《Ouran Host Club X Reader: A Little Bit Crazy》Pregnancy & Babies: Haruhi


Finding Out:

Haruhi runs in, bright smile on her face. "Guess what?! The donor sperm worked!" You jump up and hug her excitedly. "Yay~! We're going to have a baby~!" You and Haruhi wanted a child, so you two decided to get donor sperm. You chose Haruhi to carry the child because you weren't sure about your past medical conditions, and didn't want to risk anything. The sperm donor was actually a friend of yours, Ciel. You had met him while in Britain. He was young back then, but now he's in his early twenties and looks very handsome. You and Haruhi both agreed that you would be happy to have a baby with his genes. You were so happy that a baby was on the way!

After Birth:

The doctors were in utter shock, Haruhi was surprised, and you were livid. You yelled at Ciel, scaring him to the core. (Which is saying A LOT considered what he's been through.) "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU WERE PART DEMON, NOW MY CHILD IS GOING TO BE DEMON CHILD! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS FOR DEMON CHILDREN TO GET INTO GOOD SCHOOLS?!" He tried to calm you down. "Sorry, sometimes I forget that I'm a 114-year-old demon. I only remember either when something relating to demon powers happen, or when Sebastian shows up for a visit." You slap him. "HOW COULD YOU FORGET THAT YOU'RE A BLOODY DEMON! YOU ARE THE WORST FRIEND EVER!" Haruhi sighed and spoke up. "It's okay, (Y/N). Kaage actually seems quite calm, and not very demonic. The only demonic thing about him is that his brown eyes sometimes glow purple." You look at the little blue-black haired child, snuggling into Haruhi and softly cooing while looking at you with his glowing purple eyes. Ciel slipped out of your grip. "Since he's young, he can't control what little powers he has. So far, it looks like he only has the glowing eyes. Once he gets used to them, they'll only show up either when he commands them to, or when he's in demon form, if he even has one." You stab his hand with a pen. "Get the fuck out and let me cuddle my child with my wife." He leaves along with the very concerned doctors.


1 Year:

Kaage was already speaking in full sentences, which scared you a little. His eyes now only glowed when he was angry or sad. He was quite cute for a demon child. Ciel stopped by once in awhile to check on him and make sure he had his powers in check. He also checked his teeth whenever he visited, but didn't say why. Kaage called Haruhi 'Mama' and you 'Mommy', and called Ciel 'Unca C'. The rest of the Host Club loved Kaage, even though he was part demon. He was family, just like any of the other Host Club kids. Everything seemed fine, but you were still suspicious.

2 Years:

Kaage was able to walk without falling down, and could talk very well now. He could also read. You and Haruhi were very proud of him. But one night while Haruhi was out working, Kaage came up to you and said "Mommy, he's talking to me again. I didn't say anything before cuz he said he was a friend, but now he's asking me to go with him." You whip your head to him and pick him up. "Who?!" He points to his closet. "He talks through there. I can't see him, but he says his name is Luci-fer." You quickly leave the room, shutting the door and locking it, then call Ciel. He arrives just as you finish explaining to Haruhi, who just came home, what's happening. Ciel checks Kaage's teeth, seeing tiny little fangs. "Damnit, I wasn't careful enough. See, Lucifer arrives to pick up a child of the dark when their fangs show up. He wants to take Kaage to train him in Hell. It happened to me too after I was turned. But, he doesn't really care if a few are missed. You just need to ward him off and he'll leave you alone. He isn't desperate to snatch demon children to Hell. He's already got plenty of demons." Ciel put up warding in Kaage's closet, and around the doorframe to the house. After that, Kaage stopped hearing Lucifer's calls, and everything was fine.


Starting School:

Kaage made some friends on his first day of school as soon as he stepped out of the car. Everyone thought his fangs, blue hair, and sometimes glowing purple eyes were so cool. The parents were a little weary, but were fine when you explained that he had his powers under control and Satan wasn't after him anymore. Haruhi often set up playdates for Kaage and his friends. There were no problems, and everyone was happy. The calm years.

High School:

Kaage had gained the ability of mind control when he hit puberty. He felt uncomfortable with the power, but learned how to control it so he wouldn't accidentally use it. The only time he used it was when he saw a guy trying to force a girl to go with him. He used his power to make the guy leave and turn himself in to the cops. He wasn't going to Ouran Academy like his moms, but his high school was pretty decent. He was popular with girls because he looked like a vampire, and popular with the guys because he was cool with his super fast reflexes and inhuman strength. He didn't really like people, and he knew he would probably live hundreds of years past them.

First partner:

He never dated in high school. Or college. Because no one really liked him for him, just for his powers and looks. He also knew that if he had a human partner, he would outlive them by hundreds of years. If he found a demon partner, they would surely outlive him for eternity. So he just chilled with some friends while he could.


Kaage graduated college with a Ph.D. in both medicine and ancient lore. He lives with his four friends in a nice penthouse, bought you and Haruhi the big apartment on the floor just below, and will probably live till the year 4050.


A/N: This chapter got really weird and has more plot than the others, but oh well. Stories done now. Finished. I'm finally. Done. Bye.

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