《Jesse Lee Soffer》꧁𝙳𝚊𝚢𝟸꧂


The next morning, I woke up and saw Jesse laying next to me. I smiled and got out of bed. I checked my phone, to see it was only 4 in the morning. Why did I wake up? I heard a noise behind me and spun around quickly.

"What are you doing up?" Jesse asked his voice really groggy. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I woke up." I answered him. He nodded and walked over to me. He wrapped my arms around my body, and put his head on my head. While I laid my head on his chest.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. I nodded against his chest. "You sure, you can always talk to me." He reassured me. I smiled up at him.

"I know, and thank you. It means a lot, to know I'll always have you. But I'm good." I told him. He kissed my lips. I kissed back, then a couple seconds later, we broke apart.

"Do you want to lay down again? Or watch some T.V ?" He asked me. I shrugged.

"I'm not really tired anymore." I told him honestly.

"T.V it is then." He said a guided my to the couch. I sat down, and he laid down. His head was in my lap and I was running my fingers threw his hair. We turned on some show. But neither of us pay attention. I was on my phone, and he was almost asleep.

Jesse was asleep and I was watching a show that my younger sister is in. Her sister is trinity williams.

(A/N - so I'm this character is based off of trinity linkins. She plays jellybean Jones form riverdale. Shr is still going to be acting in riverdale, but I just changed her last name to match Olivias. And like I said in an earlier chapter. She is 15. IRL, she's actually 14. But she's some I've had in mind to be her sister!😙)

I texted her quickly.

Me - Hey T. I had no idea you were acting in a new show! Congrats!!

I pressed send on the message and looked at the time. It was 5:46. I wasn't sure if we were meeting the cast today or not. So I decided to get ready just in case. I went to my clothes and picked out an outfit, then did my hair.

I then walked out into the living room, and saw Jesse still asleep. He looks to precious. I smiled at him, and walked over to where he was. I woke him up. He was startled at first, but quickly calmed down. He smiled at me.

"Hey baby." He told me. I smiled at what he called me.

"Good morning." I told him. He sat up.

"You look wonderful." He told me as he examined my outfit. I smiled towards him.


"Thank you. Do you want to get ready?" I replied back to him. He nodded and stood up.

"What do we have todo today?" He asked as he walked into the room to get clothes. I followed him back there and sat on the bed as he got his clothes.

"Not sure. I was getting ready just in case." I told him. He nodded and went to the bathroom, he came back a couple minutes later and was all changed.

"Want me to text Patrick and ask what we're doing." He told me as he walked back into the room. I shook my head.

"I'll text the group chat and ask." I told him. He nodded and sat down beside me. I grabbed my phone and he looked over my shoulder as I typed.

Me - Hey! Does anyone know if we have stuff to do today?

💜💜MARINA🥳 - me and Patrick just talked to dick. He said today's a free day. And tomorrow we go to New York! Then we spend two days there, then California!!

KARA❤️❤️ - is we have a free day, what are you guys doing?

Torrey💇🏼‍♀️ - not sure what I'm doing. I haven't even changed yet! 😂😂

MIRANDA💖💖 - we should all do something today!!

💛PATRICK💛 - both you two come to our room. And we can hangout today.

ME- alright, we're coming now.

Jesse😍😍 - coming just for Patrick!🥰

Me- I thought we agreed that I was still your favorite!😭

💜💜MARINA🥳 - Your still my favorite! But hurry I want to see your pretty face!!

Jesse😍😍 - Ha! I get to see her beautiful face all the time! And I get to kiss her!! 😘😘😘

💛PATRICK💛 - Please hurry!!

Once we arrived, we knocked on the door, It opens a second later and it was marina. We walked inside but I gave her a huge hug. She hugged back, once we separated, we saw Jesse and Patrick hugging.

"Remember, we're sharing him!" I told Patrick. He smiled

"I know, I know. Quit reminding me." He yelled back. We all sat down in chairs. Marina and Jesse on the couch, while me and Patrick where in the two chairs.

"So, what are we doing?" Marina asked. I shrugged.

"Let's just go walk around some places." Patrick called out. We all agree and then left. On our way leaving, we saw Jesse Spencer, Taylor, Collin, Torrey, and Kara. I smiled towards them.

"Hey guys, what are y'all doing." Kara asked us.

"Nothing really. Gonna walk some places." Patrick replied. They smiled.

"Where y'all going?" I asked them.

"Not sure yet. But gonna start with breakfast!" Collin replied. I nodded and smiled.

"Well, see y'all later." I told them as we walked off. We're about to leave when we saw Elias, Nick, Morgan, and Miranda talking.


