《Bleach one shots》Relax~Kenpachi


"Michiko!" The pink hair lieutenant yells jumping on me. "Ahh" I scream falling backwards as the little girl bounced on me. "How can I help you Yachiru." I giggled pushing my brown curly hair out of my face. "Ken-Chan won't take me to play will you play with me?" She playfully cries I smiled at her childness. "How about we go mess with my brother okay?huh." I say still giggling her face lit up as she bounced off me. "YES!"

We ran to the 11th squad Barracks were I saw my older brothe Ikkaku talking to Yumichika. I had my Spirt energy low where his wont pick it up. "Okay Yachiru you distract them and I'll pour this bucket of water on him." I say she nods and skips over to Ikkaku. I flash stepped above him and dump the water. "WHAT THE FU- MICHIKO I'M GOING TO GET YOU!" He yells after me. "ABORT MISSION YACHIRU!" I screamed flash stepping to the hall and running quickly. I turned the corner and crashed into to someone.

I looked up to meet the eyes of Kenpachi Zaraki I squeaked and hid behind him. "Hide Me Kenpachi." He let a loud laugh as he grabbed me and flash stepped to his room. "AH I'VE BEEN CAPTURED YOU TRAITOR!" I yelled giggling oblivious to the position that Kenpachi had me in. "Relax Michiko your fine." He says getting really close to my face. I blushed madly when I notice that he was on top of me in his bed. "Ek my brothers going to kill you if-" I was cut off by the strong captian kissing me roughly I melted into the kiss quickly wrapping my arms around his neck. His tongue ran across my bottom lip forcing in my mouth so he can roam which I gladly let him.


His hands wondered up and down my body as he deepened the kiss. I moaned at the touch of his hands across my body I decided to tease him and stroked my hands up and downed his chest. his kisses became slowed as he searched for my weak spot. "K-Kennyyy!" I moan as his reached my spot. "EH HEM" a loud voice stopped us Kenpachi turned and groaned I looked up to see Ikkaku glaring daggers at Kenpachi and Yumichika and Yachiru smiling widely at us "KENNY! MUCHIKO!" Yachiru yells jumping on Kenpachi's back "Whatcha doing?" she asks.

"GO AWAY NOW!" He growls flipping Yachiru of him I leaned up and kissed him. "Relax we'll finish this later." I giggle winking at him.

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