n.." She smiles happily while more tears filled her eyes. "Thank you so much."
"Don't go crying again." You say jokingly as she pulls you in for a hug. "I know it's not much, but it's the best I could do."
"Coming from you, it means everything." She releases the hug to wipe under her eyes.
"Great." Youngjae scoffs, "Now my gift definitely can't beat that."
That causes her to laugh as she slides the bracelet on. You smile gleefully as you watch her open Youngjae's present.
You don't want her to be sad today, she deserves to be happy and you'll make sure she enjoys this Christmas even if it is without your father.
• I •
It's been a little over a month since everything had happened. Your wounds just recently healed and now you no longer had to wear your bandages.
Your mother and father already signed their divorce papers a couple of days ago and Youngjae went back to Japan a few days after Christmas passed.
Mark's still gone and winter break has been over for a while. No one knows when he's coming back or if he's even coming back at all.
You hated to admit it, but you missed him.
So, you're hoping the trip to Busan you're going on tomorrow will make you feel better.
You were dragged out of your thoughts when Jisoo yelled your name, "Yes?"
"It's about to be our turn." She informs and you suddenly remembered what you were doing.
You let out a huff as you were standing in the middle of the gym room for cheerleading tryouts.
"Why are we doing this again?" You ask Jennie for the third time today.
"So we can get on the team and practice for our senior year." She explains once more in excitement.
You didn't really care for cheerleading, but Jennie literally dragged you into this.
"Are you nervous?" Jisoo questions in a shaky voice.
"No, but you are." You laugh lightly, "You're going to be fine. Haven't you guys done this before?"
"Yeah, in middle school. I don't think it's the exact same as high school." Jennie answers while stretching her legs.
"Jisoo, there's no need to be scared, you're both going to make it." You state, trying to calm her nerves.
"Team B! You're up next!" The coach yells out and Jennie stands up quickly, in a panic.
"Oh no! That's us, I haven't even finished stretching yet!" Jennie scrambles out, while pacing back in forth.
"Jennie! You have been stretching for the past fifteen minutes, you're fine! And Jisoo, don't think I don't see you trying to hide under the bleachers, get back here!" You demand, trying to knock some sense into them.
"It's our turn, so get ready." You whisper as the coach was about to blow her whistle.
After your cue was signaled, the three of you, including the rest of Team B, began to do the cheer.
Once your team finished, you waited for the other two teams complete their cheer routines. It wasn't long before the coach began to announce the student's names who made it on the team.
"Everyone pay attention! This will be your new cheer squad for your senior year.." The coach states, grabbing everyone's attention.
"From Team A: Hirai Momo and Minatozaki Sana. From Team B: Choi Y/n and Jennie Kim..."
You glance over at Jisoo when the coach didn't call her name. She looks down at the floor with a glum expression. You felt like hitting yourself. You assured her that she was going to make it, yet her name wasn't called.
"From Team C: Bae Juhyun and Kang Seulgi. From Team D: Park Chaeyoung and Lalisa Manoban."
"Lastly, your new cheer captain is from Team B..Kim Jisoo!" The coach finishes up with her list and your eyes widen.
Jennie grabs onto you and Jisoo happily while jumping up and down. Jisoo's face was in complete shock.
"I made it!" Jisoo squeals, pulling you and Jennie into a group hug. "I thought for sure I wasn't going to make it."
"See! I told you there's no need to worry. I knew you would make it." I say feeling reassured, breaking the hug.
"Listen up! You all are going to be seniors next year, which means in order to play hard you are going to have to work hard.." The coach starts up again.
"She does this dumb pep-talk every year.." Jennie mutter under her breath.
"To be sure your senior year will be the best year, you guys are going to need to get a ton of rest, practice hard, and keep your grades up!"
"That's it for today and congratulations to those who made the team!" She finally completes her speech.
"So! Where should we go and celebrate tomorrow?" Jennie questions, throwing her arms around your shoulders.
"O-oh, I can't go, I have something planned." You state, nervously.
"What?! Does Choi y/n have a date for Valentines day?" Jisoo teases in amusement.
"No! I'm just going back to Busan to see some old friends." You explain with a poker face.
"Oh really? Who?" Jennie asks curiously.
"..my ex.." You speak hesitantly.
"The ex that gave you this necklace?" Jisoo questions, touching the locket hanging from your neck.
You were actually going back to Busan for your birthday party that your friend, Yeji, is throwing for you and you knew Jinyoung would be there, too.
It would give you the perfect opportunity to talk to him about everything that went down at Yugyeom's house.
Suddenly, Jennie pinches your arm and leans in to whisper in your ear. "Y/n, your not-so-secret admirer is here."
You look up and see Yugyeom walking towards you with an conniving grin on his face.
"Stop saying that!" You stared at her like she was crazy. "He does not like me."
You noticed a clear difference between the two sisters. Jennie was more outgoing and playful and she definitely liked to put her two cents in your romantic life. While Jisoo was more quiet, but still liked to mess around a little. And she didn't care who you liked, she preferred to stay out of your personal business.
All you know is that Jennie definitely thinks Yugyeom has some sort of crush on you which is not true at all. He's only being nice because he feels guilty after what happened to you at his place. Once you're all healed, he will go back to treated you as he did before.
