《Jesse Lee Soffer》꧁𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝚈𝚘𝚛𝚔꧂


We got up at 1 am and had to go to the airport. I got changed and got my stuff.

We then drove to the airport and met the cast there. I saw Elias and Morgan, so I picked Morgan up and held her. We walked onto the plane and took out seats. They were the same as last time, and Morgan sat with me again. Me and Morgan slept the whole ride their. We laid on Jesse. Once we arrived, it was 6:14. We got an Uber to take everyone to the hotel we were staying at. All the girl went to marinas room, and the guys went to someone's room. We all got ready together, and I helped Morgan.

Once I was done, I did Morgan's hair and got her outfit ready. We walked to the lobby floor and saw everyone.

"Hey!" Miranda calmed our to them. Everyone looked at us and waved.

"You look really good!" Patrick told marina. She blushed a little and smiled.

Everyone greeted each other. Me and Morgan walked over to Jesse.

"Hi." He told us as we got closer. We both smiled.

"Hi, do you like my dress?" Morgan asked spinning around to make her dress poof out. He let out a small laugh.

"I love it! You look amazing!" He told her. She smiled and ran to Elias.

"Olivia, you look absolutely beautiful." He told me. I smiled and blushed a little.

"Thank you." I replied. He pulled me closer to him and kissed me. I kissed back, once we broke apart, everyone was looking at us.

"Ugh, stop rubbing it in that you dating!" Patrick yelled at us. I smiled as him and nick walked over to us. I tried to move away and over towards Kara. But Jesse held onto my hand. We walked to the Uber, and into the building for our press stuff. The whole time, Jesse never let go of my hand. Once we got there, it was the same routine as before. We walked in, and saw dick with waiting. He gave us our schedules. We had to same groups, so we started walking off.

We just finalized everything around 4, so we walked over the our Uber, we got in and drove back to the hotel. We were the second group there. It was us and the med cast. As we arrived, we started to go to our room, but we got a text from Torrey.

Torrey💇🏼‍♀️ - hey guys! Who wants to come to my room and watch movies?

Jesse😍😍 - Me and Olivia will come.

💛PATRICK💛- me and marina will be there to.

Nick🩺 - I'm going!

We turned around and started walking to her room, once we got there, we knocked on the door. It opened and we saw nick. He smiled at us as we walked in. Everyone was sitting down already. We walked in and sat down as well. It was me Jesse, and Marina on the small couch. Nick and Patrick on the bigger couch. And then Torrey in a chair. They picked some movie. It was us, Why do we always watch horror movies! Jesse and me where holding hands. I wasn't really paying attention to the movie. I was on my phone with marina. I got off my phone.

"I'm hungry!" Patrick complained.

"Honestly me to." Nick agreed. Jesse and Torrey shook their heads.

"Want a pizza, or to order some food?" Torrey asked.

"Not pizza. That's all we eat!" Patrick said everyone laughed a little.


"How about Chinese?" Jesse offered. Everyone agreed, so they ordered their food. The food came a little later. Everyone started eating and talking.

"So, what's everyone doing tomorrow?" Nick asked us all.

"Not sure." I replied.

"Actually, I have something for me and Olivia." Jesse spoke up. I looked at him confused.

"Wait what?" I asked him, he just shrugged. Everyone was looking at us.

Then Jesses phone went off. He looked at Patrick.

"Why would I tell you?" He said with a laugh. Patrick got sad.

"Can I come?" He asked getting happy again.

"Paddy, I think it's a date." Torrey told him, his smile returned to a frown.

"Not fair." He said upset. He gave me a look.

"Don't look at me, I didn't plan this." I told putting my hands up in defense. He shrugged agreeing with me.

"Anyway... is everyone else excited for California?" Marina asked. I smiled

"Yeah I am!" I said getting happy.

"On our day off their, we should go to Disney!" Torrey exclaimed. We all agreed.

"I'm happy to go to California! Like really really happy!" Patrick said while looking at me. I gave him a confused look.

