《Jesse Lee Soffer》꧁𝚂𝚒𝚌𝚔꧂


I woke up the next morning, and I went straight to the bathroom. I didn't know what came over me. Once I was in the bathroom, I kneeled next to the toilet and threw up in it. Jesse came in and he pulled my hair out of my face. After I finished getting sick, I flushed the toilet and sat on the ground. Jesse kneeled in front of me.

"Are you okay?" he asked as held my hands. I nodded and stood up. I went and brushed my teeth and decided to get ready. "Are you sure you want to go to work today? Dick won't have any problem giving us a day off." He told me. I shook my head no.

"I can't miss, we are shooting the scene where I am kidnapped. So I need to go to work. And besides, I don't even feel sick." I told him, he nodded and we both got dressed.

One I was done, I walked out of my room and into trinity room. She was up on her phone.

"Good morning T!" I told her. She smiled and returned the good morning. "So, we have to work today. Are you coming with us?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Yeah, if that's okay." She said I nodded.

"Of course. Let me text dick to tell him." I told her as I texted dick.

Me - Hey dick. Is it okay if my sister comes to work with me and Jesse. She's staying with us now.

Dick - yeah of course.

I turned to trinity. "Okay, you can come. So get ready then we can leave." I told her as I walked out and shut the door. I walked into the kitchen, and my phone buzzed.

It's was a period app. It helps track my period, so I know if I'm ever late. I got a notification saying I was a week late on my period.

"What the fuck..." I mumbled really confused. I walked into my room. And saw Jesse in there on his phone. I sat beside him and leaned on his shoulder. I was still thinking about what it meant that I missed my period.

"Hey, beautiful. What's going on in your mind?" He asked me.

"Uhh, nothing," I said. Then we heard trinity call for us.

"Olivia. Jesse, I'm ready!" We heard her say. We walked out and into the living room where she was. We all made our way out the door and onto the set.


"Hey. I'm going to go see marina real fast." I told them as we got out of the car.

"Okay. Can I stay with Jesse?" Trinity asked. I nodded yes.

"I'll see you later okay?" I told Jesse and I kissed his lips then walked away. I made my way to marinas trailer.

I knocked twice, then she opens it.

"Hey what's up?" She asked me. I just looked at her.

"Hey. Can I come in? I need someone to talk to." I told her while messing with my fingers. She nodded and I walked into her trailer. She smiled at me and then shut the door. I went to the couch and sat down, she came and sat next to me.

"So, what's up?" She asked as I sat down.

"So, this morning. I woke up and ran straight to the bathroom. I ended up getting sick, but I didn't feel sick at all. And I haven't gotten my period yet. I'm a week late. And I'm never late." I told her, I know what she must be thinking. But that can't happen so...

"Olivia. Have you thought? that maybe you're pregnant?" She asked me slowly. I shook my head no. "Well, maybe you should. and does Jesse know?" She asked. I sighed.

"No, he doesn't okay. And I'll take the test. But It cant happen. I was already told that. And your the only one to know, please don't say anything." I told her. she smiled.

"Of course I won't. But call once you take it tonight. And tell him either way. He deserves to know." She told me. I nodded again and we hugged. "Okay, let's go to work!" she said as we stood up and walked to the sets.


After we stopped filming. Trinity was sitting in a chair next to dick. I smiled and walked to them.

"Okay, are we done for today? I asked Dick. He nodded his head and started walking off. "Trinity. Are you ready?" I asked her. she nodded and we walked to where Jesse, Patrick, and Marina were standing together. Patrick wrapped his arm around Trinity's shoulder and gave her a quick hug. and I wrapped my self into jesses embrace.

"I guess I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye! oh, and Olivia don't forget to call me." MArina told us all as we waved and walked off. Jesse looked at me confused. but I just shrugged.


"Were leaving to," I said while looking at Patrick, he nodded and told us all bye. We walked back to our trailers to change. We then made our way to the truck.

"Hey, Jesse, when we get home. Can we talk?" I asked him. he nodded and continued driving. Once we got home, I walked in with everyone behind me. Trinity went to the couch and she was on her phone. But I and Jesse walked to our room.

"so, what do we need to talk about?" He asked as he sat down and the bed. I took a deep breath. This could go 2 ways. Really Bad, or really good.

"Okay, I'm not for sure if I am or not. But I missed my period. I had morning sickness today. And Marina suggested that I take a test. but I wanted to make sure you knew before then. And if I am, and you aren't ready. I understand, but this could be my only chance. So If I am, I'm going to keep it. I won't expect anything though. And you don't have to be involved. " He looked at me for a minute, before a smile crept onto his face. He stood up and hugged me. I let out a breath of relief that he wasn't mad or upset.

"Olivia, that's great. Let's go take a test! And just for the record. I won't ever leave, if you are than that's good. I want to have a family and experience everything together." He said as he pulled me into the bathroom. I smiled and took a test out. I peed on it, then set the timer on my phone for 5 minutes. We then went back into our room and waited for the timer to be done. "What do you want it t be?" Jesse asked me as I laid on his shoulder. I looked up into his eyes.

"I want to have a baby. I know it's obviously not ideal timing. but I was always told I could never have this chance. So it makes me feel good knowing that I can." I told him, and without knowing it. I placed my hand on my stomach. I didn't notice until Jesse did the same. I smiled and then we heard the timer go off.

"Let's go check." He said as we stood up. We both walked into the bathroom to see the test we laid down. I smiled when I saw 2 pink lines. I turned to Jesse with tears in my eyes. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. "Were having a baby!" he said as he kissed me. I smiled and he hugged me.

"We can schedule an appointment for tomorrow at the doctor. But I'm incredibly excited! I told him. he smiled and we kissed again. I took a picture of the test and sent it to marina. Once I stopped crying, we walked back into the living room where trinity was. We both sat down on the couch with her. She was on her phone talking to someone.

"Hey, Olivia. I'm on Facetime with RUdy again. I could go to my room if yall want." SHe said as we both sat down.

"Trinity, you don't have to ask. It's your house too."Jesse told her. she nodded and smiled. She went back to talking to Rudy again. I made my way next to her and sat down. RUdy smiled once I was in the camera.

"Hey, Olivia!" He said and waved at me. I waved back and smiled at him.

"Hey, Rudy. Hey trinity, were both going to sleep. Good Night." I said as I kissed her cheek. Rudy took a picture of it and he laughed at us. "Good Night Rudy," I said as I got up.

"Goodnight Livia. Goodnight Jesse," he called out to us both.

"Goodnight Trinity. Night Rudy." Jesse said as we started walking to our room.

"Goodnight Guys Love you both," Trinity called out. I looked to see Jesse smiling as she said that.

We went to our room and took showers. Once we got out. we were laid in bed when Jesse leaned down and whispered to my stomach.

"Hey, little one. It's your daddy, I love you so much. And I cant wait to meet you. Goodnight." HE told my stomach as he kissed it. I laughed a little as he made his way back to me. "GoodNight beautiful. I love you," he said and kissed my lips. I smiled and we both laid down and went to sleep.

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