You still haven't forgotten how he truly acts around the students of this school. He thinks he's all high and mighty, and you still havent forgiven him for that time he literally dumped food onto Momo.
Yes, you're thankful for when he helped you out when you were injured, but that doesn't change anything.
"We're just gonna leave you two alone." Jennie says with a sly smirk on her face and quickly drags Jisoo away with her.
"No! Get back here!" You whisper-shout.
Jisoo mouths the words "Good luck" to you before they left the gym.
When Yugyeom finally reaches you, he wraps his hand around your wrist and begins pulling you out the gym.
"Let's go."
"Hey! Where are you taking me?!" You holler as he drags you through the hall. "Let go!"
"Stop complaining so much." He groans, tightening his grip.
"Don't you have anyone else to bother?" You were beginning to feel your irritation building as you try to pry his hand from your wrist.
"Yes, but it's more fun to mess with you." He speaks smugly, pulling you into another room which was the library.
"What do you want?" You sigh deeply, yanking your wrist away from his hold.
"I want you to eat with me." He states annoyed by your resistance.
"Can't you just eat with someone else, we're not even friends." You cross your arms. "Are you seriously that lonely now that Mark's gone? We all know he's you're only friend."
"No, he's not. I just wanted to eat with you, that's all." He said, clearly becoming frustrated.
"Why must you insist on annoying me so much?" You stare up at him, done with his games. "You have some ulterior motive behind this don't you?"
"Do you really believe that?" He scoffs.
"Yes, I do."
"Well, it's not like that." He denies. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what happened to you..I never got to say it before and.." He pauses, leaving you confused.
"And what?" You asked, feeling impatient.
"I think I..." He pauses for a moment before continuing. "What if I told you that I liked you?"
You stared at him vexed, not understanding what he was trying to say, "What do you mean like?"
"Like as in, I might have unwarranted feelings towards you." He clarifies.
Your eyes widened slightly, a bit taken aback. This whole situation felt like a joke, like people would be coming out with hidden cameras to film your reaction.
This was the same Yugyeom that treated students in this school awfully. But it was the same Yugyeom who saved you from that awful man at his house.
"I'd say you've gone mad and to stop spouting nonsense." You demand, pushing him away, "You're just saying that because—"
He grabs your waist hastily, pushing you against the wall. He leans in and places his lips against yours as he wraps his free hand behind your neck to keep you from going anywhere. He deepens the kiss, but you refuse to kiss him back.
You don't know what came over him, but you knew you couldn't be doing this with him. At least not now, not while you're thinking of someone else.
You immediately push his chest, keeping him away from you as you break the kiss.
"You can't just kiss me like that!" You whisper-shouted, looking around to see if anyone saw. Thankfully, no one did.
"Why not?"
"I'm not your girlfriend!" You exclaim, stating the obvious.
You were frozen, I didn't know what to say. "This has to be a joke, right?"
You tried to laugh it off, but he held his serious expression. You smile eventually fell as you were having a hard time processing this new information.
You couldn't believe Jennie was right about Yugyeom. How could he like you? All he did was annoy you and start arguments.
"No." You cut him off in a panic. "You aren't allowed to like me."
You push him out of your way as you run out the library, thinking about his confession. Kim Yugyeom cannot like you, it'll ruin everything.
• II •
It was the next day on a Friday night. You needed to start getting ready for your party since it was already 7pm.
You went to your closet to see what would fit best for the party and you pulled a somewhat basic outfit out.
After throwing it on, you did your makeup and gathered all your things. You quickly left and decided to just text your mom when you got there as she was at work, finishing up her night shift at the moment.
Once I left my house I got into the car and drove to the address Jinyoung sent me.
A couple of hours later, you pulled up to the house that your party was supposedly being held at. You step out of the car and everything there felt so familiar. The cold breeze that flew by, the smell of the air, and even the giant house felt familiar.
You begin walking to the entrance of the house. You could see the blue and purple lights shining from the inside and you heard the loud blasting music. You opened the door and everything just multiplied.
The loudness of the crowd, the music, and there were multiple lights shining from left to right, going crazy.
You walk into the house, knowing at this moment you were no longer sixteen anymore.
You pushed through the crowd to see if you could find anyone that you knew. The house was so big you could barley tell where you were going. You found a staircase leading up to what looked like a roof top.
That's when you definitely realized that you had been here before, multiple times. You walked up the stairs and found yourself on the rooftop with even more people than before. This is what you recognized as Namjoon's old house.
Namjoon had given this house to Jimin to watch after while he went off to the states to go to college. Well that's what Jimin told you, but you haven't really talked to him in a couple months.
You were pushing through the crowd before you bumped into someone which caused you to fall back a little, but they grabbed your arm before you could actually fall to the ground.
When you realized who it was you immediately froze. There Jinyoung stood in front of you, looking just like you remembered. But something felt different about him. Maybe it was cause of what happened at Yugyeom's house. How he sent those men after him, but they hurt you instead.
"Y/n.." He smiles. "I missed you."
• • •
Ya'll i haven't edited this chapter, yet.
But this is the first time
i've read over it after almost two years .
IM DISGUSTED , it's so cringy .
i hate myself for this , but i will
fix it .. eventually .
SM Tingz
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