《Jesse Lee Soffer》꧁𝙲𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚊꧂


I woke up the next morning at 6. I sat up a little and then felt Jesse start to wake up, I looked at him and he smiled at me.

"Good morning beautiful." He told me as he sat up as well. I smiled at him and leaned into his side.

"Good morning handsome." I told him, he kissed my head and we started like this for a little.

It was around 6:12. When I decided to take a shower.

"I'm taking a shower." I told him going to get my clothes. He nodded and smiled.

I took a shower then get dressed.

I then did my hair, once I was done. I walked back into the bedroom to see Jesse sitting down on his phone. I went towards him and sat down next to him, before I could say anything, he kissed me. I kissed back, we kissed for a second. Once we broke apart, he smiled at me.

"What was that for?" I asked him, he shrugged.

"Can't I just kiss my beautiful girlfriend." He said, I laughed a little. "I'm taking a shower real fast." He said, he got up and went to the bathroom.

I sat down and looked at my phone. I noticed Patrick texted me. I replied to his message.

💛💛PATRICK💛💛 - Good morning best friend!

Me - good morning Patrick!

💛💛PATRICK💛💛 - are you excited for today?

Me - what's today?

💛💛PATRICK💛💛 - you get to see your sister.

Me - oh yeah, I'm so excited!

💛💛PATRICK💛💛 - when are you meeting her?

Me - once we land, I'm going to text her and then we're gonna meet up.

💛💛PATRICK💛💛 - is Jesse meeting her?

Me - yep. Do you want to see her as well.

💛💛PATRICK💛💛 - obviously! I need to be reunited with T!!

Me - okay. Once we land me, you, Marina, and Jesse can go meet up with her.

💛💛PATRICK💛💛 - I'm so excited!! Okay, got to go. See you at the airport.

Me - yeah, see you there!

Jesse walked in the room as I put my phone down.

"Who are you texting?" He asked me.

"Patrick." I told him. He went to his bag to put his shirt on, I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him, he looked down as he hugged me. "So, today once we land in California. Me, you, Patrick and marina are going to see my sister. Is that okay with you?" I asked him, I looked up at him. And he was smiling.


"Yeah. I can't wait to meet your sister!" He said getting happy. I laughed a little, and he kissed my head. "Do you think she'll like me?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, I think she will. But she's really excited to see Patrick again!" I told him. He smiled at me.

"Have you talked to her about what she told Patrick?" He asked looking down at me. I looked down at the ground. And shook my head.

"I want to do it in person. I was hoping to do it sometime today." I told him truthfully. He nodded and smiled. He kissed my head.

"I'll support you no matter what." He told me, I smiled and looked up into his eyes. I leaned up and kissed his lips. He kissed back. Once we broke apart, we got our bags all ready.

"If we leave now, do you think we can get coffee!" I asked getting really happy. He let out a laugh, then nodded. I grabbed his hand and pulled him down to the lobby. But we bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I said looking up, it was nick and Miranda.

"Oh hey guys!" Jesse said.

"Hey, you guys going to the airport?" Nick asked us. We nodded

"But not before coffee!" I said. Miranda smiled really big.

"Can we tag along. I really need coffee." She said, I nodded and we all walked to an Uber together. Once we got in, we asked the person to take us to Starbucks. The man drove us there, once we arrived, we walked in.

We walked up to the counter. "Hi, what can I get you all today?" The man asked us.

"Hi, can I get a small iced coffee." I asked him. He nodded and added it to the computer.

"Can I also have a small iced coffee." Jesse said. He added it the computer as well.

"Can I get iced green tea?" Miranda asked him with a smile. He nodded and smiled back to her. He added it to the computer.

"Can I just have a normal black coffee please." Nick told the guy. He added it to the computer.

"Okay, we will have that right out." He told us. I hand him my card before anyone else could.

"Here you go." I told him as I handed it to him. He smiled and took it from me.

He handed the card Back. I smiled and but it up, we sat down at a table as we waited for our coffee.


"Drinks for Olivia!" The guy Called out. We all walked up and got out drinks.

"Thank you sir." I told him as I took the drink. He smiled and nodded.

I looked at my cup and saw it had some writing on it. It said 'your really pretty, wait for me, I'll be off it 5 minutes. Or call me sometime ;) my number is 980-903-7145' my eyes widened when I saw it, I grabbed Jesses drink and switched it with mine.

"Hey!" He called out. I didn't listen though. I just looked at him. "What's wrong with your cup?" He asked me. I just looked down at the writing. He followed my gaze, and read what it said. He then pulled the paper off the cup and crumbled it up and threw it away. He leaned down and kissed me after he threw it away. He made the kiss really passionate. Once we finished the kiss, I looked at him.

"What was that for?" I asked him, he shrugged and held my hand. We walked back to the Uber. The guy was walking out the door, he was looking at me and Jesse, he winked at me, and I pulled myself closer to Jesse. He started to walk closer, so I made Jesse walk closer.

"It's okay beautiful. I got you." Jesse whispered to me, I smiled as we got to the car, we both got in with marina and nick. Once we were in, they were looking at us weirdly.

"What took so long?" Miranda asked. Jesse told them what happened and nick laughed. But he stopped once Jesse gave him a look. We drove to the airport. Once we got there, it was 7:50. We asked in and saw the cast together.

"Olivia! Jesse!" Morgan yelled as we walked over. I smiled and gave her a hug.

"Hi Morgan!" I greeted her. She then went to Jesse and he picked her up.

"Hey Morgan!" He told her she wrapped her legs around his waist. He gave me his hand to hold, we went up to the rest of the cast.

"So, I have a question." Jesse Spencer said as he looked at me and Jesse.

"Yeah, me to!" Kara yelled out. She then looked at me.

"What?" I asked them both as Kara walked over to me, she leaned down and whispered in my ear, "did you say I love you to Jesse?" She asked me. I nodded and she squealed. Everyone then looked at us. I laughed a little. She walked back to where her stuff was. We heard over to inner come, saying our plane was ready to board. We went walked on the plane, and put our stuff on it. We then took out seats. I was leaning my head and Jesse arm.

"Where you jealous? At the coffee place?" I asked him, he looked down at me.

"How could I not be. Knowing that someone wanted to try and be with you? While we're together. That drove me insane." He told me, I smiled and leaned up and kissed him.

"Don't be jealous, I only want you." I told him. He smiled and pecked my lips again, before we both got comfortable in our seats. Once we were able to move again, Morgan came and sat with us.

"Can we watch a movie?" She asked me. I nodded and put on a Disney movie. She smiled. And got settled in Jesse lap. I smiled at how cute they where.

Once we landed, we took an Uber to our hotel. Once we put our stuff in our rooms. I changed into an outfit to go meet my sister.

I left my hair the same as the airport. And I put on some mascara, once I was down, I walked out and saw Jesse and marina sitting there.

"Hey guys!" I said as I walked out. Then Patrick walked in through the door. He waved at me.

"Hey, ready!" Patrick asked getting excited.

"Yeah, let's go." I replied. "Let me text trinity to see where we're meeting at." They all nodded.

Me - hey T! Where are we meeting at? And is it okay if my boyfriend Jesse, Patrick and my friend marina come?

Trinity👯‍♀️ - Hey O! I'm about to go on a lunch breaks so we can meet now, I'll just ask my director is I can take a longer lunch. And how about this diner. It's called Red! And I don't care who comes!

Me - okay, can't wait. We'll meet you there!

Trinity👯‍♀️ - okay, see you there sis!

"Hey guys, she said we can meet at a diner called 'Reds'." I told them as we got outside. We all nodded and got in an Uber.

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