"Jesse!!" Morgan exclaimed as she ran to him. He smiled and gave her a hug.

"What's up Morgan!" He said to her. She smiled and looked at us.

"Where are you guys going?" She asked getting excited.

"No where really! Gonna walk around and go to a few places." Patrick told her with a smile.

"Can I come!" Morgan asks us. I shrugged and looked at everyone else.

"Of course! Just because your so cute!!" Marina told her. She smiled.

"But ask your dad first." I told her with a smile. She nodded and walked to her dad.

Elias looked at us to see if we were okay with it. We all nodded, then Morgan came back over.

"I can go!!" She told us. We all smiled and started walking.

We walked around for a bit, stoping at a couple places to look around.

We took a lot of pictures, and posted a lot of stuff on Instagram. We eventually made our way to the hotel again. It was around 4 pm. And we all went to Elias room. We knocked and heard someone yell come in. We walked in and saw Nick, Miranda, Elias, and Dick, sitting around the living room. We all joined them sitting down.

It was me, Jesse, Elias, Morgan, and dick on the couch. Marina and Patrick where on the shorter couch. And nick and Miranda where sitting the the chairs. They had a movie turned on.

"So, what'd you guys do today?" Dick asked us.

"Nothing really. Just walked around a little." Patrick replied.

"Morgan, how was your day?" Nick asked her. She smiled really big.

"Great! I loved it. I love being with Olivia!" She said, Jesse made a small 'Hmph' noise with his mouth, so she added, "and Jesse." She said with a huge smile. And a giggle at the last part.

"Wow Morgan, so glad you enjoy my company." Jesse said sarcastically.

"Oh Shh." I told him. He looked down at me, she I stuck my tongue out. He acted upset. But still had a smile.

"Your a terrible actor." I told him. He laughed a little.

"Darn, looks like a need a new job. With new people. And I'll have to leave everyone at Chicago Pd." He said looking at me and Patrick.

"No!" Me and Patrick called out at the same time.

He smiled down at me.

"I would never leave you beautiful!" He said and kissed my head. "And I'll never leave Patrick either!" He said looking at Patrick with a smile.

We all watched a movie and TV, and ordered pizza. Me and marina and Miranda weren't hungry. But he boys sure did like it. Marina was picking a different show, and she saw riverdale.

"I love this show! It's so dramatic about everything!" She said with a laugh while putting it on.

The first person on it was my sister. Patrick turned and looked at me.

"When did you sister start acting?" He asked. I shrugged.

"This is her first job. She just started this week." I told him. Jesse looked at me.

"I didn't know your sister acted." he told me sounding surprised.

"Yeah, she didn't really just start. She was just a model, but someone called and asked if she wanted to be on a show. So she decided to go for it." I told him. He smiled down at me, everyone went back to watch the show.

"Will I ever meet her?" He whispered down to me.

"Yes. She's filming in California. So when we go to do our meetings there, then you'll meet her." I told him with a smile. "When do I meet your siblings?" I asked him with a questionable smile. He smiled back down.

"Whenever you want. They live in New York." He told me. I nodded and laid my head on his chest. We kept watching TV. Until it got to be around 10. Morgan already went to sleep.

"I'm going to call it a night." Nick said getting up to leave.

"Yeah, us to, since we leave tomorrow." Patrick said as him and marina stood up.

"Thanks for letting us hang out, see you guys tomorrow." Nick said as them three left.

"Guess I'm going to." Miranda said as she stood up. She told everyone goodbye and left.

"Us to. See you guys." Jesse told Elias and dick as we left. I told everyone bye, we walked back out room I took a shower, then we both laid down.

"Good night beautiful." Jesse said as he kissed my head.

"Good night Jesse." I told him and I leaned up and kissed him. He smiled into the kiss and kissed back. After we broke apart, I laid back down on his chest. And fell asleep.

A/N - I forgot to put in the messages between Olivias sister and her. So here they are now. Sorry!"

Trinity👯‍♀️ - Hey O! I just started acting! Thank you!

Me - Anytime! I want to see you sometime!

Trinity👯‍♀️ - for sure! I'm missing my big sister like crazy!!

Me - where are you filming at?

Trinity 👯‍♀️- I'm in California! Your in Chicago right?

Me- yeah I am! I'm acting going on a tour for my show, and I'll be in California in a couple days!

Trinity👯‍♀️- we should meet up! I can't wait!!

Me - definitely! I think Patrick will be happy to see you again!

Trinity👯‍♀️ - yes!! I miss pat! Can't wait!

Me- me either!

Trinity 👯‍♀️- I have to go, about to start filming.

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