《Ouran Host Club X Reader: A Little Bit Crazy》Pregnancy & Babies: Hikaru


Finding Out:

You screamed, which caused your husband to run into the bathroom where you were. "What is it?!" You glare at him. "I thought I was sick, but was late for my period as well, so I decided to take this test. Guess what?! YOU GOT ME PREGNANT!" Hikaru's face pales. "Shit! What are we gonna do? We're fresh out of college and don't know how to take care of a baby!" You take his hand and look into his eyes...then flick his forehead. "We're going to go buy a bunch of baby books and start preparing for it. Baka." He rubbed his forehead pouted. "Why'd you flick me...?"

After Birth:

You had twins. Two, (H/C) haired, auburn eyed babies. Ataru and Astushi. Nearly identical boy and girl. The only difference was their gender. Ataru was already moving around, trying to blink, making random noises. Atsushi was fussy though. You look to Hikaru and you both share a scared look. "It's TWINS. And they're OUR kids." Hikaru sighs. "Welp. Time to fireproof, biteproof, and stabproof everything in the house. And buy tons of baby gates."

1 Year:

They were only a year old, and already little demons. They were little angels before they turned one. But now they break, bite, and kick everything! And they team up! You and Hikaru have had to replace everything in the twice this week alone! They were like Satan's spawns. Which makes sense considering they're Hikaru's and your children. Good thing the little demons liked taking naps.

2 Years:

Atura and Astushi were more calm now. They were still mischievous and conniving devils, but less stuff was broken and there was less hitting and biting. Atura was the one that would make the plan and help Atsushi with her part of the plan. Then if they were caught, Astushi would be all cute and 'innocent' for them both. It never worked. You and Hikaru knew their tricks. They were the tricks the two of you would use. Eventually, the twins became more behaved.


Starting School:

Atura and Astushi were extremely nice to their classmates. They got along well with everyone, only getting in trouble once for playing a harmless prank on the teacher. You look to your husband. "They definitely take after you." He smiles. "But they have your brains and beauty." You both sigh and say together, "I fear for the world."

High School:

The twins were the trendsetters of the school. I mean, of course they were when their dad and uncle owned their own fashion company. They were even allowed to make their own line for their birthday. The school now allowed students to wear whatever clothes they wanted, provided it didn't show anything inappropriate (I understand that differs depending on the region, but I'm talking about like private parts and chest), but the twins' school outfits were a similar style to western and European uniforms, like the ones in American private schools, or British schools. But more fashionable of course. Atura was the most good looking guy in school. Floofy (H/C) hair, bright and sharp auburn eyes, face shaped like his fathers, your skin tone but a shade lighter (change it to shade darker if you're like albino or something), and a short-ish medium frame. (Very toned, but not muscle-y, and he's like 5'4.) Atsushi was one of the prettiest girls in school. (Tamaki's daughter was the prettiest. What~? She's a mix of a supermodel looking French guy, and the prettiest Japanese gender-fluid person.) Silky and long (H/C) hair, bright and lively auburn eyes, face shaped like yours, skin tone matching her brother's, and a short petite frame. (Short with thin waist, kind of hourglass shaped. Not that toned, but a little bit from gym class) They were popular, and used that popularity to change social standards. "They're not 'commoners', they're people." "Why should someone's sexuality or preferred pronouns bother you? They're not forcing you to be that too. So don't force them to be like you." "Social classes? Why not united masses?" "We're all human, start acting like it."


First Boyfriends:

Atura gained a crush on Keiji, the vice president of his class, when he smiled at him and praised his efforts in opening up people's minds about the LGBTQ community and getting rid of social classes. They worked together a lot on little speeches and fun events to get people to understand more. Keiji always told Atura when he might be going a bit too far with his speeches, and helped him with calmly answering haters' questions. They got to know each other very well, and soon started dating. They were very happy together and were a perfect couple. Sadly, Keiji's family moved out of the country, and the time zones were too different to call or vid chat. They broke up, but promised to see each other again when they could. With Atsushi, her first boyfriend wasn't so great. It was a toxic relationship. He would be all cutesy and hold her hands and kiss her, then he would disappear for days and then get pissed when she asked about it and yell at her, then he'd 'apologize' and buy her gifts and tell her he loved her. She eventually dumped his sorry ass and decided to go on a full on cleanse to get rid of the negativity. She focused on her health, stability, life, friends, and family.


Atura was eventually reunited with Keiji and they rekindled their love. They're living together now and have adopted a kitten and puppy. Atsushi opened up yoga studio and health bar, where she met her future husband Eiji. Eiji tends the health bar, and is a very down to earth guy. He appreciates everything in his life, including the people. He treats Atsushi very well and loves her very much. Their wedding is in April, the whole family (Host Club included) is going.

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