《Why Don't You..? (LeoXRaph) (CANCELLED)》Leonardo POV


Raph didn't answer my second knock. Was he regretting what he did himself? Or did he just not want to deal with me? I sighed and looked at my Katana. It was straight enough, but I could see a small and slight dent. I could ask Sensei to help with it later...

But the least Raph could do was explain why he did it. Believe it or not, I've been kinda waiting for that to happen... I mean, Raph's attitude could be fixed with a little love, and I had a crush on him for a few years.

Sinec when? you may ask. Well... Since fifteen through now. I think I didn't notice it until he was frantica about me almost dying with that Kraang ship. Since then, I've tried to get his attention, but he was too busy trying to figure out the best way to handle a fight.

And I also sort of blocked it with my feelings for Karai, but those have been long gone. Even though she admitted to Sensei being her father, she stayed on Shredder's side to be like a spy.

From what I heard, she got caught and was hurt so she was taken to the hospital, but she snuck out and nobody's found her since. Maybe college like we assumed, or something worse...

But I went to my room, thinking about Raph. I didn't mean to. Just my brain started branching off in different directions. Each kept landed on Raph willingly kissing me.

I grit my teeth as I felt myself harden a little. I tried to keep the growing bulge in my plastron, but it came out from me remembering the softness of his voice.

"Dammit...." I muttered, wrapping a hand around myself. After stroking and squeezing myself a little, I had calmed down enough to put it back in my plastron. "Raph..."


Looking at the time, I saw it was two in the morning. Even Donnie wouldn't be up this late.... Cautiously getting up, I went to Raph's room. Did I honestly dare walk in on him while he was sleeping....?

Sure. He worse he could do was murder me.

I opened the door a little and I heard his Sais getting picked up from the ground and not the bedside table. A pause as I walked in and Raph growling, "Really, Leo?"

"Why're you up this late...?" I asked softly.

"Cleaning," he grumbled. Sure enough, there was a pile of splintered and shattered wood. I kicked it gently and then looked at him.

He was looking down. I could tell he didn't exactly want to talk to me. Or look at me. It hurt me to see him like this, but I came up to him slowly. His green eyes landed on me and softened a little. That made me smile.

When I was a breath away from him, he turned to me. "What're you really in here for, Leo?"

"Just.... wondering...." I answered quietly, looking at him and kissing him lightly.

Surprisingly, he kissed back, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to him. He was taking the masculine side, but I didn't care. My arms wrapped around the back of his neck, making me pull closer to him.

It felt like I had been kissing him for years upon years, but it was only my second time.. Raph bit my lower lip, making me weak and I moaned softly. He smirked at that and let his tongue slide in my mouth. Was he teasing me...?

My knees felt weak and I almost fell. Raph spun me and pushed the back of my legs against his bed. I blushed and sat down, only to be laid back. Were we going to far..? I wasn't sure...


His lips pulled back a little and trailed down to my neck, nipping it and making me moan softly. Jeez.... That bulge was growing again. Please tell me Raph didn't notice. I didn't want this to stop.

I felt him smile along my neck, whether from my moan or bulge, I didn't know. But his knee separated my legs and I turned red. Maybe it was a little far...

"W-Wait, Raph..." I finally managed to say. He looked at me and paused for a second. His hand trailed down my chest and I couldn't help but shudder and arch my back in his touch. My voice was soon forgotten about.

His fingers traced the bulge under my plastron and I gripped the sheets, gritting my teeth. He wanted me... Oh God... Slowly, one of his fingers separated my plastron holding me in and I fell on his hand.

"Damn, Leo..." he said breathily. "So this is what you were wanting..?"

"I-I-I didn't expect ah....! this...!" I cried out softly as his hand moved on me. It felt right, but so soon.... I clawed at the blankets, raising my hips into his hand. "Ah...! Raph..!"

He smirked and kissed me again, probably trying to quiet me down, but I continued moaning and moving my hips to match his rhythm. When I felt near, I arched my back and cried out softly, but louder than I had been doing.

When I did, my hips rubbed against Raph's own lower plastron. He had his own bulge starting... I looked at him closely and he looked wanting. With one hand, I gripped the back of his neck and kissed while with the other, I trailed my hand down his front.

He looked at me cautiously as I tried to open his plastron up. He wouldn't let me. "Raph...." I muttered. "Come on..."

Looking down, he slowly let himself come in my hand. It was stiff and a little wet. I slowly starting moving my hand along him. His entire body stiffened as he groaned, moving his hips against my hand a little roughly.

"Leo..!" he said forced. I hope he wanted this and that was just to make sure he wasn't heard... I was enjoying him being quiet and slightly unstable along with nice and quiet.

I held him close, moving my hand quickly on him, but keeping a firm grip. He wasn't a quick one to get off.... I had to bite his shoulder before he finally do finished, arching his back.

Raph looked at me a little shocked before kissing me. I was sticky, but I didn't care. He was actually not arguing with something for once.

"You wanna sleep in here...?" he asked in my ear, making me shudder and nod. He smiled and laid down. All I did was follow, curling up by him and slowly dozing off with his arm wrapped around me.

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