"Why'd you look at me like that?" I asked him. He smiled and I knew what he was talking about.

"Patrick can I see you phone?" I asked him. He furrowed his eyebrows together.

"Umm, sure." He said as he threw his phone over to me.

"Here, take mine." Jesse started to say. But I looked at him. So I put his back up. "Or Nevermind." Marina then looked at me, her and Jesse looking over my shoulder.

"Why do you need his phone?" Torrey asked me.

"Because, I know why he's happy to go to California." I told her.

"Why!" Nick yelled. I smiled at Patrick.

"My sister is filming in California. And she had the biggest crush on Patrick. And when me and Patrick got closer, so did they. And they used to talk all the time." It said looking at Patrick. He smiled at me.

"Yeah, and because of it, I can tell you many embarrassing story about Olivia, like this one time, we were at Disney with her family..." he started to say. But I cut him off.

"Shut up!" I yelled. He smiled and everyone looked at us.

"What was he going to say?" Jesse asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"Nothing, and don't ask him please." It said looking at him. He nodded and kissed my check.

"Anything for you." He told me, I smiled and looked back at Patrick's phone.

"So, why do you need his phone?" Marina asked.

"I want to see what him and my sister were talking about." I said as I unlocked it with his password.

"Wait, don't look!" He yelled. I smiled and shrugged. "Olivia, I'm serious!" He said again trying to get his phone back.

"Why not, what's there to hide, it's just her messages with you." I told him he was still trying to get his phone. "Patrick stop, please. What's the matter with it?" I asked him, he looked down.

"Just promise you won't over react?" He asked me. What would I over react about. I looked at him really confused. "Please promise?" He said again.

"Okay, I promise." I told him. I then unlocked his phone and went to his messages. And looked at him and my sisters.


Patrick - hey T!!

Trinity👑 - Hey Patrick!

Patrick - it's been so long, how have you been?

Trinity👑 - really good, but I miss seeing you and my sister🥺

Patrick - aww, I miss you to!

Patrick - so, yesterday I was watching TV, and i saw you acting! When did this happen?

Trinity👑 - I don't know, I was just modeling, and someone offered me a job. I wasn't going to do it. But I saw how good acting was for you and Olivia. So I decided to try it.

Trinity 👑 - and I really wanted to get away.

Patrick - get away form what?

Trinity 👑 - home! Dad has been worse then he used to be.

Patrick - I'm so sorry Trinity. Are you okay?

Trinity👑 - yeah, it was only on weekends. And then through the week he acted as if nothing happened.

Patrick - T, I had no idea. Have you said anything to anyone.

Trinity👑 - no I'm to scared. What if he takes it to far, like he did with Olivia. I don't want to get hurt!

Patrick - trinity! Listen, you can't go back to him. After filing if you talk to your sister, she let you stay with her. Or come with me. But DON'T go back to your dad.

Trinity 👑 - but what if Olivia thinks I'm like a disappointment because I couldn't get him to stop.

Patrick - she won't think that. But I just want you to be safe.

Trinity 👑- I'm going to tell her in person. thank you so much Patrick! Your always there for me and Olivia.

Patric - I'll always be here for you and Livi. That's never gonna change.

Patrick - did Olivia tell you where coming to California for press!

Trinity 👑- yeah! I can't wait to see you and see Olivia! And meet her boyfriend 😁😁

Patrick - yeah, you'll like Jesse. And we can't wait to meet you!

Trinity 👑 - okay, I have to go, I have to film!!

Patrick - okay. Stay in touch.

Trinity 👑- definitely! And I'll see you when you come to California! Text me so we can meet!

Patrick - of course. Bye T! And Remember what I said. Love you!

Trinity 👑 - I will, bye Patrick. Love you too.

Was, my dads hitting her to!! Since when! Why wouldn't she tell me! I then realized everyone was looking at me. I stood up and all eyes followed me.

"Excuse me." I said as I started walking to the door.

"Wait Olivia!" I heard Jesse say I didn't listen, but kept walking to the door. Why'd I let this happen. I should have helped her. This is my fault.

I walked to my room and walked in, as soon and I came inside, I broke down crying.

I heared the door open, then close. I didn't bother to look up. I felt someone sit down beside me.

"Olivia, what's wrong?" I heard them say. It was Jesse. I didn't answer but gave him Patrick phone that I was still holding. After he read it, he looked at me. He sat the phone down and pulled my into his arms.

"Olivia. I'm so sorry." He said.

"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault. It's my fault if anything." As I said that, I heard the door open again. This time I looked up and saw Patrick.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he sat down beside me. I shook my head no. And he wrapped his arms around me. I was still crying.

"Liv, I'm sorry. I didn't want to tell you. T, said she wanted to tell you in person." He told me, I nodded.

"I know, thank you for helping her." I told him, he smiled.

"I'll always help you and her no matter what!" He told me. I smiled and nodded, I looked at Jesse.

"Olivia, why'd you say it was your fault? You couldn't control this?" Jesse asked as I looked over at him.

"I know I couldn't control it, but still. If I hadn't have left, she wouldn't be in this situation. And she was to embarrassed to tell me. It's like she doesn't trust me." I told him as more tears fell, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head.

"Olivia, listen. What he's doing isn't right. And you didn't cause any of it to happen. She wasn't embarrassed to tell you, and she does trust you. But she see how good you where doing, and how you had gotten away, and where strong and independent. And she didn't want to disappoint you. She wanted to be strong like you." He told me. I nodded.

"I know." I said. After a moment of no one saying anything, I looked at them both. "Thank you both got everything. It means a lot. Your both always there for me." I told them both as I looked in between the two.

"I'll always be here, that will never change." Patrick said as he wrapped me in a hug.

"I'll be here, I'm not going to leave you. I'll be with you every step of the way, you don't have to thank me." Jesse said as he hugged me and kissed my head. I smiled up at him.

"I feel bad for leaving everyone like that." I told them but I didn't move form Jesses embrace.

"Don't, everyone understands it was personal stuff, I think marina was really worried." Patrick told me. I smiled. And laid my head on Jesses chest. I started to shut my eyes, and he sat back in the couch. So did Patrick. Then I heard a knock at the door. I went to open it. Once I opens it, I saw marina standing there, she looked really worried. Once she noticed I opened the door, she swung her arms around me, and engulfed me in a huge hug. I smiled and hugged her back.

"Olivia! Are you okay, I was so worried. And I didn't know what happened. And Jesse and Patrick kept saying it was personal. I tried texting and calling, but you didn't answer. And I called them two. But neither of them answered either. Then I realized you left you phone. And I didn't know what went wrong. And I wanted to make sure you where okay. Please tell me your okay!!" She told me all of that, I looked at her as she said it. And we didn't break eye contact.

"I'm okay, I promise. And It's personal stuff. Thank you for worrying so much." I told her. She pulled me into another hug.

"Tank god! I didn't want anything to happen to you." She said with a smile. I smile to, and we went to sit down. I sat in Jesses lap, and he wrapped his arms around me and I laid my head in his shoulder. Marina and Patrick sat next to us. I gave Patrick the remote.

"Find something to watch." I told him. He nodded and out on some show. I wasn't paying attention at all. I was playing with Jesses hair. We stayed like that, just us four watching TV laying together. It was around 9:40. When I fell asleep. I woke up around 10. And Patrick and marina where about to leave.

"Good night guys." Marina said as I stood up and hugged her, she then hugged Jesse. Then I turned to Patrick he wrapped me in a big hug, and said goodnight. After that, me and Jesse walked back into the room. I went to go take a shower. After that, I got changed and walked back in the room, to see Jesse shirtless and laying down. I smiled and laid next to him. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Good night beautiful." He whispered. He then kissed my head. I smiled and looked up at him. I kissed him. He kissed me back, and after we broke apart, I laid back down.

"Good night handsome." I told him. I then shut my eyes and went to sleep.

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